Cjau::math::geom::AABBox2f | Axis Aligned Bounding Box |
Cjau::math::geom::AABBox3f | Axis Aligned Bounding Box |
Cieee11073::AbsoluteTime | Date / timestamp format |
Cdirect_bt::AdapterInfo | |
CAddr48Bit | |
Cjau::math::geom::plane::AffineTransform | Represents a affine 2x3 transformation matrix in column major order (memory layout) |
►Cstd::allocator< T > | STL class |
Cjau::counting_allocator< T > | Performance counter std::allocator specialization |
►Cjau::codec::base::alphabet | Base Alphabet Specification providing the alphabet for encode() and decode() |
Cbase64_alphabet_nopadding | |
Cjau::codec::base::ascii38_alphabet | Safe base 38 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::codec::base::ascii64_alphabet | Safe base 64 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::codec::base::ascii86_alphabet | Base 86 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::codec::base::base64_alphabet | Safe canonical base64 alphabet, without ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::codec::base::base64url_alphabet | Safe canonical base64url alphabet, without ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::codec::base::natural64_alphabet | Safe natural base 64 alphabet, both without ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::codec::base::natural86_alphabet | Natural base 86 alphabet, without ASCII code-point sorting order |
►Cjau::lang::alphabet | Base Alphabet Specification providing the alphabet for token_fsm |
Cjau::lang::ascii26_alphabet | Case insensitive ASCII base 26 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::lang::ascii69_alphabet | Case insensitive ASCII base 69 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
Cjau::lang::ascii95_alphabet | Full ASCII base 95 alphabet with ASCII code-point sorting order |
►Cstd::atomic< T > | STL class |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< int, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< uint16_t, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< std::size_t, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< int, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< BTRole, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< AdapterSetting, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< ScanType, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< DiscoveryPolicy, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< bool, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< LE_Features, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< LE_PHYs, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< bool, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< jau::nsize_t, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< size_t, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< uint64_t, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< async_io_result_t, std::memory_order_relaxed > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< std::size_t, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< Size_type, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< jau::fraction_i64, std::memory_order_seq_cst > | |
Cjau::ordered_atomic< _Tp, _MO > | Std::atomic<T> type with predefined fixed std::memory_order, not allowing changing the memory model on usage and applying the set order to all operator |
►Cdirect_bt::AttPDUMsg | Handles the Attribute Protocol (ATT) using Protocol Data Unit (PDU) encoded messages over L2CAP channel |
►Cdirect_bt::AttElementList | List of elements |
Cdirect_bt::AttFindInfoRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_INFORMATION_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadByGroupTypeRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadByTypeRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttErrorRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_ERROR_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttExchangeMTU | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_EXCHANGE_MTU_REQ BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_EXCHANGE_MTU_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttExeWriteReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_REQ |
Cdirect_bt::AttExeWriteRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttFindByTypeValueReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_REQ |
Cdirect_bt::AttFindByTypeValueRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttFindInfoReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_INFORMATION_REQ |
