repackmpeg2-v0.9 - vdr-1.2.5-vdrcutter2.v2.patch - handles optional destination directory and with so, optional split arg. - updated packages - vdrsync- - vdr-1.2.5-vdrcutter2.v2.patch - added new split/cat semantics, mode: cat - repack all single 00*.vdr files to one resulting one .. mode: split - repack the n single 00*.vdr files to n results, good for episodes - uses now vdrcutter2 as default, assuming the rec_directory source is marked, but not cut ! this can be disabled, thus we assume the rec_directory source is allready cut ! repackmpeg2-v0.7 - vdrcutter2 - a standalone vdr-cutter for vdr recording directories, which incl. cutting marks ! - the resulting output is stdout - no split files ! - just apply the included vdr-1.2.5-vdrcutter2.patch to a vanilla vdr-1.2.5 - the patch adds a new target: vdrcutter2 - uses vdrcutter2, if mode is "cat" - i.e. not "single" files ! - uses vdrcutter2, if input-file is a directory, in this case, a vdr recording directory is assumed ! - dvdmenu-0.4.1-jau02 - updated to dvdmenu-0.4.1-jau02 repackmpeg2-v0.6-20030930 added very convinient support for DVD-V creation, incl. menu's: titles + audio ! this is achieved with a modified version of 's dvdmenu-0.3.0, dvdmenu-0.3.0-jau01. repackmpeg2-v0.5-20030929 - ATTTENTION the former version has a serious bug, while working on title-directories .. would remove all :-( THIS IS fixed now ! - added the usage of atd within reccmds.conf, so you can restart vdr and reload driver modules while converting ! repackmpeg2-v0.4-20030929 - more sophisticated reccmds.conf: - added better options within xforms.lst to being pushed by VDR: xform.lst syntax per line: mode deletesrc requantf dirname mode: cat - repack all single 00*.vdr files to one resulting one .. mode: single - repack the n single 00*.vdr files to n results, good for episodes deletesrc: true - delete source, delete the whole rec-dir deletesrc: false - keep source requantf: 1 - no requantization at all, keep good quality requantf: 1.1 - 2.0 - requantization, use requant to shrink size, this higher requantf, the less the quality, usual values: 1.4, 1.5, .. dirname: just the rec-dirname provided by reccmds.conf .. repackmpeg2-v0.3-20030928 - 1st approach of reccmds.conf - moves from X081 java demuxer to >=