VDR Plugin 'dvd' Revision History --------------------------------- 2005-01-24 Version 0.3.6-b02 - added respect to vdr 1.3.19 multiple ac3 audioid's, as well as converting ac3->lpcm with the same audio id's - use this only with vdr >= 1.3.19 2005-01-23 Version 0.3.6-b01 - fix vdr >= 1.3.18 audio selection - AUDIO and DOLBY type works fine now - this needs a little fix, since klaus has added support for multiple ac3 audio id's .. - backward trick and very-fast fwd trick is fixed ! - change audio switch from '1' to 'Audio' - changes for vdr-1.3.18 (is not ready yet) - add gain in setup for analog output - fixed backward play - add fields for Danish language texts - add fields for Estonian language texts - deactivate "new a/v sync code" it produced high CPU load - fixed PTS sync - fixed error in the replay display - add finnish translation (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg) - add 'data alignment indicator' Bit for AC3 loop through Firmware - add virtual plugin methods - move RegisterI18n(...) from Start() to Initialize() - fixed hightlight in menu - correct subtitle position (test) - fix audiostream selection - move 'forced subs' to VDR SpuDecoder - fix stop playing if message displayed 2004-06-24: Version 0.3.5-b06 - fixed segfault at plugin exit - fixed segfault in ac3 softdecoder - fixed AC3/DTS audiostream selection - remove 'forced subs' from setup - fixed video glitches at startup - remove code < vdr-1.3.7 it does not work - change stop to speedup exit 2004-06-17: Version 0.3.5-b05... - div by zero .. - dvd aspect .. - ReadAHead is boolean again - fetching dvd infos, only if necessary (new): bool UpdateBlockInfo(void); void UpdateVTSInfo(void); else, data is cached within player. - Try to use ReadAHead := true, and check dvd drive access/performance !! 2004-06-17: Version 0.3.5-b04 - many merges/fixes .. - highlight - QNX support - still/audio dvd's (hybrid dvd-audio) - dvd-v part only .. - pcm support started .. /** * the funny thing here is, that: * - it plays well within vdr-xine * - it plays broken with vdr/dvb itself (PlayVideo) * - it plays broken with bitstreamout (PlayAudio) */ 2004-06-10: Version 0.3.5-b02 - SPU AUTO PROBLEM: * #define FORCED_SUBS_ONLY_SEMANTICS * this was "weak"'s solution of a forced * SPU only stream choice, * which does _not_ work .. * * Problem: * - forcedDisplay | menu ctrseq within the SPU, * means kinda "just do it" * * - special SPU channels, which only shows up * e.g. if a klingon speaks klingon, * are handled by a special SPU channel id, * which dvdnav will choose for you automatic, * and if your appropriate language is set * as the default language ! * FIXME ?? * - correct pre-parse of SPU to check for forcedDisplay ctrl-seq - take forceDisplay into account, if outta menu space - take care of all SPU channel id's [0x00 .. 0x1F] - take care of all Audio channel id's [0x00 .. 0x1F] - all SPU and Audio channels are looked up at VTS_CHANGE, and are therefore available if start a new title ! - take very good care ;-), of who owns the OSD, this one is needed to use softdevices, alike vdr-xine ! *** be aware that we do need the very little patch patches/vdr-1.3.10_spu_01.diff *** to enable access to - cSpuDecoder::Hide,Draw,IsVisible - cDvbSpuDecoder::Hide,Draw,IsVisible now you can switch to dvd-osd, vdr-menu and spu, without seg fault, or else with a softdevice .. - minimized dvdnav access for title string data .. - many stuff learned about SPU control, and channel hopping ;-) - please apply the mandatory patches to the regarding vanilla version: - vdr-1.3.10_spu_01.diff (see above, spu stuff) - vdr-xine-0.3.4-withSpu_02.diff (add dvbspu to the xineDevice) 2004-06-08: - merge with inofficial fork @ dvdplugin.pimps.at ..: - fixed some display errors during navigation - ringbuffer implemented - fixed buffer overflow in sound handling - fixed language selection bug in plugin setup - added 'forced subs only' mode - added support for vdr >= 1.3.7, and < 1.3.7 ! 