Cdirect_bt::AttHandleValueCfm | ATT Protocol PDUs Vol 3, Part F |
Cdirect_bt::AttHandleValueRcv | ATT Protocol PDUs Vol 3, Part F and |
Cdirect_bt::AttPDUUndefined | Our own pseudo opcode, indicating no ATT PDU message |
Cdirect_bt::AttPrepWrite | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadBlobReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_BLOB_READ_REQ |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadByNTypeReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_REQ |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadNRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_RSP BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_REQ |
Cdirect_bt::AttWriteCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_WRITE_CMD |
Cdirect_bt::AttWriteReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_WRITE_REQ |
Cdirect_bt::AttWriteRsp | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_WRITE_RSP |
CBaseDBTClientServer | |
Cdirect_bt::BDAddressAndType | Unique Bluetooth EUI48 address and BDAddressType tuple |
Cjau::mp::BigInt | Arbitrary precision integer type |
CBooleanMgmtCBContext | |
Cdirect_bt::BTGattCmd | Class maps a GATT command and optionally its asynchronous response to a synchronous atomic operation |
Cdirect_bt::BTGattHandler | A thread safe GATT handler associated to one device via one L2CAP connection |
Cjau::call_on_release< UnaryFunction > | Call on release allows the user to pass a function to be called at destruction of this instance |
►Cjau::callocator< T > | A simple allocator using POSIX C functions: ::malloc() , ::free() and ::realloc() |
Cjau::counting_callocator< T > | Performance counter jau::callocator specialization |
Cjau::callocator< AttPrepWrite > | |
Cjau::callocator< BTDeviceRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< BTGattCharRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< BTGattDescRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< BTGattServiceRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< DBGattCharRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< DBGattDescRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< DBGattServiceRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< direct_bt::GattCharacteristicPropertySpec > | |
Cjau::callocator< direct_bt::GattCharacteristicSpec > | |
Cjau::callocator< GattCharacteristicPropertySpec > | |
Cjau::callocator< GattCharacteristicSpec > | |
Cjau::callocator< HCIConnectionRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< Payload > | |
Cjau::callocator< SMPIOCapability > | |
Cjau::callocator< SMPKeyBinRef > | |
Cjau::callocator< std::shared_ptr< const jau::uuid_t > > | |
Cjau::callocator< std::shared_ptr< WhitelistElem > > | |
Cjau::callocator< std::unique_ptr< const direct_bt::AttPDUMsg > > | |
Cjau::callocator< std::unique_ptr< const direct_bt::SMPPDUMsg > > | |
Cjau::callocator< std::unique_ptr< direct_bt::HCIEvent > > | |
Cjau::callocator< std::unique_ptr< direct_bt::MgmtEvent > > | |
Cjau::callocator< std::weak_ptr< BTDevice > > | |
Cjau::callocator< uint16_t > | |
Cjau::callocator< uint8_t > | |
Cjau::callocator< Value_type > | |
Cjau::callocator_sec< T, > | A simple secure allocator for integral types using POSIX C functions: ::malloc() and ::free() |
Cdirect_bt::ConnectionInfo | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, int8_t rssi, int8_t tx_power, int8_t max_tx_power; |
►CT::container_memmove_compliant | |
Cjau::is_container_memmove_compliant< T, std::void_t< typename T::container_memmove_compliant > > | template< class T > is_container_memmove_compliant<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class claims to be container memmove compliant, see @Ref darray_memmove |
Ccopy_context_t | |
Cjau::cow_darray< Value_type, Size_type, Alloc_type, use_memmove, use_secmem > | Implementation of a Copy-On-Write (CoW) using jau::darray as the underlying storage, exposing lock-free read operations using SC-DRF atomic synchronization |
Cjau::cow_darray< ChangedAdapterSetCallback > | |
Cjau::cow_darray< GattCharListenerPair, size_type > | |
Cjau::cow_darray< HCISMPMsgCallback > | |
Cjau::cow_darray< ListenerRef, size_type > | |
Cjau::cow_darray< NativeGattCharListenerRef, size_type > | |
Cjau::cow_darray< SMPSecurityReqCallback, size_type > | |
Cjau::cow_darray< StatusListenerPair, size_type > | |
Cjau::cow_darray< std::shared_ptr< BTAdapter >, size_type > | |
Cjau::cow_ro_iterator< Storage_type, Storage_ref_type, CoW_container > | Implementation of a Copy-On-Write (CoW) read-onlu iterator over immutable value_type storage |
