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Lebenslauf / CV

Sven Göthel
Born 1968 in Bremerhaven, Germany
Married, three children
Goethestrasse 1, 27576 Bremerhaven, Germany


11/09 -   Software Engineering / Consulting, Sole Proprietor
9/08 - 11/09 Sun Microsystems, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
      Senior Staff Engineer
8/07 - 09/08 Sun Microsystems of Canada, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada
      Staff Engineer
6/05 - 7/07 Advanced Micro Devices (AMD),
      formerly ATI, Markham, ON, Canada
      Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead
9/91 - 6/05 Software Engineering / Consulting, Sole Proprietor
9/91 - 1/98 Study of electrical engineering with a focus on computer science
      at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Europe.
      Dipl.-Ing. (FH); Diplom Engineer, Applied Science (Equivalent to MASc)
      Graduation in January 1998
8/90 - 6/91 A-Level certificate.
      Senne-College, Bielefeld, Germany, Europe.
      Graduation in June 1991.
8/88 - 3/90 Civilian Services.
      Communications Center Dodesheide, Osnabrueck, Germany, Europe.
8/87 - 6/88 High School examination at
      SZ Buergerpark, Bremerhaven, Germany, Europe.
9/85 - 6/87 Education as an industrial electrician
      SZ Buergerpark, Bremerhaven, Germany, Europe.
      Journeyman examination at the Bremerhaven Chamber of Commerce (IHK).

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