jaulib v1.3.8
Jau Support Library (C++, Java, ..)
No Matches
File Utilities

File types and functionality. More...


class  jau::fs::dir_item
 Representing a directory item split into dirname() and basename(). More...
class  jau::fs::file_stats
 Platform agnostic representation of POSIX ::lstat() and ::stat() for a given pathname. More...
struct  jau::fs::mount_ctx


typedef jau::function< void(const dir_item &)> jau::fs::consume_dir_item
 void consume_dir_item(const dir_item& item)
typedef uint64_t jau::fs::mountflags_t
 Generic flag bit values for mount() flags.
typedef jau::function< bool(traverse_event, const file_stats &, size_t)> jau::fs::path_visitor
 path_visitor jau::FunctionDef definition
typedef int jau::fs::umountflags_t
 Generic flag bit values for umount() flags.


enum class  jau::fs::copy_options : uint16_t {
  jau::fs::copy_options::none = 0 , jau::fs::copy_options::recursive = 1 << 0 , jau::fs::copy_options::follow_symlinks = 1 << 1 , jau::fs::copy_options::into_existing_dir = 1 << 2 ,
  jau::fs::copy_options::ignore_symlink_errors = 1 << 8 , jau::fs::copy_options::overwrite = 1 << 9 , jau::fs::copy_options::preserve_all = 1 << 10 , jau::fs::copy_options::sync = 1 << 11 ,
  jau::fs::copy_options::verbose = 1 << 15
 Filesystem copy options used to copy() path elements. More...
enum class  jau::fs::fmode_t : uint32_t {
  jau::fs::fmode_t::none = 0 , jau::fs::fmode_t::set_uid = 04000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::set_gid = 02000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::sticky = 01000 ,
  jau::fs::fmode_t::ugs_set = 07000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::read_usr = 00400 , jau::fs::fmode_t::write_usr = 00200 , jau::fs::fmode_t::exec_usr = 00100 ,
  jau::fs::fmode_t::rwx_usr = 00700 , jau::fs::fmode_t::read_grp = 00040 , jau::fs::fmode_t::write_grp = 00020 , jau::fs::fmode_t::exec_grp = 00010 ,
  jau::fs::fmode_t::rwx_grp = 00070 , jau::fs::fmode_t::read_oth = 00004 , jau::fs::fmode_t::write_oth = 00002 , jau::fs::fmode_t::exec_oth = 00001 ,
  jau::fs::fmode_t::rwx_oth = 00007 , jau::fs::fmode_t::rwx_all = 00777 , jau::fs::fmode_t::def_dir_prot = 00750 , jau::fs::fmode_t::def_file_prot = 00640 ,
  jau::fs::fmode_t::protection_mask = 0b00000000000000000000111111111111 , jau::fs::fmode_t::sock = 0b00000000000000000001000000000000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::blk = 0b00000000000000000010000000000000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::chr = 0b00000000000000000100000000000000 ,
  jau::fs::fmode_t::fifo = 0b00000000000000001000000000000000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::dir = 0b00000000000000010000000000000000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::file = 0b00000000000000100000000000000000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::link = 0b00000000000001000000000000000000 ,
  jau::fs::fmode_t::no_access = 0b00100000000000000000000000000000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::not_existing = 0b01000000000000000000000000000000 , jau::fs::fmode_t::type_mask = 0b01100000000001111111000000000000
 Generic file type and POSIX protection mode bits as used in file_stats, touch(), mkdir() etc. More...
