Here are the NeHe OpenGL Tutorial Demos originally ported by Hodglim for GL4Java >=

This demos have added requestFocus() statements, especially for the events: mouseEntered and mouseClicked !

  The Java2 (sdk, jre, plugin 1.3) policy file example to give GL4Java the necessary permissions (Click here) !

 Lesson 1 : Lesson 1 - Setting Up OpenGL In Windows

 Lesson 2 : Lesson 2 - Your First Polygon

 Lesson 3 : Lesson 3 - Colors

 Lesson 4 : Lesson 4 - Rotation

 Lesson 5 : Lesson 5 - Solid Objects

 Lesson 6 : Lesson 6 - Texture Mapping

 Lesson 7 : Lesson 7 - Texture Filters, Lighting & Keyboard Control

 Lesson 8 : Lesson 8 - Blending

 Lesson 9 : Lesson 9 - Moving Bitmaps In 3D Space

 Lesson 10 : Lesson 10 - Loading And Moving Through A 3D World

 Lesson 11 : Lesson 11 - OpenGL Flag Effect

 Lesson 12 : Lesson 12 - Display Lists

 Lesson 16 : Lesson 16 - Cool Looking Fog

 Lesson 18 : Lesson 18 - Quadratics

 Lesson 19 : Lesson 19 - Particle Engine Using Triangle Strips