Cjau::cow_rw_iterator< Storage_type, Storage_ref_type, CoW_container > | Implementation of a Copy-On-Write (CoW) read-write iterator over mutable value_type storage |
Cjau::cow_vector< Value_type, Alloc_type > | Implementation of a Copy-On-Write (CoW) using std::vector as the underlying storage, exposing lock-free read operations using SC-DRF atomic synchronization |
Cjau::cpu::CpuInfo | Singleton CpuInfo caching all jau::cpu information |
Cjau::darray< Value_type, Size_type, Alloc_type, use_memmove, use_secmem > | Implementation of a dynamic linear array storage, aka vector |
Cjau::darray< AttPrepWrite > | |
Cjau::darray< BTDeviceRef, size_type > | |
Cjau::darray< BTGattCharRef > | |
Cjau::darray< BTGattDescRef > | |
Cjau::darray< BTGattServiceRef, size_type > | |
Cjau::darray< DBGattCharRef > | |
Cjau::darray< DBGattDescRef > | |
Cjau::darray< DBGattServiceRef, size_type > | |
Cjau::darray< direct_bt::GattCharacteristicPropertySpec > | |
Cjau::darray< direct_bt::GattCharacteristicSpec > | |
Cjau::darray< GattCharacteristicPropertySpec > | |
Cjau::darray< GattCharacteristicSpec > | |
Cjau::darray< HCIConnectionRef, size_type > | |
Cjau::darray< Payload > | |
Cjau::darray< SMPIOCapability > | |
Cjau::darray< SMPKeyBinRef, size_type > | |
Cjau::darray< std::shared_ptr< const jau::uuid_t >, size_type > | |
Cjau::darray< std::shared_ptr< WhitelistElem > > | |
Cjau::darray< std::weak_ptr< BTDevice >, size_type > | |
Cjau::darray< uint16_t > | |
►Cjau::darray< Value_type, jau::nsize_t, jau::callocator< Value_type >, std::is_trivially_copyable_v< Value_type >||is_container_memmove_compliant_v< Value_type >, is_enforcing_secmem_v< Value_type > > | |
Cjau::darray_sorted< Value_type, Size_type, Alloc_type, use_memmove, use_secmem > | Extension to darray resulting in a sorted darray via insert() |
CDataType01 | |
CDataType02_Memmove_Secmem | |
►CDBTClientServer1x | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer10_NoEnc | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer12_NoEnc | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer20_SC0 | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer22_SC0 | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer30_SC1 | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer32_SC1 | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer40_Reset | Testing a full Bluetooth server and client lifecycle of operations including adapter reset, requiring two BT adapter: |
CTestDBTClientServer_i470 | Testing w/o client filtering processing device and hence not blocking deviceFound |
CDBTConstants | Author: Sven Gothel sgoth.nosp@m.el@j.nosp@m.ausof.nosp@m.t.co.nosp@m.m Copyright (c) 2022 Gothel Software e.K |
►CDBTEndpoint | |
►CDBTClientTest | |
CDBTClient01 | This central BTRole::Master participant works with DBTServer00 |
►CDBTServerTest | |
CDBTServer01 | This peripheral BTRole::Slave test participant works with DBTClient00 |
CDBTUtils | Author: Sven Gothel sgoth.nosp@m.el@j.nosp@m.ausof.nosp@m.t.co.nosp@m.m Copyright (c) 2022 Gothel Software e.K |
Cjau::func::delegate_t< R, A > | Delegated target function object, providing a fast path target function invocation |
Cjau::func::delegate_t< R, A... > | |
Cdirect_bt::BTDeviceRegistry::DeviceID | Specifies unique device identities, using BDAddressAndType as key |
Cdirect_bt::BTDeviceRegistry::DeviceQuery | Specifies devices queries to act upon |
Cjau::fs::dir_item | Representing a directory item split into dirname() and basename() |
►Cjau::os::DynamicLinker | Low level secure dynamic linker access |
►Cjau::os::impl::UnixDynamicLinker | |
Cjau::os::impl::Bionic32DynamicLinker | Bionic 32bit (Android) specialization of UnixDynamicLinkerImpl with non-POSIX flags and mode values |
Cjau::os::impl::DarwinDynamicLinker | Darwin (MacOSX/iOS) specialization of UnixDynamicLinkerImpl with non-POSIX flags and mode values |
Cjau::os::impl::PosixDynamicLinker | POSIX specialization of UnixDynamicLinkerImpl with POSIX flags and mode values |
►Cjau::os::DynamicLookup | Interface callers may use ProcAddressHelper's reset helper method to install function pointers into a ProcAddressTable |
Cjau::os::NativeLibrary | Runtime libary dynamic library (RTLD) access |
Cdirect_bt::EInfoReport | Collection of 'Extended Advertising Data' (EAD), 'Advertising Data' (AD) or 'Extended Inquiry Response' (EIR) information |
