
5.1 Makefile\dag

To manage the project, we wrote a makefile (used with make). Our makefile is able to generate the complete code, the demos, the documentation and the archived packages. The makefile resides in the projects root directory and is splitten into two files:

A symbols.mak&sstarf#star; file must be created or copied & edited for each platform and linked to symbols.mak. We support some symbols.mak files like:

5.1.1 Makefile Invokation

Here is the part of the makefile, which describes the different actions, which are possible !

# for general creation (java + native-lib) invoke:
# make x11	: create java and native lib for unix/x11
# make w32	: create java and native lib for windows32
# make mac	: create java and native lib for Macintosh
# to copy the class-files to DEST_CLASSES_DIR, invoke:
# make classcpy
# to save the native-library invoke after general creation:
# make unix2binpkg	: put the created unix-lib to the binpkg-dir
# make win2binpkg	: put the created win-lib to the binpkg-dir
# make mac2binpkg	: put the created macintosh-lib to the binpkg-dir
# to create the complete html documentation invoke
# make htmldoc		: unix
# make javadoc		: unix (javadoc only)
# make htmldocw32	: win32
# make javadocw32	: win32 (javadoc only)
# to put all together as an tar-gzip archive in the archive-dir, invoke:
# make archiv
# for cleanup (without archive and binpkg !!) invoke:
# make clean		: only temp-files (java, native)
# make cleannative	: only temp-files (native)
# make cleanall		: all temp-,java-,and native-files

5.1.2 Make-Scripts to generate the librarys\dag

To support a platform independed creation for the wrapper libraries for the different Unix platforms, we wrote a shell script therefor, which will be invoked by the makefile.

The following files contains the apropiate scripts:


sven goethel 2001-12-11