jaulib v1.3.8
Jau Support Library (C++, Java, ..)
No Matches
IO Utilities

Input and Output (IO) types and functionality. More...


namespace  jau::io::http


struct  jau::io::AsyncStreamResponse
 Asynchronous stream response. More...
class  jau::io::ByteInStream
 Abstract byte input stream object. More...
class  jau::io::ByteInStream_Feed
 Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with an externally provisioned data feed. More...
class  jau::io::ByteInStream_File
 File based byte input stream, including named file descriptor. More...
class  jau::io::ByteInStream_Recorder
 Wrapped byte input stream with the capability to record the read byte stream at will. More...
class  jau::io::ByteInStream_SecMemory
 Secure Memory-Based byte input stream. More...
class  jau::io::ByteInStream_URL
 Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with a URL connection provisioned data feed. More...
class  jau::io::ByteOutStream
 Abstract byte output stream object, to write data to a sink. More...
class  jau::io::ByteOutStream_File
 File based byte output stream, including named file descriptor. More...
class  jau::io::iostate_func
 Supporting std::basic_ios's iostate functionality for all ByteInStream implementations. More...
struct  jau::io::SyncStreamResponse
 Synchronous stream response. More...
class  jau::io::url_header_resp
 Synchronized URL header response completion as used by asynchronous read_url_stream(). More...


typedef jau::function< bool(AsyncStreamResponse &, const uint8_t *, size_t, bool)> jau::io::AsyncStreamConsumerFunc
 Asynchronous stream consumer function.
using jau::io::AsyncStreamResponseRef = std::shared_ptr<AsyncStreamResponse>
typedef jau::ringbuffer< uint8_t, size_t > jau::io::ByteRingbuffer
using jau::io::net_tk_handle = void*
typedef jau::ordered_atomic< io_result_t, std::memory_order_relaxed > jau::io::relaxed_atomic_io_result_t
typedef std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, jau::callocator_sec< char > > jau::io::secure_string
template<typename T>
using jau::io::secure_vector = std::vector<T, jau::callocator_sec<T>>
typedef jau::function< bool(secure_vector< uint8_t > &, bool)> jau::io::StreamConsumerFunc
 Stream consumer function.
typedef jau::function< bool(SyncStreamResponse &, const uint8_t *, size_t, bool)> jau::io::SyncStreamConsumerFunc
 Synchronous stream consumer function.
using jau::io::SyncStreamResponseRef = std::shared_ptr<SyncStreamResponse>


enum class  jau::io::io_dir_t : int8_t { jau::io::io_dir_t::READ = 0 , jau::io::io_dir_t::WRITE = 1 }
 I/O direction, read or write. More...
enum class  jau::io::io_result_t : int8_t { jau::io::io_result_t::FAILED = -1 , jau::io::io_result_t::NONE = 0 , jau::io::io_result_t::SUCCESS = 1 }
 I/O operation result value. More...
enum class  jau::io::iostate : uint32_t {
  jau::io::iostate::none = 0 , jau::io::iostate::goodbit = 0 , jau::io::iostate::badbit = 1U << 0 , jau::io::iostate::eofbit = 1U << 1 ,
  jau::io::iostate::failbit = 1U << 2 , jau::io::iostate::timeout = 1U << 3