Cdirect_bt::AttFindInfoRsp::Element | Element := { uint16_t handle, UUID value }, with a UUID of UUID16 or UUID128 |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadByGroupTypeRsp::Element | Element := { uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle, uint8_t value[value-size] } |
Cdirect_bt::AttReadByTypeRsp::Element | Element := { uint16_t handle, uint8_t value[value-size] } |
►CT::enforce_secmem | |
Cjau::is_enforcing_secmem< T, std::void_t< typename T::enforce_secmem > > | template< class T > is_enforcing_secmem<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class enforces secmem, see @Ref darray_secmem |
Cdirect_bt::BTSecurityRegistry::Entry | |
►Cstd::error_category | STL class |
Cdirect_bt::HCIStatusCodeCategory | |
Cjau::EUI48 | A packed 48 bit EUI-48 identifier, formerly known as MAC-48 or simply network device MAC address (Media Access Control address) |
Cjau::EUI48Sub | A 48 bit EUI-48 sub-identifier, see EUI48 |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
Cieee11073::RuntimeException | |
►Cjau::RuntimeException | |
►Cdirect_bt::AttException | |
Cdirect_bt::AttOpcodeException | |
Cdirect_bt::AttValueException | |
Cdirect_bt::BTException | |
►Cdirect_bt::HCIException | |
Cdirect_bt::HCIOpcodeException | |
Cdirect_bt::HCIPacketException | |
►Cdirect_bt::MgmtException | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtOpcodeException | |
►Cdirect_bt::SMPException | |
Cdirect_bt::SMPOpcodeException | |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPacketException | |
Cdirect_bt::SMPValueException | |
Cjau::IOError | |
Cjau::IllegalArgumentException | |
Cjau::IllegalStateException | |
Cjau::IndexOutOfBoundsException | |
Cjau::InternalError | |
Cjau::NotImplementedError | |
Cjau::NullPointerException | |
Cjau::UnsupportedOperationException | |
►Cjau::math::MathError | |
Cjau::math::MathDivByZeroError | Math_error_t::div_by_zero, i.e |
Cjau::math::MathDomainError | Math_error_t::invalid |
Cjau::math::MathInexactError | Math_error_t::inexact |
Cjau::math::MathOverflowError | Math_error_t::overflow |
Cjau::math::MathUnderflowError | Math_error_t::underflow |
►Cstd::bad_alloc | STL class |
Cjau::OutOfMemoryError | |
►Cjau::ExceptionBase | |
Cjau::OutOfMemoryError | |
Cjau::RuntimeException | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Cjau::has_builtin_bit_cast< Dummy_type > | Convenience type trait for __has_builtin(__builtin_bit_cast) |
Cjau::has_member_of_pointer< C, typename > | Checker for member of pointer '->' operator with convertible pointer return, no arguments |
Cjau::is_container_memmove_compliant< class, class > | template< class T > is_container_memmove_compliant<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class claims to be container memmove compliant, see @Ref darray_memmove |
Cjau::is_cow_type< class, class > | template< class T > is_cow_type<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class is a CoW type, e.g |
Cjau::is_darray_type< class, class > | template< class T > is_darray_type<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class is a - or has a darray type, e.g |
Cjau::is_enforcing_secmem< class, class > | template< class T > is_enforcing_secmem<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class enforces secmem, see @Ref darray_secmem |
Cjau::is_rtti_available_t< _Dummy > | Template type trait evaluating std::true_type{} if RTTI is available, otherwise std::false_type{} |
Cjau::fs::file_stats | Platform agnostic representation of POSIX ::lstat() and ::stat() for a given pathname |
Cjau::float_bytes< bytesize > | |
Cjau::float_bytes< sizeof(double)> | |
Cjau::float_bytes< sizeof(float)> | |
Cjau::float_bytes< sizeof(long double)> | |
Cieee11073::FloatTypes | IEEE11073 Float Data Types |
Cjau::math::geom::Frustum::FovDesc | Frustum description by fovhv and zNear , zFar |
Cjau::math::FovHVHalves | Horizontal and vertical field of view (FOV) halves, allowing a non-centered projection |
Cjau::fraction< Int_type, > | Fraction template type using integral values, evaluated at runtime |
Cjau::fraction< int64_t > | |
Cjau::fraction_timespec | Timespec structure using int64_t for its components in analogy to struct timespec_t on 64-bit platforms |
Cjau::math::geom::Frustum | Providing frustum planes derived by different inputs (P*MV , ..) used to classify objects |
Cjau::os::FuncAddrResolver | |
Cjau::function< Signature > | Class template jau::function is a general-purpose static-polymorphic function wrapper |
Cjau::function< bool(int)> | |
Cjau::function< fraction_i64(Timer0_ref)> | |