enum class  jau::fs::mountflags_linux : mountflags_t {
  jau::fs::mountflags_linux::none = 0 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::rdonly = 1 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::nosuid = 2 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::nodev = 4 ,
  jau::fs::mountflags_linux::noexec = 8 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::synchronous = 16 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::remount = 32 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::mandlock = 64 ,
  jau::fs::mountflags_linux::dirsync = 128 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::noatime = 1024 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::nodiratime = 2048 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::bind = 4096 ,
  jau::fs::mountflags_linux::move = 8192 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::rec = 16384 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::silent = 32768 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::posixacl = 1 << 16 ,
  jau::fs::mountflags_linux::unbindable = 1 << 17 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::private_ = 1 << 18 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::slave = 1 << 19 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::shared = 1 << 20 ,
  jau::fs::mountflags_linux::relatime = 1 << 21 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::kernmount = 1 << 22 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::i_version = 1 << 23 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::strictatime = 1 << 24 ,
  jau::fs::mountflags_linux::lazytime = 1 << 25 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::active = 1 << 30 , jau::fs::mountflags_linux::nouser = 1UL << 31
 Flag bit values for mount() flags under GNU/Linux. More...
enum class  jau::fs::traverse_event : uint16_t {
  jau::fs::traverse_event::none = 0 , jau::fs::traverse_event::symlink = 1 << 0 , jau::fs::traverse_event::file = 1 << 1 , jau::fs::traverse_event::file_symlink = symlink | file ,
  jau::fs::traverse_event::dir_symlink = 1 << 2 , jau::fs::traverse_event::dir_check_entry = 1 << 7 , jau::fs::traverse_event::dir_entry = 1 << 8 , jau::fs::traverse_event::dir_exit = 1 << 9 ,
  jau::fs::traverse_event::dir_non_recursive = dir_entry | dir_exit
 Filesystem traverse event used to call path_visitor for path elements from visit(). More...
enum class  jau::fs::traverse_options : uint16_t {
  jau::fs::traverse_options::none = 0 , jau::fs::traverse_options::recursive = 1U << 0 , jau::fs::traverse_options::follow_symlinks = 1U << 1 , jau::fs::traverse_options::lexicographical_order = 1U << 2 ,
  jau::fs::traverse_options::dir_check_entry = 1U << 7 , jau::fs::traverse_options::dir_entry = 1U << 8 , jau::fs::traverse_options::dir_exit = 1U << 9 , jau::fs::traverse_options::verbose = 1U << 15
 Filesystem traverse options used to visit() path elements. More...
enum class  jau::fs::umountflags_linux : umountflags_t { jau::fs::umountflags_linux::force = 1 , jau::fs::umountflags_linux::detach = 2 , jau::fs::umountflags_linux::expire = 4 , jau::fs::umountflags_linux::nofollow = 8 }
 Flag bit values for umount() flags under GNU/Linux. More...