net_tk_handle jau::io::create_net_tk_handle () noexcept
 creates a reusable handle, free with free_net_tk_handle() after use.
void jau::io::free_net_tk_handle (net_tk_handle handle) noexcept
 frees a handle after use created by create_net_tk_handle()
std::string_view jau::io::uri_tk::get_scheme (const std::string_view &uri) noexcept
 Returns the valid uri-scheme from given uri, which is empty if no valid scheme is included.
bool jau::io::uri_tk::is_httpx_protocol (const std::string_view &uri) noexcept
 Returns true if the uri-scheme of given uri matches the http or https protocol, i.e.
bool jau::io::uri_tk::is_local_file_protocol (const std::string_view &uri) noexcept
 Returns true if the uri-scheme of given uri matches the local file protocol, i.e.
 jau::io::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING (iostate, goodbit, badbit, eofbit, failbit, timeout)
std::ostream & jau::io::operator<< (std::ostream &os, io_result_t v)
void jau::io::print_stats (const std::string &prefix, const uint64_t &out_bytes_total, const jau::fraction_i64 &td) noexcept
bool jau::io::uri_tk::protocol_supported (const std::string_view &uri) noexcept
 Returns true if the uri-scheme of given uri matches a supported by libcurl network protocols otherwise false.
uint64_t jau::io::read_file (const std::string &input_file, secure_vector< uint8_t > &buffer, const StreamConsumerFunc &consumer_fn) noexcept
 Synchronous byte input stream reader from given file path using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.
uint64_t jau::io::read_stream (ByteInStream &in, secure_vector< uint8_t > &buffer, const StreamConsumerFunc &consumer_fn) noexcept
 Synchronous byte input stream reader using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.
uint64_t jau::io::read_stream (ByteInStream &in, secure_vector< uint8_t > &buffer1, secure_vector< uint8_t > &buffer2, const StreamConsumerFunc &consumer_fn) noexcept
 Synchronous double-buffered byte input stream reader using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.
uint64_t jau::io::read_url_stream (const std::string &url, secure_vector< uint8_t > &buffer, const StreamConsumerFunc &consumer_fn) noexcept
 Synchronous URL stream reader using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.
AsyncStreamResponseRef jau::io::read_url_stream_async (net_tk_handle handle, const std::string &url, http::PostRequestPtr httpPostReq, ByteRingbuffer *buffer, const AsyncStreamConsumerFunc &consumer_fn) noexcept
 Asynchronous URL stream reader using the given AsyncStreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.
SyncStreamResponseRef jau::io::read_url_stream_sync (net_tk_handle handle, const std::string &url, http::PostRequestPtr httpPostReq, ByteRingbuffer *buffer, const SyncStreamConsumerFunc &consumer_fn) noexcept
 Synchronous URL stream reader using the given SyncStreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.
std::vector< std::string_view > jau::io::uri_tk::supported_protocols () noexcept
 Returns a list of supported protocol supported by libcurl network protocols, queried at runtime.
std::unique_ptr< ByteInStreamjau::io::to_ByteInStream (const std::string &path_or_uri, jau::fraction_i64 timeout=20_s) noexcept
 Parses the given path_or_uri, if it matches a supported protocol, see jau::io::uri::protocol_supported(), but is not a local file, see jau::io::uri::is_local_file_protocol(), ByteInStream_URL is being attempted.
std::string jau::io::toString (io_result_t v) noexcept


const size_t jau::io::BEST_URLSTREAM_RINGBUFFER_SIZE = 2_uz * 16384_uz

Detailed Description

Input and Output (IO) types and functionality.

Typedef Documentation

◆ secure_vector

template<typename T>
using jau::io::secure_vector = std::vector<T, jau::callocator_sec<T>>

Definition at line 46 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ secure_string

typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, jau::callocator_sec<char> > jau::io::secure_string

Definition at line 48 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ ByteRingbuffer

typedef jau::ringbuffer<uint8_t, size_t> jau::io::ByteRingbuffer

Definition at line 50 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ relaxed_atomic_io_result_t

Definition at line 78 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ StreamConsumerFunc

typedef jau::function<bool(secure_vector<uint8_t>& , bool )> jau::io::StreamConsumerFunc

Stream consumer function.

Returns true to signal continuation, false to end streaming.

Definition at line 98 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ net_tk_handle

using jau::io::net_tk_handle = void*

Definition at line 239 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ SyncStreamResponseRef

Definition at line 283 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ SyncStreamConsumerFunc

typedef jau::function<bool(SyncStreamResponse& , const uint8_t* , size_t , bool )> jau::io::SyncStreamConsumerFunc

Synchronous stream consumer function.

