Deprecated API

Deprecated Methods
          Use cvsDispose instead, well finalize is also implemented 
          The native window handle is no more accessible through this method since JDK >= 1.3 ! 
          The argument freeContextFirst is obsolete ! 
gl4java.GLContext.loadNativeLibraries(String, String, String)
          The arguments glLibName and gluLibName are obsolete, because all glj/gl/glu stuff resides within the gljLib ! Now you can use doLoadNativeLibraries ! 
gl4java.awt.GLAnimCanvas.setAnimateFps(double, int)
          Now the frames per seconds are allways calculated, no pre-sync needed. 
gl4java.swing.GLAnimJPanel.setAnimateFps(double, int)
          Now the frames per seconds are allways calculated, no pre-sync needed. 
          Now GLContext.gljClassDebug is used ! calculated, no pre-sync needed.