std::string jau::fs::absolute (const std::string_view &relpath) noexcept
 Returns the absolute path of given relpath if existing, otherwise an empty string.
std::string jau::fs::basename (const std::string_view &path) noexcept
 Return stripped leading directory components from given path separated by /.
std::string jau::fs::basename (const std::string_view &path, const std::string_view &suffix) noexcept
 Return stripped leading directory components from given path separated by /, as well as removing the given suffix, if existing at the end.
std::string jau::fs::basename (const std::string_view &path, const std::vector< std::string_view > &suffixes) noexcept
 Return stripped leading directory components from given path separated by /, as well as removing the given suffixes, if existing at the end.
bool jau::fs::chdir (const std::string &path) noexcept
 Change working directory.
bool jau::fs::compare (const file_stats &source1, const file_stats &source2, const bool verbose=false) noexcept
 Compare the bytes of both files, denoted by source1 and source2.
bool jau::fs::compare (const std::string &source1, const std::string &source2, const bool verbose=false) noexcept
 Compare the bytes of both files, denoted by source1 and source2.
bool jau::fs::copy (const std::string &source_path, const std::string &dest_path, const copy_options copts=copy_options::none) noexcept
 Copy the given source_path to dest_path using copy_options.
std::string jau::fs::dirname (const std::string_view &path) noexcept
 Return stripped last component from given path separated by /, excluding the trailing separator /.
bool jau::fs::exists (const std::string &path, bool verbose_on_error=false) noexcept
 Returns true if path exists and is accessible.
int jau::fs::from_named_fd (const std::string &named_fd) noexcept
 Returns the file descriptor from the given named file descriptor.
std::string jau::fs::get_cwd () noexcept
 Return the current working directory or empty on failure.
bool jau::fs::get_dir_content (const int dirfd, const std::string &path, const consume_dir_item &digest) noexcept
 Returns a list of directory elements excluding .
bool jau::fs::get_dir_content (const std::string &path, const consume_dir_item &digest) noexcept
 Returns a list of directory elements excluding .
bool jau::fs::isAbsolute (const std::string_view &path) noexcept
 Returns true if first character is / or - in case of Windows - \\.
 jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING (copy_options, recursive, follow_symlinks, into_existing_dir, ignore_symlink_errors, overwrite, preserve_all, sync)
 jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING (fmode_t, sock, blk, chr, fifo, dir, file, link, no_access, not_existing)
 jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING (mountflags_linux, rdonly, nosuid, nodev, noexec, synchronous, remount, mandlock, dirsync, noatime, nodiratime, bind, move, rec, silent, posixacl, unbindable, private_, slave, shared, relatime, kernmount, i_version, strictatime, lazytime, active, nouser)
 jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING (traverse_event, symlink, file, dir_check_entry, dir_entry, dir_exit, dir_symlink)
 jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING (traverse_options, recursive, follow_symlinks, lexicographical_order, dir_check_entry, dir_entry, dir_exit)
 jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING (umountflags_linux, force, detach, expire, nofollow)
 jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING2 (file_stats::field_t, field_t, type, mode, nlink, uid, gid, atime, mtime, ctime, ino, size, blocks, btime)
std::string jau::fs::lookup_asset_dir (const char *exe_path, const char *asset_file, const char *asset_install_subdir) noexcept
 Returns located asset directory if found, otherwise an empty string.
bool jau::fs::mkdir (const std::string &path, const fmode_t mode=jau::fs::fmode_t::def_dir_prot, const bool verbose=false) noexcept
 Create directory.
mount_ctx jau::fs::mount (const std::string &source, const std::string &target, const std::string &fs_type, const mountflags_t flags, const std::string &fs_options="")
 Attach the filesystem named in source to target using the given filesystem source directly.
mount_ctx jau::fs::mount_image (const std::string &image_path, const std::string &target, const std::string &fs_type, const mountflags_t flags, const std::string &fs_options="")
 Attach the filesystem image named in image_path to target using an intermediate platform specific filesystem image loop-device.
constexpr ::mode_t jau::fs::posix_protection_bits (const fmode_t mask) noexcept
 Returns the POSIX protection bits: rwx_all | set_uid | set_gid | sticky, i.e.
bool jau::fs::remove (const std::string &path, const traverse_options topts=traverse_options::none) noexcept
 Remove the given path.
bool jau::fs::rename (const std::string &oldpath, const std::string &newpath) noexcept
 Rename oldpath to newpath using POSIX rename(), with the following combinations.
void jau::fs::sync () noexcept
 Synchronizes filesystems, i.e.
std::string jau::fs::to_named_fd (const int fd) noexcept
 Returns platform dependent named file descriptor of given file descriptor, if supported.
std::string jau::fs::to_string (const fmode_t mask, const bool show_rwx) noexcept
 Return the string representation of fmode_t.
bool jau::fs::touch (const std::string &path, const fmode_t mode=jau::fs::fmode_t::def_file_prot) noexcept
 Touch the file with current time and create file if not existing yet.
bool jau::fs::touch (const std::string &path, const jau::fraction_timespec &atime, const jau::fraction_timespec &mtime, const fmode_t mode=jau::fs::fmode_t::def_file_prot) noexcept
 Touch the file with given atime and mtime and create file if not existing yet.
bool jau::fs::umount (const mount_ctx &context, const umountflags_t flags)
 Detach the given mount_ctx context
bool jau::fs::umount (const std::string &target, const umountflags_t flags)
 Detach the topmost filesystem mounted on target optionally using given umountflags options if supported.
bool jau::fs::visit (const file_stats &item_stats, const traverse_options topts, const path_visitor &visitor, std::vector< int > *dirfds=nullptr) noexcept
 Visit element(s) of a given path, see traverse_options for detailed settings.
bool jau::fs::visit (const std::string &path, const traverse_options topts, const path_visitor &visitor, std::vector< int > *dirfds=nullptr) noexcept
 Visit element(s) of a given path, see traverse_options for detailed settings.