Returns true to signal continuation, false to end streaming.

Definition at line 291 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ AsyncStreamResponseRef

Definition at line 364 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ AsyncStreamConsumerFunc

typedef jau::function<bool(AsyncStreamResponse& , const uint8_t* , size_t , bool )> jau::io::AsyncStreamConsumerFunc

Asynchronous stream consumer function.

Returns true to signal continuation, false to end streaming.

Definition at line 372 of file io_util.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ iostate

enum class jau::io::iostate : uint32_t

No error occurred nor has EOS being reached.

Value is no bit set!


No error occurred nor has EOS being reached.

Value is no bit set!


Irrecoverable stream error, including loss of integrity of the underlying stream or media.


An input operation reached the end of its stream.


Input or output operation failed (formatting or extraction error).


Input or output operation failed due to timeout.

Definition at line 55 of file byte_stream.hpp.

◆ io_dir_t

enum class jau::io::io_dir_t : int8_t

I/O direction, read or write.


Read Operation.


Write Operation.

Definition at line 57 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ io_result_t

enum class jau::io::io_result_t : int8_t

I/O operation result value.


Operation failed.


Operation still in progress.


Operation succeeded.

Definition at line 68 of file io_util.hpp.

Function Documentation


jau::io::JAU_MAKE_BITFIELD_ENUM_STRING ( iostate ,
goodbit ,
badbit ,
eofbit ,
failbit ,
timeout  )

◆ to_ByteInStream()

std::unique_ptr< ByteInStream > jau::io::to_ByteInStream ( const std::string & path_or_uri,
jau::fraction_i64 timeout = 20_s )

Parses the given path_or_uri, if it matches a supported protocol, see jau::io::uri::protocol_supported(), but is not a local file, see jau::io::uri::is_local_file_protocol(), ByteInStream_URL is being attempted.

If the above fails, ByteInStream_File is attempted.

If non of the above leads to a ByteInStream without ByteInStream::fail(), nullptr is returned.

path_or_urigiven path or uri for with a ByteInStream instance shall be established.
timeoutin case path_or_uri resolves to ByteInStream_URL, timeout is being used as maximum duration to wait for next bytes at ByteInStream_URL::available(), defaults to 20_s
a working ByteInStream w/o ByteInStream::fail() or nullptr

Definition at line 415 of file byte_stream.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toString()

std::string jau::io::toString ( io_result_t v)

Definition at line 80 of file io_util.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & jau::io::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
io_result_t v )

Definition at line 87 of file io_util.hpp.

◆ read_file()

uint64_t jau::io::read_file ( const std::string & input_file,
secure_vector< uint8_t > & buffer,
const StreamConsumerFunc & consumer_fn )

Synchronous byte input stream reader from given file path using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.

To abort streaming, user may return false from the given consumer_func.

It is guaranteed that consumer_fn() is called with is_final=true once at the end, even if input_file stream has zero size.

input_fileinput file name path, - denotes std::stdin.
buffersecure std::vector buffer, passed down to consumer_fn
consumer_fnStreamConsumerFunc consumer for each received heap of bytes, returning true to continue stream of false to abort.
total bytes read or 0 if error

Definition at line 48 of file io_util.cpp.

◆ read_stream() [1/2]

uint64_t jau::io::read_stream ( ByteInStream & in,
secure_vector< uint8_t > & buffer,
const StreamConsumerFunc & consumer_fn )

Synchronous byte input stream reader using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.

To abort streaming, user may return false from the given consumer_func.

It is guaranteed that consumer_fn() is called with is_final=true once at the end, even input stream has zero size.

inthe input byte stream to read from
buffersecure std::vector buffer, passed down to consumer_fn
consumer_fnStreamConsumerFunc consumer for each received heap of bytes, returning true to continue stream of false to abort.
total bytes read or 0 if error

Definition at line 61 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_stream() [2/2]

uint64_t jau::io::read_stream ( ByteInStream & in,
secure_vector< uint8_t > & buffer1,
secure_vector< uint8_t > & buffer2,
const StreamConsumerFunc & consumer_fn )

Synchronous double-buffered byte input stream reader using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.

