Direct-BT v3.3.0-1-gc2d430c
Direct-BT - Direct Bluetooth Programming.
This is the complete list of members for direct_bt::BTGattHandler, including all inherited members.
addCharListener(const BTGattCharListenerRef &l) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
addCharListener(const BTGattCharListenerRef &l, const BTGattCharRef &d) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
addCharListener(const NativeGattCharListenerRef &l) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
BTGattHandler(const BTDeviceRef &device, L2CAPClient &l2cap_att, const int32_t supervision_timeout) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
BTGattHandler(const BTGattHandler &)=delete | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
configNotificationIndication(BTGattDesc &cd, const bool enableNotification, const bool enableIndication) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
Defaults enum name | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
disconnect(const bool disconnect_device, const bool ioerr_cause) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
env | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
findCharacterisicsByValueHandle(const GattServiceList_t &services_, const uint16_t charValueHandle) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
findCharacterisicsByValueHandle(const BTGattServiceRef &service, const uint16_t charValueHandle) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
GattServiceList_t typedef | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getCharListenerCount() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
getDeviceChecked() const | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getDeviceInformation(GattServiceList_t &primServices) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getDeviceInformation(jau::darray< BTGattCharRef > &deviceInfoCharDeclList) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getDeviceUnchecked() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
getGenericAccess() noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
getGenericAccess(GattServiceList_t &primServices) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getGenericAccess(jau::darray< BTGattCharRef > &genericAccessCharDeclList) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getRole() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
getSendIndicationConfirmation() noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getServerMTU() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
getServices() noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
getStateString() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
getUsedMTU() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
hasIOError() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
initClientGatt(const std::shared_ptr< BTGattHandler > &shared_this, bool &already_init) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
isConnected() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
NativeGattCharListenerList_t typedef | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
NativeGattCharListenerRef typedef | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
NativeGattCharSections_t typedef | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
notifyNativeMTUResponse(const uint16_t clientMTU, const AttPDUMsg &pduReply, const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_reply, const uint16_t serverMTU, const uint16_t usedMTU, const BTDeviceRef &clientRequester) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
notifyNativeReadResponse(const uint16_t handle, const uint16_t value_offset, const AttPDUMsg &pduReply, const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_reply, const jau::TROOctets &data_reply, const BTDeviceRef &clientRequester) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
notifyNativeReplyReceived(const AttPDUMsg &pduReply, const BTDeviceRef &clientDest) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
notifyNativeRequestSent(const AttPDUMsg &pduRequest, const BTDeviceRef &clientSource) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
notifyNativeWriteRequest(const uint16_t handle, const jau::TROOctets &data, const NativeGattCharSections_t §ions, const bool with_response, const BTDeviceRef &clientSource) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
notifyNativeWriteResponse(const AttPDUMsg &pduReply, const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_code, const BTDeviceRef &clientDest) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
number(const Defaults d) | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inlinestatic |
operator=(const BTGattHandler &)=delete | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
ping() noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
printCharListener() noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
read_cmd_reply_timeout | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
readCharacteristicValue(const BTGattChar &c, jau::POctets &res, ssize_type expectedLength=-1) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
readDescriptorValue(BTGattDesc &cd, ssize_type expectedLength=-1) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
readValue(const uint16_t handle, jau::POctets &res, ssize_type expectedLength=-1) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
removeAllAssociatedCharListener(const BTGattCharRef &associatedChar) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
removeAllAssociatedCharListener(const BTGattChar *associatedChar) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
removeAllCharListener() noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
removeCharListener(const BTGattCharListenerRef &l) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
removeCharListener(const BTGattCharListener *l) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
removeCharListener(const NativeGattCharListenerRef &l) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
send(const AttPDUMsg &msg) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
sendIndication(const uint16_t char_value_handle, const jau::TROOctets &value) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
sendNotification(const uint16_t char_value_handle, const jau::TROOctets &value) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
sendWithReply(const AttPDUMsg &msg, const jau::fraction_i64 &timeout) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
setSendIndicationConfirmation(const bool v) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
setUsedMTU(const uint16_t mtu) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | inline |
size_type typedef | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
ssize_type typedef | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
supervision_timeout | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
toString() const noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
write_cmd_reply_timeout | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
writeCharacteristicValue(const BTGattChar &c, const jau::TROOctets &value) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
writeCharacteristicValueNoResp(const BTGattChar &c, const jau::TROOctets &value) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
writeDescriptorValue(const BTGattDesc &cd) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
writeValue(const uint16_t handle, const jau::TROOctets &value, const bool withResponse) noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler | |
~BTGattHandler() noexcept | direct_bt::BTGattHandler |