jaulib v1.3.7-3-gf12d0eb
Jau Support Library (C++, Java, ..)
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.AlphabetBase Alphabet Specification providing the alphabet for encode() and decode()
 Corg.jau.util.BaseCodecBase codecs, i.e
 Corg.jau.util.BitfieldSimple bitfield interface for efficient bit storage access in O(1)
 Corg.jau.io.Bitstream< T >Versatile Bitstream implementation supporting:
 Corg.jau.io.BuffersUtility methods allowing easy java.nio.Buffer manipulations
 Corg.jau.io.ByteInStreamUtilThis class represents an abstract byte input stream object
 Corg.jau.io.Bitstream< T >.ByteStream< T >General byte stream
 Corg.jau.io.Bitstream< T >.ByteStream< byte[]>
 Corg.jau.io.Bitstream< T >.ByteStream< ByteBuffer >
 Corg.jau.io.Bitstream< T >.ByteStream< InputStream >
 Corg.jau.io.Bitstream< T >.ByteStream< OutputStream >
 Corg.jau.io.IOUtil.ClassResourcesHelper compound associating a class instance and resource paths to be resolved at a later time
 Corg.jau.io.Buffers.CleanerAccess to NIO sun.misc.Cleaner, allowing caller to deterministically clean a given sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer
 Corg.jau.fs.CopyOptionsFilesystem copy options used to copy() path elements
 Corg.jau.lang.ExceptionUtils.CustomStackTraceInterface allowing Throwable specializations to provide their custom stack trace presentation
 Corg.jau.fs.DirItemRepresenting a directory item split into dirname() and basename()
 Corg.jau.sys.dl.DynamicLinkerLow level secure dynamic linker access
 Corg.jau.sys.elf.ElfHeaderPart1ELF ABI Header Part-1
 Corg.jau.sys.elf.ElfHeaderPart2ELF ABI Header Part-2
 Corg.jau.net.EUI48A packed 48 bit EUI-48 identifier, formerly known as MAC-48 or simply network device MAC address (Media Access Control address)
 Corg.jau.net.EUI48SubA 48 bit EUI-48 sub-identifier, see EUI48
 Corg.jau.util.Bitfield.FactorySimple Bitfield factory for returning the efficient implementation
 Corg.jau.io.MappedByteBufferInputStream.FileResizeOpFile resize interface allowing a file to change its size, e.g
 Corg.jau.fs.FileStatsPlatform agnostic representation of POSIX ::lstat() and ::stat() for a given pathname
 Corg.jau.fs.FileUtilNative file types and functionality
 Corg.jau.fs.FModeGeneric file type and POSIX protection mode bits as used in file_stats, touch(), mkdir() etc
 Corg.jau.util.Function< R, A >Generic function interface to perform an action w/ given optional arguments producing an optional result
 Corg.jau.lang.InterruptSourceInterface exposing java.lang.Thread#interrupt() source, intended for java.lang.Thread specializations
 Corg.jau.io.IOStateMimic std::ios_base::iostate for state functionality, see iostate_func
 Corg.jau.io.IOStateFuncSupporting std::basic_ios's iostate functionality for all ByteInStream implementations
 Corg.jau.sys.JNILibraryStatic JNI Native Libraries handler
 Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.LockSpecifying a thread blocking lock implementation
 Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.LockDebugUtilFunctionality enabled if Lock#DEBUG is true
 Corg.jau.sys.MachineDataInfoMachine data description for alignment and size onle, see com.jogamp.gluegen
 Cjau.sys.MachineDataInfoRuntimeRuntime operations of MachineDataInfo
 Corg.jau.lang.ReflectionUtil.MethodAccessorConvenient Method access class
 Corg.jau.fs.MountFlagsGeneric flag bit values for mount() flags
 Corg.jau.fs.FileUtil.PathVisitorPath visitor for FileUtil#visit(FileStats, TraverseOptions, PathVisitor)
 Corg.jau.net.PiggybackURLConnection< AssetURLContext >
 Corg.jau.net.PiggybackURLContextSee PiggybackURLConnection for description and examples
 Corg.jau.sys.PlatformPropsPlatform Properties derived from Java properties
 Cjau.pkg.PlatformRuntimeInitialized by org.jau.sys.RuntimeProps
 Corg.jau.sys.PlatformTypesExposing types describing the underlying platform
 Corg.jau.sys.PropertyAccessHelper routines for accessing properties
 Corg.jau.lang.ReflectionUtilUtility methods to simplify reflection access
 Corg.jau.pkg.JarUtil.ResolverInterface allowing users to provide an URL resolver that will convert custom classloader URLs like Eclipse/OSGi bundleresource: URLs to normal jar: URLs
 Corg.jau.util.Ringbuffer< T >Ring buffer interface, a.k.a circular buffer
 Corg.jau.sys.RuntimePropsRuntime platform properties derived from PlatformProps and runtime query
 Corg.jau.sys.elf.SectionHeaderELF ABI Section Header
 Corg.jau.sec.SHASumUtility class to produce secure hash (SHA) sums over diverse input sources
 Corg.jau.sys.MachineDataInfo.StaticConfigStatic enumeration of MachineDataInfo instances used for high performance data size and alignment lookups, e.g
 Corg.jau.io.ByteInStreamUtil.StreamConsumer1Stream consumer using a byte array
 Corg.jau.io.ByteInStreamUtil.StreamConsumer2Stream consumer using a direct ByteBuffer
 Corg.jau.pkg.cache.TempJarCacheStatic Jar file cache handler using an underlying instance of TempFileCache, see getTempFileCache()
 Corg.jau.fs.TraverseEventFilesystem traverse event used to call path_visitor for path elements from visit()
 Corg.jau.fs.TraverseOptionsFilesystem traverse options used to visit() path elements
 Corg.jau.fs.UnmountFlagsGeneric flag bit class for umount() flags
 Corg.jau.lang.UnsafeUtilUtility methods allowing easy access to certain sun.misc.Unsafe functionality
 Corg.jau.net.UriThis class implements an immutable Uri as defined by RFC 2396
 Corg.jau.net.UriQueryPropsHelper class to process URI's query, handled as properties
 Corg.jau.io.UriTkLimited URI toolkit to query handled protocols by the IO implementation
 Corg.jau.util.ValueConvUtility class providing simple signed and unsigned primitive value conversions for byte, short, int, float and double