To abort streaming, user may return false from the given consumer_func.

It is guaranteed that consumer_fn() is called with is_final=true once at the end, even if input stream has zero size.

Implementation reads one buffer ahead in respect to consumer_fn().
If reading zero bytes on the next buffer, it propagates the end-of-file (EOF) to the previous buffer which will be send via consumer_fn() next.

This way, the consumer_fn() will always receive its is_final flag on the last sent bytes (size > 0) even if the content-size is unknown (pipe).
Hence it allows e.g. decryption to work where the final data chunck must be processed as such.

inthe input byte stream to read from
buffer1secure std::vector buffer, passed down to consumer_fn
buffer2secure std::vector buffer, passed down to consumer_fn
consumer_fnStreamConsumerFunc consumer for each received heap of bytes, returning true to continue stream of false to abort.
total bytes read or 0 if error

Definition at line 102 of file io_util.cpp.

◆ read_url_stream()

uint64_t jau::io::read_url_stream ( const std::string & url,
secure_vector< uint8_t > & buffer,
const StreamConsumerFunc & consumer_fn )

Synchronous URL stream reader using the given StreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.

To abort streaming, user may return false from the given consumer_func.

Standard implementation uses curl, hence all libcurl network protocols are supported, see jau::io::uri::supported_protocols().

If the uri-sheme doesn't match a supported protocol, see jau::io::uri::protocol_supported(), function returns immediately with zero bytes.

Environment variables:

  • jau_io_net_ssl_verifypeer=[true|false] to enable or disable SSL peer verification. Defaults to true.
  • jau_io_net_verbose=[true|false] to enable or disable verbose on stderr stream communication. Defaults to false.
urlthe URL to open a connection to and stream bytes from
buffersecure std::vector buffer, passed down to consumer_fn
consumer_fnStreamConsumerFunc consumer for each received heap of bytes, returning true to continue stream of false to abort.
total bytes read or 0 if transmission error or protocol of given url is not supported

Definition at line 313 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_net_tk_handle()

net_tk_handle jau::io::create_net_tk_handle ( )

creates a reusable handle, free with free_net_tk_handle() after use.

Definition at line 1072 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ free_net_tk_handle()

void jau::io::free_net_tk_handle ( net_tk_handle handle)

frees a handle after use created by create_net_tk_handle()

Definition at line 1081 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_url_stream_sync()

SyncStreamResponseRef jau::io::read_url_stream_sync ( net_tk_handle handle,
const std::string & url,
http::PostRequestPtr httpPostReq,
ByteRingbuffer * buffer,
const SyncStreamConsumerFunc & consumer_fn )

Synchronous URL stream reader using the given SyncStreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.

Function returns after completion.

To abort streaming, (1) user may return false from the given consumer_func. Asynchronous URL read content using the given byte jau::ringbuffer, allowing parallel reading.

To abort streaming, (2) user may set given reference results to a value other than async_io_result_t::NONE.

Standard implementation uses curl, hence all libcurl network protocols are supported, see jau::io::uri::supported_protocols().

If the uri-sheme doesn't match a supported protocol, see jau::io::uri::protocol_supported(), SyncStreamResponse::failed() returns true.

Environment variables:

  • jau_io_net_ssl_verifypeer=[true|false] to enable or disable SSL peer verification. Defaults to true.
  • jau_io_net_verbose=[true|false] to enable or disable verbose on stderr stream communication. Defaults to false.
handleoptional reused user-pooled net toolkit handle, see create_net_tk_handle(). Pass nullptr to use an own local handle.
urlthe URL to open a connection to and stream bytes from
httpPostReqoptional HTTP POST request data, maybe nullptr
bufferoptional jau::ringbuffer<uint8_t>, if not nullptr will be synchronously filled with received data
consumer_fnSyncStreamConsumerFunc consumer for each received heap of bytes, returning true to continue stream of false to abort.
new SyncStreamResponse reference. If protocol of given url is not supported, SyncStreamResponse::failed() returns true.

