Direct-BT v3.3.0-1-gc2d430c
Direct-BT - Direct Bluetooth Programming.
Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions
GattNumbers.hpp File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <jau/basic_types.hpp>
#include <jau/darray.hpp>
#include <jau/octets.hpp>
#include <jau/uuid.hpp>
#include "BTTypes0.hpp"
#include "ieee11073/DataTypes.hpp"
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class  direct_bt::GattBatteryServiceSvc More...
struct  direct_bt::GattCharacteristicPropertySpec
struct  direct_bt::GattCharacteristicSpec
struct  direct_bt::GattClientCharacteristicConfigSpec
class  direct_bt::GattDeviceInformationSvc
 Device Information is a GATT service. More...
class  direct_bt::GattGenericAccessSvc
 Generic Access Service is a mandatory GATT service all peripherals are required to implement. More...
struct  direct_bt::GattPeriphalPreferredConnectionParameters
 Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters is a GATT Characteristic. More...
struct  direct_bt::GattPnP_ID
 PnP ID is a GATT Characteristic. More...
struct  direct_bt::GattServiceCharacteristic
class  direct_bt::GattTemperatureMeasurement More...


namespace  direct_bt


enum  direct_bt::GattAttributeType : uint16_t { direct_bt::PRIMARY_SERVICE = 0x2800 , direct_bt::SECONDARY_SERVICE = 0x2801 , direct_bt::INCLUDE_DECLARATION = 0x2802 , direct_bt::CHARACTERISTIC = 0x2803 }
 Following UUID16 GATT profile attribute types are listed under: BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 3.4 Summary of GATT Profile Attribute Types. More...
enum  direct_bt::GattCharacteristicProperty : uint8_t {
  direct_bt::Broadcast = 0x01 , direct_bt::Read = 0x02 , direct_bt::WriteNoAck = 0x04 , direct_bt::WriteWithAck = 0x08 ,
  direct_bt::Notify = 0x10 , direct_bt::Indicate = 0x20 , direct_bt::AuthSignedWrite = 0x40 , direct_bt::ExtProps = 0x80 ,
  direct_bt::ReliableWriteExt = 0x81 , direct_bt::AuxWriteExt = 0x82
enum  direct_bt::GattCharacteristicType : uint16_t {
  direct_bt::DEVICE_NAME = 0x2A00 , direct_bt::APPEARANCE = 0x2A01 , direct_bt::PERIPHERAL_PRIVACY_FLAG = 0x2A02 , direct_bt::RECONNECTION_ADDRESS = 0x2A03 ,
  direct_bt::PERIPHERAL_PREFERRED_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS = 0x2A04 , direct_bt::SERVICE_CHANGED = 0x2a05 , direct_bt::TEMPERATURE = 0x2A6E , direct_bt::TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS = 0x2A1F ,
  direct_bt::TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT = 0x2A20 , direct_bt::TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT = 0x2A1C , direct_bt::TEMPERATURE_TYPE = 0x2A1D , direct_bt::INTERMEDIATE_TEMPERATURE = 0x2A1E ,
  direct_bt::MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL = 0x2A21 , direct_bt::SYSTEM_ID = 0x2A23 , direct_bt::MODEL_NUMBER_STRING = 0x2A24 , direct_bt::SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING = 0x2A25 ,
  direct_bt::FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING = 0x2A26 , direct_bt::HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING = 0x2A27 , direct_bt::SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING = 0x2A28 , direct_bt::MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING = 0x2A29 ,
  direct_bt::REGULATORY_CERT_DATA_LIST = 0x2A2A , direct_bt::PNP_ID = 0x2A50
 GATT Assigned Characteristic Attribute Type for single logical value. More...
enum  direct_bt::GattRequirementSpec : uint8_t {
  direct_bt::Excluded = 0x00 , direct_bt::Mandatory = 0x01 , direct_bt::Optional = 0x02 , direct_bt::Conditional = 0x03 ,
  direct_bt::if_characteristic_supported = 0x11 , direct_bt::if_notify_or_indicate_supported = 0x12 , direct_bt::C1 = 0x21
enum  direct_bt::GattServiceType : uint16_t {
  direct_bt::GENERIC_ACCESS = 0x1800 , direct_bt::GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE = 0x1801 , direct_bt::IMMEDIATE_ALERT = 0x1802 , direct_bt::LINK_LOSS = 0x1803 ,
  direct_bt::HEALTH_THERMOMETER = 0x1809 , direct_bt::DEVICE_INFORMATION = 0x180A , direct_bt::BATTERY_SERVICE = 0x180F
 GATT Service Type, each encapsulating a set of Characteristics. More...


std::string direct_bt::GattCharacteristicPropertyToString (const GattCharacteristicProperty v) noexcept
std::string direct_bt::GattCharacteristicTypeToString (const GattCharacteristicType v) noexcept
std::string direct_bt::GattNameToString (const jau::TROOctets &v) noexcept
 Converts a GATT Name (not null-terminated) UTF8 to a null-terminated C++ string. More...
std::string direct_bt::GattRequirementSpecToString (const GattRequirementSpec v) noexcept
std::string direct_bt::GattServiceTypeToString (const GattServiceType v) noexcept