2004-05-26: Version 0.3.5-b01 - ported to vdr 1.3.8, no more support for vdr pre 1.3.8 - added DevicePoll timeout > MAX_POLL_TOs -> DeviceClear - good for softdevices, like vdr-xine - added some patches for vdr 1.3.8 support .. 2003-11-18: Version 0.3.4-rc11 .. sven at jausoft.com - cleaned up termination (as well as UC: no disc inserted ..) - fixed case where device->GetSTC returns < 0 (dxr3 users) 2003-11-11: Version 0.3.4-rc10 .. sven at jausoft.com - fixed setting correct 16:9 / 4:3 bits in mpeg stream - fixed usage of DeviceClear .. - fixed variable osd position, regarding to video height - needs vdr >= 1.2.6pre6 - no more extra STC patch ! 2003-11-03: Version 0.3.4-rc9 .. sven at jausoft.com - bugfix: error introduced in rc8 are removed (new threading errors) - menue navi is stable again. 2003-11-02: Version 0.3.4-rc8 .. sven at jausoft.com - bugfix: AudioSwitch had a bad thread deadlock, while using an audio plugin, e.g. bitstreamout. After switching, audio was no more played. 2003-11-02: Version 0.3.4-rc7 .. sven at jausoft.com All Menue's with all sounds within Menue's should work now ! Also any missed sync (Audio/Video/SPU) should being fixed ! - using new sync code, with the new getSTC function therefore _you_have_to_ apply the patch: vdr-1.2.6-device-getSTC-v2.diff if not allready done (-> latest bitstreamout ) !! - the new a/v sync code does (simplified): delay_ticks ( (pktptsAudio-pktptsLastAudio)-(stcPTSAudio-stcPTSLastAudio ) ) where pktpts is PTS of the stream and stcPTS is PTS seen by the dvb device ! therefore, we do usleep for this diff ticks we should had being passed. - cleaned up transition back to case where a DevicePlay/DeviceClear is needed (-> within Empty now ) 2003-10-22: Version 0.3.4-rc6 .. sven at jausoft.com - added cPlayer default functions as well (AudioTrack..) - BITSTREAM - uses bitstreamout >= 0.48pre3 2003-10-14: Version 0.3.4-rc5 .. sven at jausoft.com - removed workarounds for vdr version < 1.2.6pre2 ! - BITSTREAM - uses bitstreamout >= 0.47c - const int cDvdPlayer::MaxSubpStreams = 16; - so hopefully 16 subtitles can be detected .. 2003-10-11: Version 0.3.4-rc4 .. sven at jausoft.com - BITSTREAM well, i got it to work well so the tee can be hot - no problem ;-) - made a stabilize bitstreamout-0.46g-jau01.patch, read ths incl. ChangeLog ! since this patch is not incl. within bitstreamout, this patch is a MUST HAVE ! - understanding how bitstreamout works, therefore simplifying the usage to a simple PlayAudio ;-) the only difference to just PlayAudio is that we do not feed the packet to another decoder .. - added an extra DeviceClear() at VTS_CHANGE, so (especially AudioPlugins) can re-sync .. DeviceClear is called at any place it won't disturb .. (manually switch track, audio, ..) 2003-10-11: Version 0.3.4-rc3 .. sven at jausoft.com - cleaned up Stop, no more hurting your ears on stopping plugin ;-) - still no audio after leaveing the plugin, any ideas ? - cleaned up usage of clearSeenSubpStream(), clearSeenAudioTrack(); - they do really clean up the lists, - they are called only if really intended ;-) - SPU fix: - cleared highlight button at startup (dvbspu.c) bug workaround. cDvbSpuDecoder::clearHighlight should set hlpsize members to -1 ! - fixed issue about: TV 4:3 DVD 16:9 Menu 4:3 -> cSpuDecoder::eSpuPanAndScan the 16:9 flag is cleared out in this case - propper button pos. ! - Tested with StarTrek - TheDirectorsCut - widescreeen Edition - BITSTREAM - bitstreamout plugin used only if avaiable and active - fixed the usage of PlayAudio -> bitstreamout, as seen in dvbplayer.c (StripAudioPackets) - index i was not used within "search" loop .. - BITSTREAM PROBLEM: - using the latest of all ;-) - bitstream out works sometimes, and sometimes not ! - in the latter case, i have to restart vdr :-( - the not case: - other recordings running - previous menu struggle arround .. - the tee was a very hot one ;-) - Force DvdNavigation (-> or HowTo play DVD games ..) - Key 5 DvdNavigationForce ON (not if progess display on) - Key Red Leave DvdNavigationForce - Assume you have a typical DVD game, so now you can navigate it - see Keys above (-> README) ! - Tested with DVD Die Monster AG, BonusMaterial.BoosDoorGame, Track #15 2003-10-09: Version 0.3.4-rc2 sven at jausoft.com This is the 2nd release candidate for 0.3.4 ! - cleaned up SPU usage .. - OSD keeps alive while subtitles -> it hides subtitles - .. 