Definition at line 1093 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_url_stream_async()

AsyncStreamResponseRef jau::io::read_url_stream_async ( net_tk_handle handle,
const std::string & url,
http::PostRequestPtr httpPostReq,
ByteRingbuffer * buffer,
const AsyncStreamConsumerFunc & consumer_fn )

Asynchronous URL stream reader using the given AsyncStreamConsumerFunc consumer_fn.

Function returns immediately.

To abort streaming, (1) user may return false from the given consumer_func. Asynchronous URL read content using the given byte jau::ringbuffer, allowing parallel reading.

To abort streaming, (2) user may set given reference results to a value other than async_io_result_t::NONE.

Standard implementation uses curl, hence all libcurl network protocols are supported, see jau::io::uri::supported_protocols().

If the uri-sheme doesn't match a supported protocol, see jau::io::uri::protocol_supported(), AsyncStreamResponse::failed() returns true.

Environment variables:

  • jau_io_net_ssl_verifypeer=[true|false] to enable or disable SSL peer verification. Defaults to true.
  • jau_io_net_verbose=[true|false] to enable or disable verbose on stderr stream communication. Defaults to false.
handleoptional reused user-pooled net toolkit handle, see create_net_tk_handle(). Pass nullptr to use an own local handle.
urlthe URL to open a connection to and stream bytes from
httpPostReqoptional HTTP POST request data, maybe nullptr
bufferoptional jau::ringbuffer<uint8_t>, if not nullptr will be asynchronously filled with received data
consumer_fnAsyncStreamConsumerFunc consumer for each received heap of bytes, returning true to continue stream of false to abort.
new AsyncStreamResponse reference. If protocol of given url is not supported, AsyncStreamResponse::failed() returns true.

Definition at line 1119 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_stats()

void jau::io::print_stats ( const std::string & prefix,
const uint64_t & out_bytes_total,
const jau::fraction_i64 & td )

Definition at line 1149 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ supported_protocols()

std::vector< std::string_view > jau::io::uri_tk::supported_protocols ( )

Returns a list of supported protocol supported by libcurl network protocols, queried at runtime.

See also

Definition at line 161 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_scheme()

std::string_view jau::io::uri_tk::get_scheme ( const std::string_view & uri)

Returns the valid uri-scheme from given uri, which is empty if no valid scheme is included.

The given uri must include at least a colon after the uri-scheme part.

urian uri
valid uri-scheme, empty if non found

Definition at line 184 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ protocol_supported()

bool jau::io::uri_tk::protocol_supported ( const std::string_view & uri)

Returns true if the uri-scheme of given uri matches a supported by libcurl network protocols otherwise false.

The uri-scheme is retrieved via get_scheme() passing given uri, hence must include at least a colon after the uri-scheme part.

The libcurl supported protocols is queried at runtime, see supported_protocols().

urian uri to test
true if the uri-scheme of given uri is supported, otherwise false.
See also

Definition at line 196 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_local_file_protocol()

bool jau::io::uri_tk::is_local_file_protocol ( const std::string_view & uri)

Returns true if the uri-scheme of given uri matches the local file protocol, i.e.

starts with file://.

urian uri to test

Definition at line 206 of file io_util.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_httpx_protocol()

bool jau::io::uri_tk::is_httpx_protocol ( const std::string_view & uri)

Returns true if the uri-scheme of given uri matches the http or https protocol, i.e.

starts with http: or https:.

urian uri to test

Definition at line 210 of file io_util.cpp.

Variable Documentation


const size_t jau::io::BEST_URLSTREAM_RINGBUFFER_SIZE = 2_uz * 16384_uz

Definition at line 72 of file byte_stream.cpp.