jaulib v1.3.8
Jau Support Library (C++, Java, ..)
No Matches
Java VM Utilities

Java virtual machine support, helping accessing the JVM and converting data types. More...


class  jau::jni::JavaAnon
 Pure virtual JavaAnon, hiding Java JNI details from API, to be implemented by JNI module. More...
class  jau::jni::JavaGlobalObj
 Implementation for JavaAnon, by simply wrapping a JNIGlobalRef instance. More...
class  jau::jni::JavaUplink
 Sharing the anonymous Java object (JavaAnon), i.e. More...
class  jau::jni::JNICriticalArray< T, U >
class  jau::jni::JNIEnvContainer
class  jau::jni::JNIGlobalRef
class  jau::jni::shared_ptr_ref< T >
 A std::shared_ptr<T> storage instance to be copied from and released into a java object's long nativeInstance field. More...


#define rethrow_and_raise_java_exception_jau(E)
 Re-throw current exception and raise respective java exception using any matching function above.


typedef std::shared_ptr< JavaAnonjau::jni::JavaAnonRef
typedef std::shared_ptr< JavaGlobalObjjau::jni::JavaGlobalObjRef
typedef std::shared_ptr< JavaUplinkjau::jni::JavaUplinkRef


template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr< T > * jau::jni::castInstance (jlong instance, const bool throw_on_nullptr=true)
 Returns the cast shared_ptr<T> pointer from the java object's long nativeInstance field.
template<typename T>
void jau::jni::clearInstance (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
 Deletes the std::shared_ptr<T> storage of the java object if exists and write nullptr into its long nativeInstance field.
template<class byte_container_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< typename byte_container_type::value_type > &&std::is_convertible_v< typename byte_container_type::value_type, jbyte >, bool > = true>
jbyteArray jau::jni::convert_bytes_to_jbytearray (JNIEnv *env, const byte_container_type &data)
template<typename T>
jobject jau::jni::convert_instance_to_jobject (JNIEnv *env, const std::shared_ptr< T > &elem, const char *ctor_prototype, jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, jclass, jmethodID, const std::shared_ptr< T > &)> ctor)
template<typename T>
jobject jau::jni::convert_instance_to_jobject (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *ctor_prototype, jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, jclass, jmethodID, const std::shared_ptr< T > &)> ctor, const std::shared_ptr< T > &elem)
std::vector< std::string > jau::jni::convert_jlist_string_to_vector (JNIEnv *env, jobject jlist)
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_bytes_to_jarraylist (JNIEnv *env, const std::vector< std::vector< uint8_t > > &array)
template<typename T>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist (JNIEnv *env, T &array)
template<typename T, typename U>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist (JNIEnv *env, T &array, const char *ctor_prototype, jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, jclass, jmethodID, const std::shared_ptr< U > &)> ctor)
template<typename T, typename U>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist (JNIEnv *env, T &array, jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, const std::shared_ptr< U > &)> ctor)
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_string_to_jarraylist (JNIEnv *env, const std::vector< std::string > &array)
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_stringview_to_jarraylist (JNIEnv *env, const std::vector< std::string_view > &array)
template<typename T, typename U>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_to_jarraylist (JNIEnv *env, T &array, jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, const U &)> ctor)
bool jau::jni::from_jboolean_to_bool (const jboolean val)
jau::io::secure_string jau::jni::from_jbytebuffer_to_sstring (JNIEnv *env, jobject jbytebuffer)
std::string jau::jni::from_jstring_to_string (JNIEnv *env, jstring str)
jstring jau::jni::from_string_to_jstring (JNIEnv *env, const std::string &str)
jobject jau::jni::get_new_arraylist (JNIEnv *env, jsize size, jmethodID *add)
jfieldID jau::jni::getField (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const char *field_name, const char *field_signature)
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr< T > * jau::jni::getInstance (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const bool throw_on_nullptr=true)
 Returns the cast shared_ptr<T> pointer from the java object's long nativeInstance field.
jfieldID jau::jni::getInstanceField (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
jint jau::jni::getIntFieldValue (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const char *field_name)
jlong jau::jni::getLongFieldValue (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const char *field_name)
jobject jau::jni::getObjectFieldValue (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const char *field_name, const char *field_signature)
template<typename T>
T * jau::jni::getObjectRef (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const char *field_name)
std::string jau::jni::getStringFieldValue (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const char *field_name)
bool jau::jni::java_exception_check (JNIEnv *env, const char *file, int line)
 Return true if a java exception occurred, otherwise false.
void jau::jni::java_exception_check_and_throw (JNIEnv *env, const char *file, int line)
 Throws a C++ exception if a java exception occurred, otherwise do nothing.
void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java (const char *cmsg, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java (const jau::ExceptionBase &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java (const std::exception &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java (const std::string &msg, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::ExceptionBase &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::IllegalArgumentError &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::IllegalStateError &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::IndexOutOfBoundsError &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::InternalError &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::NullPointerException &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::OutOfMemoryError &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::RuntimeExceptionBase &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const jau::UnsupportedOperationException &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const std::bad_alloc &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const std::exception &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const std::invalid_argument &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::raise_java_exception (JNIEnv *env, const std::runtime_error &e, const char *file, int line)
void jau::jni::rethrow_and_raise_java_exception_jauimpl (JNIEnv *env, const char *file, int line)
 Re-throw current exception and raise respective java exception using any matching function above.
jclass jau::jni::search_class (JNIEnv *env, const char *clazz_name)
jclass jau::jni::search_class (JNIEnv *env, JavaUplink &object)
jclass jau::jni::search_class (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
jfieldID jau::jni::search_field (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *field_name, const char *type, bool is_static)
jmethodID jau::jni::search_method (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *method_name, const char *prototype, bool is_static)
template<typename T>
void jau::jni::setInstance (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const std::shared_ptr< T > &t)
 Deletes the std::shared_ptr<T> storage of the java object if exists first and writes the given std::shared_ptr<T> storage pointer into its long nativeInstance field.
template<typename T>
void jau::jni::setObjectRef (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, T *t, const char *field_name)


