Corg.jau.sys.PlatformTypes.ABIType | |
►Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Alphabet | Base Alphabet Specification providing the alphabet for encode() and decode() |
Cjau.test.util.TestBaseCodec.Base64AlphabetNopadding | |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Ascii38Alphabet | Safe base 38 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Ascii64Alphabet | Safe base 64 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Ascii86Alphabet | Base 86 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Base64Alphabet | Safe canonical base64 alphabet, without ASCII code-point sorting order |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Base64urlAlphabet | Safe canonical base64url alphabet, without ASCII code-point sorting order |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Natural64Alphabet | Safe natural base 64 alphabet, both without ASCII code-point sorting order |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec.Natural86Alphabet | Natural base 86 alphabet, without ASCII code-point sorting order |
Corg.jau.sys.AndroidUtil | |
Corg.jau.sys.AndroidVersion | |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.SectionArmAttributes.Attribute | |
►CAutoCloseable | |
► | Abstract byte input stream object | | Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with an externally provisioned data feed | | File based byte input stream, including named file descriptor | | Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with a URL connection provisioned data feed |
► | Abstract byte output stream object, to write data to a sink | | File based byte output stream, including named file descriptor |
Corg.jau.util.BaseCodec | Base codecs, i.e |
Corg.jau.util.BasicAlgos | |
Corg.jau.util.BasicTypes | |
Corg.jau.fs.CopyOptions.Bit | |
Corg.jau.fs.FMode.Bit | |
►Corg.jau.fs.MountFlags.Bit | |
Corg.jau.fs.MountFlags.Bit0 | |
Corg.jau.fs.linux.MountFlags.Bit | |
Corg.jau.fs.TraverseOptions.Bit | |
►Corg.jau.fs.UnmountFlags.Bit | |
Corg.jau.fs.UnmountFlags.Bit0 | |
Corg.jau.fs.linux.UnmountFlags.Bit | | | |
Cjau.test.util.BitDemoData | |
►Corg.jau.util.Bitfield | Simple bitfield interface for efficient bit storage access in O(1) |
Cjau.util.Int32ArrayBitfield | Simple bitfield interface for efficient storage access in O(1) |
Cjau.util.Int32Bitfield | Simple bitfield interface for efficient storage access in O(1) |
Cjau.util.SyncedBitfield | Simple synchronized Bitfield by wrapping an existing Bitfield |
Corg.jau.util.BitMath | |< T > | Versatile Bitstream implementation supporting: | | Utility methods allowing easy java.nio.Buffer manipulations | | This class represents an abstract byte input stream object |< T >.ByteStream< T > | General byte stream |
►< T >.ByteStream< byte[]> | |< T >.ByteArrayStream | Specific byte stream |
►< T >.ByteStream< ByteBuffer > | |< T >.ByteBufferStream | Specific byte stream |
►< T >.ByteStream< InputStream > | |< T >.ByteInputStream | Specific byte stream |
►< T >.ByteStream< OutputStream > | |< T >.ByteOutputStream | Specific byte stream | | |
►CCharSequence | |
► | Immutable RFC3986 encoded string | | | | Helper compound associating a class instance and resource paths to be resolved at a later time | | Access to NIO sun.misc.Cleaner , allowing caller to deterministically clean a given |
►Corg.jau.sys.Clock | | | |
►CCloneable | |
Corg.jau.util.ArrayHashMap< K, V > | HashMap implementation backed by an ArrayList to preserve order of values |
Corg.jau.util.ArrayHashSet< E > | Hashed ArrayList implementation of the List and Collection interface |
►CComparable | | | Immutable RFC3986 encoded string |
►Corg.jau.util.VersionNumber | Simple version number class containing a version number either being defined explicit or derived from a string |
Corg.jau.util.VersionNumberString | VersionNumber specialization, holding the versionString this instance is derived from |
Corg.jau.fs.CopyOptions | Filesystem copy options used to copy() path elements |
Cjau.test.junit.util.MiscUtils.CopyStats | |
Corg.jau.sys.PlatformTypes.CPUFamily | |
Corg.jau.sys.PlatformTypes.CPUType | |
