Low level secure dynamic linker access.
void * symhandle_t
symbol handle within a library
Interface callers may use ProcAddressHelper's reset helper method to install function pointers into a...
bool isFunctionAvailable(const std::string &funcName) const noexcept
Queries whether function 'funcName' is available.
virtual DynamicLinker::symhandle_t dynamicLookupFunction(const std::string &funcName) const noexcept=0
Returns the function handle for function funcName gathered within the associated native library.
virtual DynamicLinker::symhandle_t dynamicLookupFunctionGlobal(const std::string &funcName) const noexcept=0
Returns the function handle for function funcName gathered globally within all loaded libraries.
virtual ~DynamicLookup() noexcept=default
DynamicLinker::symhandle_t resolve(const std::string &name, const DynamicLookup &lookup) const noexcept
Resolves the name of the function bound to the method and returns the address.
consteval_cxx20 std::string_view name() noexcept
Author: Sven Gothel sgothel@jausoft.com Copyright (c) 2024 Gothel Software e.K.