thread_local JNIEnvContainer jau::jni::jni_env
JavaVM * jau::jni::vm

Detailed Description

Java virtual machine support, helping accessing the JVM and converting data types.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ rethrow_and_raise_java_exception_jau

#define rethrow_and_raise_java_exception_jau ( E)
void rethrow_and_raise_java_exception_jauimpl(JNIEnv *env, const char *file, int line)
Re-throw current exception and raise respective java exception using any matching function above.

Re-throw current exception and raise respective java exception using any matching function above.

Definition at line 107 of file helper_jni.hpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ JavaAnonRef

typedef std::shared_ptr<JavaAnon> jau::jni::JavaAnonRef

Definition at line 55 of file java_uplink.hpp.

◆ JavaUplinkRef

typedef std::shared_ptr<JavaUplink> jau::jni::JavaUplinkRef

Definition at line 104 of file java_uplink.hpp.

◆ JavaGlobalObjRef

typedef std::shared_ptr<JavaGlobalObj> jau::jni::JavaGlobalObjRef

Definition at line 249 of file helper_jni.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ java_exception_check()

bool jau::jni::java_exception_check ( JNIEnv * env,
const char * file,
int line )

Return true if a java exception occurred, otherwise false.

In case of an exception, the information might be logged to stderr.

In case of an exception, user shall release resourced in their JNI code and leave immediately.

◆ java_exception_check_and_throw()

void jau::jni::java_exception_check_and_throw ( JNIEnv * env,
const char * file,
int line )

Throws a C++ exception if a java exception occurred, otherwise do nothing.

In case of an exception, the information might be logged to stderr.

In case of an exception and hence thrown C++ exception, might want to catch all and handle it via rethrow_and_raise_java_exception(JNIEnv*).

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java() [1/4]

void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java ( const jau::ExceptionBase & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java() [2/4]

void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java ( const std::exception & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java() [3/4]

void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java ( const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java() [4/4]

void jau::jni::print_native_caught_exception_fwd2java ( const char * cmsg,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [1/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::ExceptionBase & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [2/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::RuntimeExceptionBase & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [3/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::InternalError & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [4/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::NullPointerException & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [5/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::IllegalArgumentError & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [6/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::IllegalStateError & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [7/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::UnsupportedOperationException & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [8/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::IndexOutOfBoundsError & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [9/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const jau::OutOfMemoryError & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [10/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::exception & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [11/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::runtime_error & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [12/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::invalid_argument & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ raise_java_exception() [13/13]

void jau::jni::raise_java_exception ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::bad_alloc & e,
const char * file,
int line )

◆ rethrow_and_raise_java_exception_jauimpl()

void jau::jni::rethrow_and_raise_java_exception_jauimpl ( JNIEnv * env,
const char * file,
int line )

Re-throw current exception and raise respective java exception using any matching function above.

◆ getField()

jfieldID jau::jni::getField ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const char * field_name,
const char * field_signature )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInstanceField()

jfieldID jau::jni::getInstanceField ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj )

Definition at line 115 of file helper_jni.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getObjectFieldValue()

jobject jau::jni::getObjectFieldValue ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const char * field_name,
const char * field_signature )

◆ getStringFieldValue()

std::string jau::jni::getStringFieldValue ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const char * field_name )

◆ getLongFieldValue()

jlong jau::jni::getLongFieldValue ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const char * field_name )

◆ getIntFieldValue()

jint jau::jni::getIntFieldValue ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const char * field_name )

◆ search_class() [1/3]

jclass jau::jni::search_class ( JNIEnv * env,
const char * clazz_name )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ search_class() [2/3]

jclass jau::jni::search_class ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj )

◆ search_class() [3/3]

jclass jau::jni::search_class ( JNIEnv * env,
JavaUplink & object )