►Corg.jau.lang.ExceptionUtils.CustomStackTrace | Interface allowing Throwable specializations to provide their custom stack trace presentation |
Corg.jau.lang.SourcedInterruptedException | InterruptedException , which may include the source, see getInterruptSource() |
Corg.jau.fs.DirItem | Representing a directory item split into dirname() and basename() |
Cjau.test.util.TestArrayHashMap01.Dummy | |
Cjau.test.util.TestArrayHashSet01.Dummy | |
Corg.jau.sys.dl.DynamicLibraryBundleInfo | |
Corg.jau.sys.dl.DynamicLinker | Low level secure dynamic linker access |
►Corg.jau.sys.dl.DynamicLookupHelper | |
Corg.jau.sys.dl.DynamicLibraryBundle | Provides bundling of:
Corg.jau.sys.dl.NativeLibrary | Provides low-level, relatively platform-independent access to shared ("native") libraries |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.Ehdr_p1 | |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.Ehdr_p2 | |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.ElfHeaderPart1 | ELF ABI Header Part-1 |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.ElfHeaderPart2 | ELF ABI Header Part-2 | | A packed 48 bit EUI-48 identifier, formerly known as MAC-48 or simply network device MAC address (Media Access Control address) | | A 48 bit EUI-48 sub-identifier, see EUI48 |
Corg.jau.lang.ExceptionUtils | |
Corg.jau.util.Bitfield.Factory | Simple Bitfield factory for returning the efficient implementation |
Corg.jau.fs.FileStats.Field | | | File resize interface allowing a file to change its size, e.g |
Corg.jau.fs.FileStats | Platform agnostic representation of POSIX ::lstat() and ::stat() for a given pathname |
Corg.jau.fs.FileUtil | Native file types and functionality |
Corg.jau.fs.FMode | Generic file type and POSIX protection mode bits as used in file_stats, touch(), mkdir() etc |
►Corg.jau.util.Function< R, A > | Generic function interface to perform an action w/ given optional arguments producing an optional result |
Corg.jau.util.parallel.FunctionTask< R, A > | Helper class to provide a Runnable queue implementation with a Runnable wrapper which notifies after execution for the invokeAndWait() semantics |
Corg.jau.util.Hash32 | |
Corg.jau.util.Hash64 | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.LockFactory.ImplType | |
►CInputStream | | | An InputStream implementation based on an underlying FileChannel 's memory mapped ByteBuffer , supporting mark and reset() |
►CInterruptedException | |
Corg.jau.lang.SourcedInterruptedException | InterruptedException , which may include the source, see getInterruptSource() |
►Corg.jau.lang.InterruptSource | Interface exposing java.lang.Thread#interrupt() source, intended for java.lang.Thread specializations |
Corg.jau.lang.InterruptSource.Thread | java.lang.Thread specialization implementing InterruptSource to track java.lang.Thread#interrupt() calls |
Corg.jau.util.IntMath | | | Mimic std::ios_base::iostate for state functionality, see iostate_func |
► | Supporting std::basic_ios's iostate functionality for all ByteInStream implementations | | Abstract byte input stream object | | Abstract byte output stream object, to write data to a sink | | |
Corg.jau.pkg.JarUtil | |
►Corg.jau.util.JauVersion | |
Corg.jau.base.JaulibVersion | |
►Corg.jau.sys.JNILibrary | Static JNI Native Libraries handler |
Corg.jau.pkg.JNIJarLibrary | Static JNI Native Libraries handler including functionality for native JAR files using JarUtil and TempJarCache |
►Cjau.test.junit.util.JunitTracer | |
►Cjau.test.fs.FileUtilBaseTest | |
Cjau.test.fs.TestFileUtils01 | |
Cjau.test.fs.TestsudoFileUtils02 | | | | | | | |
Cjau.test.junit.util.SingletonJunitCase | |
► | | | | | | | Test basic EUI48 functionality | | | | | | | | Bug 908: Automated test, launching GlueGen jar file from an odd pathname | | | | |
Cjau.test.pkg.TestJarUtil | |
Cjau.test.pkg.cache.TestTempJarCache | |
Cjau.test.sys.TestClock01 | |
Cjau.test.sys.TestPlatform01 | |
Cjau.test.sys.TestSystemPropsAndEnvs | |
Cjau.test.sys.elf.TestElfReader01 | |
Cjau.test.util.TestArrayHashMap01 | |
Cjau.test.util.TestArrayHashSet01 | |
Cjau.test.util.TestBitfield00 | Test basic bitfield operations for Bitfield |
Cjau.test.util.TestBitstream00 | Test basic bit operations for Bitstream |
Cjau.test.util.TestBitstream01 | Test Bitstream w/ raw linear and bulk read/write access w/o semantics: |
Cjau.test.util.TestBitstream02 | Test Bitstream w/ int8 read/write access w/ semantics as well as with aligned and unaligned access |
Cjau.test.util.TestBitstream03 | Test Bitstream w/ int16 read/write access w/ semantics as well as with aligned and unaligned access |
Cjau.test.util.TestBitstream04 | Test Bitstream w/ int32 read/write access w/ semantics as well as with aligned and unaligned access |
Cjau.test.util.TestVersionInfo | |
Cjau.test.util.TestVersionNumber | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.TestRunnableTask01 | |
►CList | |
Corg.jau.util.ArrayHashSet< E > | Hashed ArrayList implementation of the List and Collection interface |
Corg.jau.pkg.cache.TempJarCache.LoadState | |
►Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.Lock | Specifying a thread blocking lock implementation |
►Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.SingletonInstance | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.SingletonInstanceFileLock | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.SingletonInstanceServerSocket | |
►Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.ThreadLock | Extending the Lock features with convenient functionality |
►Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.RecursiveLock | Reentrance capable locking toolkit |
►Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.RecursiveThreadGroupLock | Reentrance capable locking toolkit, supporting multiple threads as owner |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.RecursiveThreadGroupLockImpl01Unfairish | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.RecursiveLockImpl01CompleteFair | Reentrance locking toolkit, impl a complete fair FIFO scheduler |
►Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.RecursiveLockImpl01Unfairish | Reentrance locking toolkit, impl a non-complete fair FIFO scheduler |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.RecursiveThreadGroupLockImpl01Unfairish | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.LockDebugUtil | Functionality enabled if Lock#DEBUG is true |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.LockFactory | |
Corg.jau.sys.MachineDataInfo | Machine data description for alignment and size onle, see com.jogamp.gluegen |
Cjau.sys.MachineDataInfoRuntime | Runtime operations of MachineDataInfo |
►CMap | |
Corg.jau.util.ArrayHashMap< K, V > | HashMap implementation backed by an ArrayList to preserve order of values | | |
Corg.jau.lang.ReflectionUtil.MethodAccessor | Convenient Method access class |
Cjau.test.junit.util.MiscUtils | |
►Corg.jau.fs.MountFlags | Generic flag bit values for mount() flags |
Corg.jau.fs.linux.MountFlags | Flag bit values for mount() flags under GNU/Linux |
Corg.jau.sys.PlatformTypes.OSType | |
►COutputStream | | | An OutputStream implementation based on an underlying FileChannel 's memory mapped ByteBuffer |
►Corg.jau.fs.FileUtil.PathVisitor | Path visitor for FileUtil#visit(FileStats, TraverseOptions, PathVisitor) |
Cjau.test.fs.FileUtilBaseTest.PathStatsVisitor | |
►< AssetURLContext > | | | See base class PiggybackURLConnection for motivation |
► | See PiggybackURLConnection for description and examples | | See PiggybackURLConnection for description and examples |
Corg.jau.sys.PlatformProps | Platform Properties derived from Java properties |
Cjau.pkg.PlatformRuntime | Initialized by org.jau.sys.RuntimeProps |
Corg.jau.sys.PlatformTypes | Exposing types describing the underlying platform |
►Corg.jau.sys.PropertyAccess | Helper routines for accessing properties |
Corg.jau.sys.Debug | Helper routines for logging and debugging |
Corg.jau.lang.ReflectionUtil | Utility methods to simplify reflection access |
Corg.jau.pkg.JarUtil.Resolver | Interface allowing users to provide an URL resolver that will convert custom classloader URLs like Eclipse/OSGi bundleresource: URLs to normal jar: URLs |
►Corg.jau.util.Ringbuffer< T > | Ring buffer interface, a.k.a circular buffer |
Corg.jau.util.LFRingbuffer< T > | Simple implementation of Ringbuffer , exposing lock-free get*(..) and put*(..) methods |
►Cjau.test.util.RingBuffer01Base | |
Cjau.test.util.TestLFRingBuffer01 | |
►CRunnable | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.SingletonInstanceServerSocket.Server | | | |
►Corg.jau.util.parallel.TaskBase | Helper class to provide a Runnable queue implementation with a Runnable wrapper which notifies after execution for the invokeAndWait() semantics |
Corg.jau.util.parallel.FunctionTask< R, A > | Helper class to provide a Runnable queue implementation with a Runnable wrapper which notifies after execution for the invokeAndWait() semantics |
Corg.jau.util.parallel.RunnableTask | Helper class to provide a Runnable queue implementation with a Runnable wrapper which notifies after execution for the invokeAndWait() semantics |
►Corg.jau.util.parallel.RunnableExecutor | |
Corg.jau.util.parallel.RunnableExecutor.CurrentThreadExecutor | |
►CRuntimeException | |
Corg.jau.lang.InterruptedRuntimeException | Unchecked exception propagating an InterruptedException where handling of the latter is not desired |
Corg.jau.sys.RuntimeProps | Runtime platform properties derived from PlatformProps and runtime query |
►Corg.jau.sys.elf.Section | |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.SectionArmAttributes | ARM EABI attributes within section header SectionHeader#SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.SectionHeader | ELF ABI Section Header |
Corg.jau.sec.SecurityUtil | |
►Corg.jau.sec.SHASum | Utility class to produce secure hash (SHA) sums over diverse input sources |
►Corg.jau.pkg.TempJarSHASum | SHASum specialization utilizing TempJarCache to access jar file content for SHA computation |
Corg.jau.pkg.JaulibJarSHASum | Jaulib definition of TempJarSHASum 's specialization of SHASum |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.Shdr | |
Corg.jau.sys.MachineDataInfo.StaticConfig | Static enumeration of MachineDataInfo instances used for high performance data size and alignment lookups, e.g | | Stream consumer using a byte array | | Stream consumer using a direct ByteBuffer | | |
Cjau.test.util.parallel.locks.impl.RecursiveLockImpl01Unfairish.Sync | |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.SectionArmAttributes.Tag | |
Corg.jau.pkg.cache.TempCacheReg | |
Corg.jau.pkg.cache.TempFileCache | |
Corg.jau.pkg.cache.TempJarCache | Static Jar file cache handler using an underlying instance of TempFileCache , see getTempFileCache() |
Cjau.test.util.TestBaseCodec | |
Cjau.test.util.TestBasicTypes | |
Cjau.test.util.TestValueConversion | |
►Cjava.lang.Thread | |
Corg.jau.lang.InterruptSource.Thread | java.lang.Thread specialization implementing InterruptSource to track java.lang.Thread#interrupt() calls |
Corg.jau.fs.TraverseEvent | Filesystem traverse event used to call path_visitor for path elements from visit() |
Corg.jau.fs.TraverseOptions | Filesystem traverse options used to visit() path elements |
Corg.jau.fs.FileStats.Field.Type | |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.SectionArmAttributes.Type | |
►Corg.jau.fs.UnmountFlags | Generic flag bit class for umount() flags |
Corg.jau.fs.linux.UnmountFlags | Flag bit class for umount() flags under GNU/Linux |
Corg.jau.lang.UnsafeUtil | Utility methods allowing easy access to certain sun.misc.Unsafe functionality | | This class implements an immutable Uri as defined by RFC 2396 | | | | Helper class to process URI's query, handled as properties | | Limited URI toolkit to query handled protocols by the IO implementation |
►CURLConnection | |< I extends PiggybackURLContext > | Generic resource location protocol connection, using another sub-protocol as the vehicle for a piggyback protocol |
►CURLStreamHandler | | | URLStreamHandler to handle the asset protocol | | URLStreamHandler to handle the asset protocol |
►CURLStreamHandlerFactory | | | |
Corg.jau.lang.InterruptSource.Util | |
Corg.jau.util.ValueConv | Utility class providing simple signed and unsigned primitive value conversions for byte, short, int, float and double |
Corg.jau.sys.elf.SectionArmAttributes.VendorAttributes | |
Cjau.test.VersionInfo | |
Corg.jau.util.VersionUtil | |
Cjau.test.fs.FileUtilBaseTest.VisitorStats | |