jaulib v1.3.6
Jau Support Library (C++, Java, ..)
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jau::io::ByteInStream_URL Class Referencefinal

Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with a URL connection provisioned data feed. More...

#include <byte_stream.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jau::io::ByteInStream_URL:
Collaboration diagram for jau::io::ByteInStream_URL:

Public Member Functions

 ByteInStream_URL (const ByteInStream_URL &)=delete
 ByteInStream_URL (std::string url, const jau::fraction_i64 &timeout) noexcept
 Construct a ringbuffer backed Http byte input stream.
 ~ByteInStream_URL () noexcept override
bool available (size_t n) noexcept override
 Check whether n bytes are available in the input stream.
void close () noexcept override
 Close the stream if supported by the underlying mechanism.
uint64_t content_size () const noexcept override
 Returns the content_size if known.
bool has_content_size () const noexcept override
 Returns true if implementation is aware of content_size(), otherwise false.
std::string id () const noexcept override
 return the id of this data source
bool is_open () const noexcept override
 Checks if the stream has an associated file.
ByteInStream_URLoperator= (const ByteInStream_URL &)=delete
size_t peek (void *out, size_t length, size_t peek_offset) noexcept override
 Read from the source but do not modify the internal offset.
iostate rdstate () const noexcept override
 Returns the current state flags.
size_t read (void *out, size_t length) noexcept override
 Read from the source.
uint64_t tellg () const noexcept override
 Returns the input position indicator, similar to std::basic_istream.
std::string to_string () const noexcept override
- Public Member Functions inherited from jau::io::ByteInStream
 ByteInStream () noexcept
 ByteInStream (const ByteInStream &)=delete
 ~ByteInStream () noexcept override=default
size_t discard (size_t N) noexcept
 Discard the next N bytes of the data.
ByteInStreamoperator= (const ByteInStream &)=delete
bool peek (uint8_t &out) noexcept
 Peek at one byte.
bool read (uint8_t &out) noexcept
 Read one byte.
- Public Member Functions inherited from jau::io::iostate_func
 iostate_func () noexcept
 iostate_func (const iostate_func &o) noexcept=default
 iostate_func (iostate_func &&o) noexcept=default
virtual ~iostate_func () noexcept=default
bool bad () const noexcept
 Checks if a non-recoverable error has occurred.
virtual void clear (const iostate state=iostate::goodbit) noexcept
 Clears state flags by assignment to the given value.
bool eof () const noexcept
 Checks if end-of-file has been reached.
bool fail () const noexcept
 Checks if an error has occurred.
bool good () const noexcept
 Checks if no error nor eof() has occurred i.e.
 operator bool () const noexcept
 Checks if no error has occurred, synonym of !fail().
bool operator! () const noexcept
 Checks if an error has occurred, synonym of fail().
iostate_funcoperator= (const iostate_func &o) noexcept=default
iostate_funcoperator= (iostate_func &&o) noexcept=default
void setstate (const iostate state) noexcept
 Sets state flags, by keeping its previous bits.
bool timeout () const noexcept
 Checks if a timeout (non-recoverable) has occurred.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from jau::io::iostate_func
constexpr iostate rdstate_impl () const noexcept
constexpr void setstate_impl (iostate state) const noexcept

Detailed Description

Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with a URL connection provisioned data feed.

Standard implementation uses curl, hence all libcurl network protocols are supported, jau::io::uri::supported_protocols().

Definition at line 436 of file byte_stream.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ByteInStream_URL() [1/2]

ByteInStream_URL::ByteInStream_URL ( std::string url,
const jau::fraction_i64 & timeout )

Construct a ringbuffer backed Http byte input stream.

urlthe URL of the data to read
timeoutmaximum duration in fractions of seconds to wait @ available() for next bytes, where fractions_i64::zero waits infinitely

Definition at line 306 of file byte_stream.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ByteInStream_URL() [2/2]

jau::io::ByteInStream_URL::ByteInStream_URL ( const ByteInStream_URL & )

◆ ~ByteInStream_URL()

jau::io::ByteInStream_URL::~ByteInStream_URL ( )

Definition at line 491 of file byte_stream.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ available()

bool ByteInStream_URL::available ( size_t n)

Check whether n bytes are available in the input stream.

Wait up to timeout duration set in constructor until n bytes become available, where fractions_i64::zero waits infinitely.

This method is blocking.

nbyte count to wait for
true if n bytes are available, otherwise false
See also
ByteInStream Properties

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 336 of file byte_stream.cpp.

◆ read()

size_t ByteInStream_URL::read ( void * out,
size_t length )

Read from the source.

Moves the internal offset so that every call to read will return a new portion of the source.

Use available() to wait and ensure a certain amount of bytes are available.

This method is not blocking beyond the transfer of min(available, length) bytes.

outthe byte array to write the result to
lengththe length of the byte array out
length in bytes that was actually read and put into out
See also
ByteInStream Properties

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 368 of file byte_stream.cpp.

◆ peek()

size_t ByteInStream_URL::peek ( void * out,
size_t length,
size_t peek_offset )

Read from the source but do not modify the internal offset.

Consecutive calls to peek() will return portions of the source starting at the same position.

outthe byte array to write the output to
lengththe length of the byte array out
peek_offsetthe offset into the stream to read at
length in bytes that was actually read and put into out

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 388 of file byte_stream.cpp.

◆ rdstate()

iostate ByteInStream_URL::rdstate ( ) const

Returns the current state flags.

Method is marked virtual to allow implementations with asynchronous resources to determine or update the current iostate.

Method is used throughout all query members and setstate(), hence they all will use the updated state from a potential override implementation.

Reimplemented from jau::io::iostate_func.

Definition at line 396 of file byte_stream.cpp.

◆ id()

std::string jau::io::ByteInStream_URL::id ( ) const

return the id of this data source

std::string representing the id of this data source

Reimplemented from jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 474 of file byte_stream.hpp.

◆ operator=()

ByteInStream_URL & jau::io::ByteInStream_URL::operator= ( const ByteInStream_URL & )

◆ is_open()

bool ByteInStream_URL::is_open ( ) const

Checks if the stream has an associated file.

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 363 of file byte_stream.cpp.

◆ close()

void ByteInStream_URL::close ( )

Close the stream if supported by the underlying mechanism.

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 320 of file byte_stream.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tellg()

uint64_t jau::io::ByteInStream_URL::tellg ( ) const

Returns the input position indicator, similar to std::basic_istream.

number of bytes read so far.

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 493 of file byte_stream.hpp.

◆ has_content_size()

bool jau::io::ByteInStream_URL::has_content_size ( ) const

Returns true if implementation is aware of content_size(), otherwise false.

See also

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 495 of file byte_stream.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ content_size()

uint64_t jau::io::ByteInStream_URL::content_size ( ) const

Returns the content_size if known.

See also

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 497 of file byte_stream.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_string()

std::string ByteInStream_URL::to_string ( ) const

Implements jau::io::ByteInStream.

Definition at line 417 of file byte_stream.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: