Logo applet
Originial author unknown
Ported to Java by Ron Cemer

Click inside the window, then press any of the following keys:
Up/down arrows: move the clipping plane in or out
Left/right arrows: rotate the model
z/Z: translate (move) the model in or out
1: render points only
2: render line drawing
3: render polygons
4: enable polygon smoothing
5: disable polygon smoothing
6: enable dithering
7: disable dithering
8: enable polygon stippling
9: disable polygon stippling
-: smooth shading
=: flat shading
q: disable culling
w: cull backfaces
e: cull frontfaces
r: frontfaces are counterclockwise (CCW)
t: frontfaces are clockwise (CW)
y/u: change stippling pattern
a: enable texturing; use brick texture
s: enable texturing; use checkered texture
d: disable texturing
f: texure modulate mode
g: texure decal mode