Cjau::function< R(A...)> | Class template jau::function is a general-purpose static-polymorphic function wrapper |
Cjau::function< void()> | |
Cjau::function< void(BTGattCharRef charDecl, const jau::TROOctets &char_value, const uint64_t timestamp)> | |
Cjau::function< void(const MgmtEvent &)> | |
Cjau::function< void(service_runner_ref)> | |
Cdirect_bt::GattBatteryServiceSvc | Https://www.bluetooth.com/wp-content/uploads/Sitecore-Media-Library/Gatt/Xml/Services/org.bluetooth.service.battery_service.xml |
Cdirect_bt::GattCharacteristicPropertySpec | |
CGattCharacteristicPropertySpec | |
Cdirect_bt::GattCharacteristicSpec | |
CGattCharacteristicSpec | |
Cdirect_bt::GattClientCharacteristicConfigSpec | |
CGattClientCharacteristicConfigSpec | |
Cdirect_bt::GattDeviceInformationSvc | Device Information is a GATT service |
Cdirect_bt::GattGenericAccessSvc | Generic Access Service is a mandatory GATT service all peripherals are required to implement |
Cdirect_bt::GattPeriphalPreferredConnectionParameters | Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters is a GATT Characteristic |
Cdirect_bt::GattPnP_ID | PnP ID is a GATT Characteristic |
►Cdirect_bt::BTGattHandler::GattServerHandler | Internal handler implementation for given DBGattServer instance matching its DBGattServer::Mode |
CDBGattServerHandler | |
CFwdGattServerHandler | |
CNopGattServerHandler | |
Cdirect_bt::GattServiceCharacteristic | |
CGattServiceCharacteristic | |
Cdirect_bt::GattTemperatureMeasurement | Https://www.bluetooth.com/wp-content/uploads/Sitecore-Media-Library/Gatt/Xml/Characteristics/org.bluetooth.characteristic.temperature_measurement.xml |
►Cjau::math::geom::Geom2f | Geometric object |
►Cjau::math::geom::AGeom2f | Animated geometric object |
Cjau::math::geom::Disk2f | |
Cjau::math::geom::LineStrip2f | A clockwise (CW) polyline |
Cjau::math::geom::Rect2f | |
Cjau::math::geom::LineSeg2f | |
Cstd::hash< Addr48Bit > | |
Cstd::hash< DataType01 > | |
Cstd::hash< direct_bt::BDAddressAndType > | |
Cstd::hash< direct_bt::BTDeviceRegistry::DeviceID > | |
Cstd::hash< jau::EUI48 > | |
Cstd::hash< jau::EUI48Sub > | |
Chci_rp_status | |
Cdirect_bt::HCIComm | Read/Write HCI communication channel |
Cdirect_bt::HCIHandler | A thread safe singleton handler of the HCI control channel to one controller (BT adapter) |
Cdirect_bt::HCILocalVersion | |
►Cdirect_bt::HCIPacket | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 5.4 Exchange of HCI-specific information |
Cdirect_bt::HCIACLData | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 5.4.2 HCI ACL Data packets |
►Cdirect_bt::HCICommand | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 5.4.1 HCI Command packet |
Cdirect_bt::HCIDisconnectCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.1.6 Disconnect command |
Cdirect_bt::HCILEEnableEncryptionCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.8.24 LE Enable Encryption command |
Cdirect_bt::HCILELTKReplyAckCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.8.25 LE Long Term Key Request Reply command |
Cdirect_bt::HCILELTKReplyRejCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.8.26 LE Long Term Key Request Negative Reply command |
Cdirect_bt::HCIStructCommand< hcistruct > | Generic HCICommand wrapper for any HCI IOCTL structure |
►Cdirect_bt::HCIEvent | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 5.4.4 HCI Event packet |
Cdirect_bt::HCICommandCompleteEvent | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.7.14 Command Complete event |
Cdirect_bt::HCICommandStatusEvent | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.7.15 Command Status event |
Cdirect_bt::HCIDisconnectionCompleteEvent | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.7.5 Disconnection Complete event |
►Cdirect_bt::HCIMetaEvent | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.7.65 LE Meta event |
Cdirect_bt::HCILELTKReqEvent | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: LE Long Term Key Request event |
Cdirect_bt::HCIStructCmdCompleteEvtWrap< hcistruct > | Generic HCIEvent wrapper for any HCI IOCTL 'command complete' alike event struct having a HCIStatusCode uint8_t status field |
Cdirect_bt::HCIStructCmdCompleteMetaEvtWrap< hcistruct > | Generic HCIMetaEvent wrapper for any HCI IOCTL 'command complete' alike meta event struct having a HCIStatusCode uint8_t status field |
CInteger | |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
Cjau::has_endian_big< Dummy_type > | A big-endian type trait for convenience |