Detailed Description

File types and functionality.

Typedef Documentation

◆ consume_dir_item

void consume_dir_item(const dir_item& item)

Definition at line 700 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ path_visitor

path_visitor jau::FunctionDef definition

Depth being the recursive directory depth starting with 1 for the initial directory.

Returning false stops traversal in general but traverse_options::dir_check_entry will only skip traversing the denied directory.

Definition at line 803 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ mountflags_t

typedef uint64_t jau::fs::mountflags_t

Generic flag bit values for mount() flags.

See mount(2) for a detailed description.

Definition at line 1053 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ umountflags_t

Generic flag bit values for umount() flags.

See umount(2) for a detailed description.

Definition at line 1145 of file file_util.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ fmode_t

enum class jau::fs::fmode_t : uint32_t

Generic file type and POSIX protection mode bits as used in file_stats, touch(), mkdir() etc.

The POSIX protection mode bits reside in the lower 16-bits and are bit-wise POSIX compliant while the file type bits reside in the upper 16-bits and are platform agnostic.

This enum class type fulfills C++ named requirements: BitmaskType.

See also

No mode bit set.


Protection bit: POSIX S_ISUID.


Protection bit: POSIX S_ISGID.


Protection bit: POSIX S_ISVTX.


Protection bit: POSIX S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IRUSR.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IWUSR.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IXUSR.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IRWXU.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IRGRP.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IWGRP.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IXGRP.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IRWXG.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IROTH.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IWOTH.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IXOTH.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IRWXO.


Protection bit: POSIX S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO or rwx_usr | rwx_grp | rwx_oth.


Default directory protection bit: Safe default: POSIX S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP or rwx_usr | read_grp | exec_grp.


Default file protection bit: Safe default: POSIX S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP or read_usr | write_usr | read_grp.


12 bit protection bit mask 07777 for rwx_all | set_uid | set_gid | sticky .


Type: Entity is a socket, might be in combination with link.


Type: Entity is a block device, might be in combination with link.


Type: Entity is a character device, might be in combination with link.


Type: Entity is a fifo/pipe, might be in combination with link.


Type: Entity is a directory, might be in combination with link.


Type: Entity is a file, might be in combination with link.


Type: Entity is a symbolic link, might be in combination with file or dir, fifo, chr, blk or sock.


Type: Entity gives no access to user, exclusive bit.


Type: Entity does not exist, exclusive bit.


Type mask for sock | blk | chr | fifo | dir | file | link | no_access | not_existing.

Definition at line 276 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ traverse_event

enum class jau::fs::traverse_event : uint16_t

Filesystem traverse event used to call path_visitor for path elements from visit().

This enum class type fulfills C++ named requirements: BitmaskType.

See also

No value, neither file, symlink nor dir_entry or dir_exit.

Implying an error state in file_stat, e.g. !file_stats::has_access().


Visiting a symbolic-link, either to a file or a non-existing entity.

Not followed symbolic-links to a directory is expressed via dir_symlink.

In case of a symbolic-link to an existing file, file is also set, i.e. file_symlink.


Visiting a file, may be in conjunction with symlink, i.e.



Visiting a symlink to a file, i.e.

symlink | file


Visiting a symbolic-link to a directory which is not followed, i.e.

traverse_options::follow_symlinks not set.


Visiting a directory on entry, see traverse_options::dir_check_entry.

This allows the path_visitor to deny traversal into the directory by returning false, otherwise continuing traversal.


Visiting a directory on entry, see traverse_options::dir_entry.

If a directory is visited non-recursive, i.e. traverse_options::recursive not set, dir_entry and dir_exit are set, see dir_non_recursive.

If a directory is a symbolic link which is not followed, i.e. traverse_options::follow_symlinks not set, dir_symlink is used instead.


Visiting a directory on exit, see traverse_options::dir_exit.

If a directory is visited non-recursive, i.e. traverse_options::recursive not set, dir_entry and dir_exit are set, see dir_non_recursive.

If a directory is a symbolic link which is not followed, i.e. traverse_options::follow_symlinks not set, dir_symlink is used instead.


Visiting a directory non-recursive, i.e.

traverse_options::recursive not set.

Value is a bit-mask of dir_entry | dir_exit

Definition at line 733 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ traverse_options

enum class jau::fs::traverse_options : uint16_t

Filesystem traverse options used to visit() path elements.

This enum class type fulfills C++ named requirements: BitmaskType.

See also

No option set.


Traverse through directories, i.e.

perform visit, copy, remove etc actions recursively throughout the directory structure.


Traverse through symbolic linked directories if traverse_options::recursive is set, i.e.

directories with property fmode_t::link set.


Traverse through elements in lexicographical order.

This might be required when computing an order dependent outcome like a hash value.


Call path_visitor at directory entry, allowing path_visitor to skip traversal of this directory if returning false.


Call path_visitor at directory entry.

Both, dir_entry and dir_exit can be set, only one or none.


Call path_visitor at directory exit.

Both, dir_entry and dir_exit can be set, only one or none.


Enable verbosity mode, potentially used by a path_visitor implementation like remove().

Definition at line 813 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ copy_options

enum class jau::fs::copy_options : uint16_t

Filesystem copy options used to copy() path elements.

By default, the fmode_t POSIX protection mode bits are preserved while using the caller's uid and gid as well as current timestamps.
Use copy_options::preserve_all to preserve uid and gid if allowed from the caller and access- and modification-timestamps.

This enum class type fulfills C++ named requirements: BitmaskType.

See also

No option set.