2003-10-09: Version 0.3.3-jau-p9 sven at jausoft.com This is a release candidate for 0.3.4 ! So please check and report ! - finish translations ( Lauri Tischler ) - "beauty" status progress line (title, chapters, ..) - ReadAHead defaults := 0 (recommended -> no memcpy) - cStatus usage e.g. for lcdproc (Martin Hammerschmid) - control/player GetIndex returns frame values now, like all vdr players/controllers ! therefore the lcd problem should being fixed ... - fixed slow motion backward - fixed send no more audio packets in slomo-fwd, pause 2003-10-07: Version 0.3.3-jau-p8 sven at jausoft.com BugFixes: - DVDActiveAndRunning checks active && running && nav ! - All public methods does check DVDActiveAndRunning now, therefore no seg.faults should happen. - Typos: 'prefered' -> 'Preferred' - 1st Jumper fast backward .. - cleaned up threading .. compared with dvbplayer .. - SPU ... - Enhanced fast forward/backward - incl. half a secound jumps (fwd>3, bwd>3) - slow backward works now with good pics - allows speeds 1-9 now - Added subtitle SPU handling alike the audio handling - Enhanced dvd-player's SPU and controller/interface locking/hide - Exits in plain mode (no more to recordings dir) - integrated patched dvd-bitstreamout-0.3.3.dif - changed key usage -> README 2003-10-06: Version 0.3.3-jau-p7 sven at jausoft.com - BugFixed TrickMode (-> FastBackward, SlowBackward ok with picture) - We have to go as many loops and blocks forward as long the I_Frame is being sliced ... Then we jump back IFrameBlocks * factor ! - Removed notes about a special libdvdnav version ;-) - Added ReadAHead setup value (defaults to 1) 2003-10-06: Version 0.3.3-jau-p6 sven at jausoft.com - bugfix: lock current audio, if set manually, so DVDNAV_AUDIO_STREAM_CHANGE won't affect, as well as the seen audio streams won't be cleaned ... the lock will be released if switching to a menu, or changing the title ! 2003-10-06: Version 0.3.3-jau-p5 sven at jausoft.com - Blue Goto title (enter title number) so you can seek manually to a specific title, you might want to look at "hidden" ones ;-) 2003-10-06: Version 0.3.3-jau-p4 sven at jausoft.com - Add to TitleString: TitleNo/ChapterNo + Angle if avaiable (outta xine ..), AudioType - Add new direct (keyboard/rc) navigation: - audio id - title - chapter - angle SEE README ! 2003-10-02: Version 0.3.3-jau-p3 sven at jausoft.com Keyboard (added, changed,fixed): - Left/Right fast forward/rewind - Red Goto position - Green 1 min. backward - Yellow 1 min. forward - 2 skip to next/previous chapter - 5 skip to next/previous chapter - OK ShowProgress Bar - 6/9 Move the ProgressBar in this mode .. .. see README ! now the behavior is like normal recording-playback, plus the mplayer-feature of moving the menu bar. - Impl./Enabled TimeSearch, ShowProgress, Goto, SkipSeconds, SkipFrames - using new: - PTSTicksToHMSm - BlocksToPGCTicks - PGCTicksToBlocks - GetIndex - GetTitleString - GetAspectString - NextPG, PreviousPG - BugFixed TrickMode (-> FastForward ok, any backward ok, but no picture) - REMOVED: #if defined(dvdnav_set_trick_speed) - introduced define CTRLDEBUG to enable DEBUG_CONTROL 2003-09-30: Version 0.3.3-jau-p2 sven at jausoft.com - audio track change to MP2 id's nor works properly - the former audioTrack member, ain'T initialized, but was used to determine the asked aid ! this never worked for MP2 aid's C1, C2, .. - now using currentNavAudioTrack = dvdnav_get_active_audio_stream(nav); - introduced define AUDIOIDDEBUG to enable DEBUG_AUDIO_ID - disabled all three debug def's as default DVDDEBUG, PTSDEBUG, AUDIOIDDEBUG 2002-05-12: Version 0.0.1 - Initial revision.