Cjau::has_endian_little< Dummy_type > | A little-endian type trait for convenience |
►Cjau::io::iostate_func | Supporting std::basic_ios's iostate functionality for all ByteInStream implementations |
►Cjau::io::ByteInStream | Abstract byte input stream object |
Cjau::io::ByteInStream_Feed | Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with an externally provisioned data feed |
Cjau::io::ByteInStream_File | File based byte input stream, including named file descriptor |
Cjau::io::ByteInStream_Recorder | Wrapped byte input stream with the capability to record the read byte stream at will |
Cjau::io::ByteInStream_SecMemory | Secure Memory-Based byte input stream |
Cjau::io::ByteInStream_URL | Ringbuffer-Based byte input stream with a URL connection provisioned data feed |
►Cjau::io::ByteOutStream | Abstract byte output stream object, to write data to a sink |
Cjau::io::ByteOutStream_File | File based byte output stream, including named file descriptor |
►Cjau::jni::JavaAnon | Pure virtual JavaAnon, hiding Java JNI details from API, to be implemented by JNI module |
Cjau::jni::JavaGlobalObj | Implementation for JavaAnon, by simply wrapping a JNIGlobalRef instance |
►Cjau::jni::JavaUplink | Sharing the anonymous Java object (JavaAnon), i.e |
►Cdirect_bt::AdapterStatusListener | BTAdapter status listener for remote BTDevice discovery events: Added, updated and removed; as well as for certain BTAdapter events |
CAdapterToClientStatusListener | |
CAdapterToServerStatusListener | |
CJNIAdapterStatusListener | |
CMyAdapterStatusListener | |
CMyAdapterStatusListener | |
CMyAdapterStatusListener | |
►Cdirect_bt::BTGattCharListener | BTGattChar event listener for notification and indication events |
CJNIGattCharListener | |
CMyGATTEventListener | |
CMyGATTEventListener | |
Cdirect_bt::BTManager | A thread safe singleton handler of the BTAdapter manager, e.g |
►Cdirect_bt::BTObject | |
Cdirect_bt::BTAdapter | BTAdapter represents one local Bluetooth Controller |
Cdirect_bt::BTDevice | BTDevice represents one remote Bluetooth device |
Cdirect_bt::BTGattChar | Representing a Gatt Characteristic object from the GATTRole::Client perspective |
Cdirect_bt::BTGattDesc | Representing a Gatt Characteristic Descriptor object from the GATTRole::Client perspective |
Cdirect_bt::BTGattService | Representing a Gatt Service object from the GATTRole::Client perspective |
Cdirect_bt::DBGattChar | Representing a Gatt Characteristic object from the GATTRole::Server perspective |
Cdirect_bt::DBGattDesc | Representing a Gatt Characteristic Descriptor object from the GATTRole::Server perspective |
Cdirect_bt::DBGattServer | Representing a complete list of Gatt Service objects from the GATTRole::Server perspective, i.e |
Cdirect_bt::DBGattService | Representing a Gatt Service object from the GATTRole::Server perspective |
Cjau::jni::JNICriticalArray< T, U > | |
Cjau::jni::JNIEnvContainer | |
Cjau::jni::JNIGlobalRef | |
Cdirect_bt::HCIACLData::l2cap_frame | Representing ACL Datas' L2CAP Frame |
Cdirect_bt::l2cap_hdr | |
►Cdirect_bt::L2CAPComm | L2CAP client/server socket abstract base class to listen for connecting remote devices |
Cdirect_bt::L2CAPClient | L2CAP read/write communication channel to remote device |
Cdirect_bt::L2CAPServer | L2CAP server socket to listen for connecting remote devices |
Cjau::latch | Inspired by std::latch of C++20 |
Cjau::math::geom::LineSeg3f | |
►Cdirect_bt::DBGattServer::Listener | Listener to remote master device's operations on the local GATT-Server |
CJNIDBGattServerListener | DBGattServer.Listener and related DBGattServer methods |
CMyGATTServerListener | |
Cdirect_bt::ManufactureSpecificData | |
Cjau::CT::Mask< T, > | A Mask type used for constant-time operations |
Cjau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, > | Basic 4x4 value_type matrix implementation using fields for intensive use-cases (host operations) |
Cjau::math::Matrix4< value_type, std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type > > | |
Cjau::math::util::MatrixStack< Value_type, > | A Matrix stack of compounds, each consisting of 16 * T |
Cjau::math::util::MatrixStack< value_type > | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtAdapterEventCallback | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtConnParam | Used in MgmtLoadConnParamCmd and MgmtEvtNewConnectionParam |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtDefaultParam | Used in MgmtReadDefaultSysParamCmd and MgmtSetDefaultConnParamCmd |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtIdentityResolvingKey | Used for MgmtLoadIdentityResolvingKeyCmd and MgmtEvtNewIdentityResolvingKey |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtLinkKeyInfo | Used for MgmtLoadLinkKeyCmd and MgmtEvtNewLinkKey |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtLongTermKey | Used for MgmtLoadLongTermKeyCmd and MgmtEvtNewLongTermKey |