Traverse through directories, i.e.

perform visit, copy, remove etc actions recursively throughout the directory structure.


Copy referenced symbolic linked files or directories instead of just the symbolic link with property fmode_t::link set.


Copy source dir content into an already existing destination directory as if destination directory did not exist.

Otherwise, if destination directory already exist, the source directory will be copied below the destination directory.


Ignore errors from erroneous symlinks, e.g.

non-existing link-targets, recursive loop-errors.or unsupported symmlinks on target filesystem.

This flag is required to

  • copy erroneous non-existing symlinks if using follow_symlinks
  • copy erroneous recursive loop-error symlinks if using follow_symlinks
  • ignore symlinks if not supported by target filesystem if not using follow_symlinks

Overwrite existing destination files.


Preserve uid and gid if allowed and access- and modification-timestamps, i.e.

producing a most exact meta-data copy.


Ensure data and meta-data file synchronization is performed via ::fsync() after asynchronous copy operations of a file's content.


Enable verbosity mode, show error messages on stderr.

Definition at line 933 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ mountflags_linux

Flag bit values for mount() flags under GNU/Linux.

See mount(2) for a detailed description.


Definition at line 1060 of file file_util.hpp.

◆ umountflags_linux

Flag bit values for umount() flags under GNU/Linux.

See umount(2) for a detailed description.


Definition at line 1152 of file file_util.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ get_cwd()

std::string jau::fs::get_cwd ( )

Return the current working directory or empty on failure.

Definition at line 84 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ chdir()

bool jau::fs::chdir ( const std::string & path)

Change working directory.

Definition at line 100 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ absolute()

std::string jau::fs::absolute ( const std::string_view & relpath)

Returns the absolute path of given relpath if existing, otherwise an empty string.

relpatha path, might be relative

Definition at line 104 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dirname()

std::string jau::fs::dirname ( const std::string_view & path)

Return stripped last component from given path separated by /, excluding the trailing separator /.

If no directory separator / is contained, return ..

If only the root path / is given, return /.

pathgiven path
leading directory name w/o slash or .

Definition at line 131 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ basename() [1/3]

std::string jau::fs::basename ( const std::string_view & path)

Return stripped leading directory components from given path separated by /.

If only the root path / is given, return /.

pathgiven path
last non-slash component or .

Definition at line 153 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ basename() [2/3]

std::string jau::fs::basename ( const std::string_view & path,
const std::string_view & suffix )

Return stripped leading directory components from given path separated by /, as well as removing the given suffix, if existing at the end.

If only the root path / is given, return /.

pathgiven path
suffixsuffix at end of path to be removed
last non-slash component or .

Definition at line 174 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ basename() [3/3]

std::string jau::fs::basename ( const std::string_view & path,
const std::vector< std::string_view > & suffixes )

Return stripped leading directory components from given path separated by /, as well as removing the given suffixes, if existing at the end.

If only the root path / is given, return /.

pathgiven path
suffixessuffixes at end of path to be removed
last non-slash component or .

Definition at line 188 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ isAbsolute()

bool jau::fs::isAbsolute ( const std::string_view & path)

Returns true if first character is / or - in case of Windows - \\.

Definition at line 202 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ exists()

bool jau::fs::exists ( const std::string & path,
bool verbose_on_error = false )

Returns true if path exists and is accessible.

Definition at line 207 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lookup_asset_dir()

std::string jau::fs::lookup_asset_dir ( const char * exe_path,
const char * asset_file,
const char * asset_install_subdir )

Returns located asset directory if found, otherwise an empty string.

The asset dir is attempted as follows (cwd is current working dir)

  • cwd/resources/asset_file -> cwd/resources
  • dirname(exe_path)/../share/"+asset_install_subdir/asset_file -> dirname(exe_path)/../share/"+asset_install_subdir

Definition at line 218 of file file_util.cpp.


jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING ( fmode_t ,
sock ,
blk ,
chr ,
fifo ,
dir ,
file ,
link ,
no_access ,
not_existing  )

◆ to_string()

std::string jau::fs::to_string ( const fmode_t mask,
const bool show_rwx )

Return the string representation of fmode_t.

maskthe fmode_t to convert
show_rwxif true, return verbose POSIX protection bit string representation using rwx for user, group and others. Otherwise simply show the octal representation (default)
the string representation.

Definition at line 413 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ posix_protection_bits()

::mode_t jau::fs::posix_protection_bits ( const fmode_t mask)

Returns the POSIX protection bits: rwx_all | set_uid | set_gid | sticky, i.e.

fmode_t masked with fmode_t::protection_mask.

Definition at line 360 of file file_util.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_named_fd()

std::string jau::fs::to_named_fd ( const int fd)

Returns platform dependent named file descriptor of given file descriptor, if supported.

Implementation returns (d stands for integer):

  • /dev/fd/d (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, ..)

Following standard POSIX mappings exist

  • fd 0, /dev/fd/0, /dev/stdin
  • fd 1, /dev/fd/1, /dev/stdout
  • fd 2, /dev/fd/2, /dev/stderr
  • fd [0-99], /dev/fd/[0-99]

Currently implementation always returns above pattern, not handling the target OS differences.

fdfile descriptor.
the named file descriptor or an empty string if fd < 0 or not supported by OS.
See also

Definition at line 444 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ from_named_fd()

int jau::fs::from_named_fd ( const std::string & named_fd)

Returns the file descriptor from the given named file descriptor.

Detected named file descriptors are (d stands for integer)

  • /dev/fd/d (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, ..)
  • /proc/self/fd/d (GNU/Linux)
named_fdthe named file descriptor
file descriptor or -1 if invalid or not supported by OS.
See also

Definition at line 453 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:


jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING2 ( file_stats::field_t ,
field_t ,
type ,
mode ,
nlink ,
uid ,
gid ,
atime ,
mtime ,
ctime ,
ino ,
size ,
blocks ,
btime  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mkdir()

bool jau::fs::mkdir ( const std::string & path,
const fmode_t mode = jau::fs::fmode_t::def_dir_prot,
const bool verbose = false )

Create directory.

pathfull path to new directory
modefmode_t POSIX protection bits used, defaults to jau::fs::fmode_t::def_dir_prot
verbosedefaults to false
true if successful, otherwise false

Definition at line 930 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ touch() [1/2]

bool jau::fs::touch ( const std::string & path,
const jau::fraction_timespec & atime,
const jau::fraction_timespec & mtime,
const fmode_t mode = jau::fs::fmode_t::def_file_prot )

Touch the file with given atime and mtime and create file if not existing yet.

pathfull path to file
atimenew access time
mtimenew modification time
modefmode_t POSIX protection bits used, defaults to jau::fs::fmode_t::def_file_prot
true if successful, otherwise false

Definition at line 952 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ touch() [2/2]

bool jau::fs::touch ( const std::string & path,
const fmode_t mode = jau::fs::fmode_t::def_file_prot )

Touch the file with current time and create file if not existing yet.

pathfull path to file
modefmode_t POSIX protection bits used, defaults to jau::fs::fmode_t::def_file_prot
true if successful, otherwise false

Definition at line 970 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ get_dir_content() [1/2]

bool jau::fs::get_dir_content ( const std::string & path,
const consume_dir_item & digest )

Returns a list of directory elements excluding .

and .. for the given path, non recursive.

The custom consume_dir_item digest may also be used to filter the element, besides storing it.

pathpath to directory
digestconsume_dir_item function to receive each directory item, e.g. void consume_dir_item(const dir_item& item)
true if given path exists, is directory and is readable, otherwise false

Definition at line 987 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_dir_content() [2/2]

bool jau::fs::get_dir_content ( const int dirfd,
const std::string & path,
const consume_dir_item & digest )

Returns a list of directory elements excluding .

and .. for the given path, non recursive.

The custom consume_dir_item digest may also be used to filter the element, besides storing it.

dirfdfile descriptor to given path left untouched as a copy is being used to retrieve the directory content.
pathpath to directory
digestconsume_dir_item function to receive each directory item, e.g. void consume_dir_item(const dir_item& item)
true if given path exists, is directory and is readable, otherwise false

Definition at line 1005 of file file_util.cpp.


jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING ( traverse_event ,
symlink ,
file ,
dir_check_entry ,
dir_entry ,
dir_exit ,
dir_symlink  )


jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING ( traverse_options ,
recursive ,
follow_symlinks ,
lexicographical_order ,
dir_check_entry ,
dir_entry ,
dir_exit  )

◆ visit() [1/2]

bool jau::fs::visit ( const std::string & path,
const traverse_options topts,
const path_visitor & visitor,
std::vector< int > * dirfds = nullptr )

Visit element(s) of a given path, see traverse_options for detailed settings.

All elements of type fmode_t::file, fmode_t::dir and fmode_t::no_access or fmode_t::not_existing will be visited by the given path_visitor visitor.

Depth passed to path_visitor is the recursive directory depth and starts with 1 for the initial directory.

path_visitor returning false stops traversal in general but traverse_options::dir_check_entry will only skip traversing the denied directory.

paththe starting path
toptsgiven traverse_options for this operation
visitorpath_visitor function bool visitor(const file_stats& item_stats, size_t depth).
dirfdsoptional empty dirfd stack pointer defaults to nullptr. If user provided, exposes the used dirfd stack, which last entry represents the currently visited directory. The dirfd stack starts and ends empty, i.e. all directory file descriptor are closed. In case of recursive directory traversion, the initial dir_entry visit starts with depth 1 and 2 fds, its parent and current directory.
true if successful including no path_visitor stopped traversal by returning false excluding traverse_options::dir_check_entry.

Definition at line 1157 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ visit() [2/2]

bool jau::fs::visit ( const file_stats & item_stats,
const traverse_options topts,
const path_visitor & visitor,
std::vector< int > * dirfds = nullptr )

Visit element(s) of a given path, see traverse_options for detailed settings.

All elements of type fmode_t::file, fmode_t::dir and fmode_t::no_access or fmode_t::not_existing will be visited by the given path_visitor visitor.

Depth passed to path_visitor is the recursive directory depth and starts with 1 for the initial directory.

path_visitor returning false stops traversal in general but traverse_options::dir_check_entry will only skip traversing the denied directory.

item_statspre-fetched file_stats for a given dir_item, used for efficiency
toptsgiven traverse_options for this operation
visitorpath_visitor function bool visitor(const file_stats& item_stats, size_t depth).
dirfdsoptional empty dirfd stack pointer defaults to nullptr. If user provided, exposes the used dirfd stack, which last entry represents the currently visited directory. The dirfd stack starts and ends empty, i.e. all directory file descriptor are closed. In case of recursive directory traversion, the initial dir_entry visit starts with depth 1 and 2 fds, its parent and current directory.
true if successful including no path_visitor stopped traversal by returning false excluding traverse_options::dir_check_entry.

Definition at line 1119 of file file_util.cpp.

◆ remove()

bool jau::fs::remove ( const std::string & path,
const traverse_options topts = traverse_options::none )

Remove the given path.

If path represents a director, recursive must be set to true.

The given traverse_options options are handled as follows:

  • traverse_options::parent_dir_last will be added by implementation to operate correct
  • traverse_options::recursive shall shall be set by caller to remove directories
  • traverse_options::follow_symlinks shall be set by caller to remove symbolic linked directories recursively, which is kind of dangerous. If not set, only the symbolic link will be removed (default)

Implementation is most data-race-free (DRF), utilizes following safeguards

  • utilizing parent directory file descriptor and openat() and unlinkat() operations against concurrent mutation
pathpath to remove
toptsgiven traverse_options for this operation, defaults to traverse_options::none
true only if the file or the directory with content has been deleted, otherwise false

Definition at line 1161 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare() [1/2]

bool jau::fs::compare ( const file_stats & source1,
const file_stats & source2,
const bool verbose = false )

Compare the bytes of both files, denoted by source1 and source2.

source1first source file to compare
source2second source file to compare
verbosedefaults to false
true if both elements are files and their bytes are equal, otherwise false.

Definition at line 1256 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare() [2/2]

bool jau::fs::compare ( const std::string & source1,
const std::string & source2,
const bool verbose = false )

Compare the bytes of both files, denoted by source1 and source2.

source1first source file to compare
source2second source file to compare
verbosedefaults to false
true if both elements are files and their bytes are equal, otherwise false.

Definition at line 1250 of file file_util.cpp.


jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING ( copy_options ,
recursive ,
follow_symlinks ,
into_existing_dir ,
ignore_symlink_errors ,
overwrite ,
preserve_all ,
sync  )

◆ copy()

bool jau::fs::copy ( const std::string & source_path,
const std::string & dest_path,
const copy_options copts = copy_options::none )

Copy the given source_path to dest_path using copy_options.

The behavior is similar like POSIX cp commandline tooling.

The following behavior is being followed regarding dest_path:

  • If source_path is a directory and copy_options::recursive set
    • If dest_path doesn't exist, source_path dir content is copied into the newly created dest_path.
    • If dest_path exists as a directory, source_path dir will be copied below the dest_path directory if copy_options::into_existing_dir is not set. Otherwise its content is copied into the existing dest_path.
    • Everything else is considered an error
  • If source_path is a file
    • If dest_path doesn't exist, source_path file is copied to dest_path as a file.
    • If dest_path exists as a directory, source_path file will be copied below the dest_path directory.
    • If dest_path exists as a file, copy_options::overwrite must be set to have it overwritten by the source_path file
    • Everything else is considered an error

Implementation either uses ::sendfile() if running under GNU/Linux, otherwise POSIX ::read() and write().