◆ search_method()

jmethodID jau::jni::search_method ( JNIEnv * env,
jclass clazz,
const char * method_name,
const char * prototype,
bool is_static )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ search_field()

jfieldID jau::jni::search_field ( JNIEnv * env,
jclass clazz,
const char * field_name,
const char * type,
bool is_static )

◆ from_jboolean_to_bool()

bool jau::jni::from_jboolean_to_bool ( const jboolean val)

◆ from_jstring_to_string()

std::string jau::jni::from_jstring_to_string ( JNIEnv * env,
jstring str )

◆ from_string_to_jstring()

jstring jau::jni::from_string_to_jstring ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::string & str )

◆ from_jbytebuffer_to_sstring()

jau::io::secure_string jau::jni::from_jbytebuffer_to_sstring ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject jbytebuffer )

◆ get_new_arraylist()

jobject jau::jni::get_new_arraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
jsize size,
jmethodID * add )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert_vector_bytes_to_jarraylist()

jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_bytes_to_jarraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::vector< std::vector< uint8_t > > & array )

◆ convert_vector_string_to_jarraylist()

jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_string_to_jarraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::vector< std::string > & array )

◆ convert_vector_stringview_to_jarraylist()

jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_stringview_to_jarraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::vector< std::string_view > & array )

◆ convert_jlist_string_to_vector()

std::vector< std::string > jau::jni::convert_jlist_string_to_vector ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject jlist )

◆ convert_bytes_to_jbytearray()

template<class byte_container_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< typename byte_container_type::value_type > &&std::is_convertible_v< typename byte_container_type::value_type, jbyte >, bool > = true>
jbyteArray jau::jni::convert_bytes_to_jbytearray ( JNIEnv * env,
const byte_container_type & data )

Definition at line 150 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ getObjectRef()

template<typename T>
T * jau::jni::getObjectRef ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const char * field_name )

Definition at line 259 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ setObjectRef()

template<typename T>
void jau::jni::setObjectRef ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
T * t,
const char * field_name )

Definition at line 267 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ castInstance()

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr< T > * jau::jni::castInstance ( jlong instance,
const bool throw_on_nullptr = true )

Returns the cast shared_ptr<T> pointer from the java object's long nativeInstance field.

If throw_on_nullptr is true, throws an exception if the shared_ptr<T> pointer is nullptr.

Template Parameters

Definition at line 285 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ getInstance()

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr< T > * jau::jni::getInstance ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const bool throw_on_nullptr = true )

Returns the cast shared_ptr<T> pointer from the java object's long nativeInstance field.

If throw_on_nullptr is true, throws an exception if either the shared_ptr<T> pointer or its managed object reference is nullptr.

Template Parameters
throw_on_nullptrif true, throws exception if instance reference is nullptr (default). Otherwise not.

Definition at line 308 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ setInstance()

template<typename T>
void jau::jni::setInstance ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj,
const std::shared_ptr< T > & t )

Deletes the std::shared_ptr<T> storage of the java object if exists first and writes the given std::shared_ptr<T> storage pointer into its long nativeInstance field.

Template Parameters

Definition at line 333 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ clearInstance()

template<typename T>
void jau::jni::clearInstance ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject obj )

Deletes the std::shared_ptr<T> storage of the java object if exists and write nullptr into its long nativeInstance field.

Template Parameters

Definition at line 364 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ convert_instance_to_jobject() [1/2]

template<typename T>
jobject jau::jni::convert_instance_to_jobject ( JNIEnv * env,
const std::shared_ptr< T > & elem,
const char * ctor_prototype,
jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, jclass, jmethodID, const std::shared_ptr< T > &)> ctor )

Definition at line 667 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ convert_instance_to_jobject() [2/2]

template<typename T>
jobject jau::jni::convert_instance_to_jobject ( JNIEnv * env,
jclass clazz,
const char * ctor_prototype,
jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, jclass, jmethodID, const std::shared_ptr< T > &)> ctor,
const std::shared_ptr< T > & elem )

Definition at line 684 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist() [1/3]

template<typename T>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
T & array )

Definition at line 701 of file helper_jni.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist() [2/3]

template<typename T, typename U>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
T & array,
const char * ctor_prototype,
jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, jclass, jmethodID, const std::shared_ptr< U > &)> ctor )

Definition at line 723 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist() [3/3]

template<typename T, typename U>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_sharedptr_to_jarraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
T & array,
jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, const std::shared_ptr< U > &)> ctor )

Definition at line 758 of file helper_jni.hpp.

◆ convert_vector_to_jarraylist()

template<typename T, typename U>
jobject jau::jni::convert_vector_to_jarraylist ( JNIEnv * env,
T & array,
jau::function< jobject(JNIEnv *, const U &)> ctor )

Definition at line 789 of file helper_jni.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ vm

JavaVM* jau::jni::vm

◆ jni_env

thread_local JNIEnvContainer jau::jni::jni_env