Implementation is most data-race-free (DRF), utilizes following safeguards on recursive directory copy

  • utilizing parent directory file descriptor and openat() operations against concurrent mutation
  • for each entered directory
    • new destination directory is create with '.<random_number>' and user-rwx permissions only
    • its file descriptor is being opened
    • its user-read permission is dropped, remains user-wx permissions only
    • its renamed to destination path
    • all copy operations are performed inside
    • at exit, its permissions are restored, etc.

See copy_options for details.

true if successful, otherwise false

Definition at line 1691 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rename()

bool jau::fs::rename ( const std::string & oldpath,
const std::string & newpath )

Rename oldpath to newpath using POSIX rename(), with the following combinations.

  • oldpath and newpath refer to the same file, a successful no-operation.
  • oldpath file
    • newpath not-existing file
    • newpath existing file to be atomically replaced
  • oldpath directory
    • newpath not-existing directory
    • newpath existing empty directory
  • oldpath symlink will be renamed
  • newpath symlink will be overwritten
oldpathprevious path
newpathnew path
true only if the rename operation was successful, otherwise false

Definition at line 1887 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sync()

void jau::fs::sync ( )

Synchronizes filesystems, i.e.

all pending modifications to filesystem metadata and cached file data will be written to the underlying filesystems.

Definition at line 1903 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:


◆ mount_image()

jau::fs::mount_ctx jau::fs::mount_image ( const std::string & image_path,
const std::string & target,
const std::string & fs_type,
const mountflags_t flags,
const std::string & fs_options = "" )

Attach the filesystem image named in image_path to target using an intermediate platform specific filesystem image loop-device.

This method either requires root permissions
or the following capabilities: cap_sys_admin,cap_setuid, cap_setgid.

Unmounting shall be done via umount() with mount_ctx argument to ensure all intermediate resources are released.

image_pathpath of image source file
targetdirectory where image_path filesystem shall be attached to
fs_typetype of filesystem, e.g. squashfs, tmpfs, iso9660, etc.
flagsfilesystem agnostic mount flags, see mountflags_linux.
fs_optionscomma separated options for the filesystem fs_type, see mount(8) for available options for the used filesystem.
mount_ctx structure containing mounted status etc
See also

Definition at line 1915 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mount()

mount_ctx jau::fs::mount ( const std::string & source,
const std::string & target,
const std::string & fs_type,
const mountflags_t flags,
const std::string & fs_options = "" )

Attach the filesystem named in source to target using the given filesystem source directly.

This method either requires root permissions
or the following capabilities: cap_sys_admin,cap_setuid, cap_setgid.

sourcefilesystem path for device, directory, file or dummy-string which shall be attached
targetdirectory where source filesystem shall be attached to
fs_typetype of filesystem, e.g. squashfs, tmpfs, iso9660, etc.
flagsfilesystem agnostic mount flags, see mountflags_linux.
fs_optionscomma separated options for the filesystem fs_type, see mount(8) for available options for the used filesystem.
mount_ctx structure containing mounted status etc
See also

Definition at line 2042 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:


jau::fs::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING ( umountflags_linux ,
force ,
detach ,
expire ,
nofollow  )

◆ umount() [1/2]

bool jau::fs::umount ( const mount_ctx & context,
const umountflags_t flags )

Detach the given mount_ctx context

This method either requires root permissions
or the following capabilities: cap_sys_admin,cap_setuid, cap_setgid.

contextmount_ctx previously attached via mount_image() or mount()
flagsoptional umount options, if supported by the system. See umount_options_linux.
true if successful, otherwise false
See also

Definition at line 2118 of file file_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ umount() [2/2]

bool jau::fs::umount ( const std::string & target,
const umountflags_t flags )

Detach the topmost filesystem mounted on target optionally using given umountflags options if supported.

This method either requires root permissions
or the following capabilities: cap_sys_admin,cap_setuid, cap_setgid.

targetdirectory of previously attached filesystem
flagsoptional umount options, if supported by the system. See umount_options_linux.
true if successful, otherwise false
See also

Definition at line 2204 of file file_util.cpp.