►Cdirect_bt::MgmtMsg | |
►Cdirect_bt::MgmtCommand | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtAddDeviceToWhitelistCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t action |
►Cdirect_bt::MgmtCmdAdressInfoMeta | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtCancelPairDevice | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtDisconnectCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtGetConnectionInfoCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtPinCodeNegativeReplyCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtRemoveDeviceFromWhitelistCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtUserConfirmNegativeReplyCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtUserConfirmReplyCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtUserPasskeyNegativeReplyCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtIdentityResolveKeyCmd | Uint16_t key_count MgmtLongTermKey keys[key_count] |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtLoadConnParamCmd | Uint16_t param_count 2 MgmtConnParam param[] 15 = 1x |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtLoadIdentityResolvingKeyCmd | Uint16_t key_count MgmtIdentityResolvingKey keys[key_count] |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtLoadLinkKeyCmd | Uint8_t debug_keys, uint16_t key_count, MgmtLinkKey keys[key_count] |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtLoadLongTermKeyCmd | Uint16_t key_count MgmtLongTermKey keys[key_count] |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtPairDeviceCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, SMPIOCapability io_cap (1 octet) |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtPinCodeReplyCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t pin_len, uint8_t pin_code[16] |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtReadDefaultSysParamCmd | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtSetDefaultConnParamCmd | MgmtDefaultParamU16 param1, MgmtDefaultParamU16 param2, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtSetDiscoverableCmd | Uint8_t discoverable uint16_t timeout |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtSetLocalNameCmd | Uint8_t name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; uint8_t short_name[MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtSetPrivacyCmd | Uint8_t privacy 0x00 disabled, 0x01 always on (discoverable + pairing), 0x02 limited (not when discoverable, bondable) jau::uint128_t irk Identity Resolving Key |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtUint8Cmd | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtUnpairDeviceCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, bool disconnect (1 octet) |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtUserPasskeyReplyCmd | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint32_t passkey |
►Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvent | Uint16_t opcode, uint16_t dev-id, uint16_t param_size |
►Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtAdressInfoMeta | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceBlocked | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceUnblocked | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceUnpaired | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceWhitelistRemoved | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtUserPasskeyRequest | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtAuthFailed | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t status |
►Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtCmdComplete | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtAdapterInfo | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtCmdStatus | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtControllerError | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceConnectFailed | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t status |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceConnected | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint32_t flags, uint16_t eir_len; uint8_t *eir |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceDisconnected | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t reason |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceFound | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, int8_t rssi, uint32_t flags, uint16_t eir_len; uint8_t *eir |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDeviceWhitelistAdded | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t action |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtDiscovering | |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCIEncryptionChanged | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, HCIStatusCode status (1 Octet) uint8_t enc_enabled (1 Octet) |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCIEncryptionKeyRefreshComplete | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, HCIStatusCode status (1 Octet) |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCILEEnableEncryptionCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.8.24 LE Enable Encryption command |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCILELTKReplyAckCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.8.25 LE Long Term Key Request Reply command |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCILELTKReplyRejCmd | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: 7.8.26 LE Long Term Key Request Negative Reply command |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCILELTKReq | BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 4, Part E HCI: LE Long Term Key Request event |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCILEPhyUpdateComplete | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t Tx (8 Octets) uint8_t Rx (8 Octets) |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtHCILERemoteFeatures | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint64_t features (8 Octets) |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtLocalNameChanged | Uint8_t name[MGMT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; uint8_t short_name[MGMT_MAX_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH]; |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtNewConnectionParam | Int8_t store_hint, MgmtConnParam connParam |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtNewIdentityResolvingKey | Uint8_t store_hint, EUI48 random_address; MgmtIdentityResolvingKey key |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtNewLinkKey | Uint8_t store_hint, MgmtLinkKey key |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtNewLongTermKey | Uint8_t store_hint, MgmtLongTermKey key |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtNewSettings | Uint32_t settings |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtNewSignatureResolvingKey | Uint8_t store_hint, EUI48 random_address; MgmtSignatureResolvingKey key |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtPairDeviceComplete | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, MgmtStatus (1 octet) |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtPasskeyNotify | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint32_t passkey uint8_t entered |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtPinCodeRequest | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t secure |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEvtUserConfirmRequest | Mgmt_addr_info { EUI48, uint8_t type }, uint8_t confirm_hint uint32_t value |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtSignatureResolvingKey | Used for MgmtEvtNewSignatureResolvingKey |
Cjau::fs::mount_ctx | |
Cdirect_bt::NameAndShortName | |
CNamedPayloadListDefault< Payload > | |
CNamedPayloadListMemMove< Payload > | |
CNamedSharedPayloadListDefault< Payload > | |
CNamedSharedPayloadListMemMove< Payload > | |
►Cdirect_bt::BTGattHandler::NativeGattCharListener | Native GATT characteristic event listener for notification and indication events received from a GATT server |
CNativeGattToServerCharListener | |
CNot | |
►COne | |
CTwo | |
Cjau::packed_t< T > | Support aligned memory transfer from and to potentially unaligned memory |
Cjau::math::geom::Frustum::Plane | Plane equation := dot(n, x - p) = 0 -> Ax + By + Cz + d == 0 |
Cjau::math::util::PMVMatrix4< Value_type, > | PMVMatrix4 implements the basic computer graphics Matrix4 pack using projection (P), modelview (Mv) and texture (T) Matrix4 operations |
Cjau::math::Quaternion< Value_type, > | Quaternion implementation supporting Gimbal-Lock free rotations |
Cjau::math::Ray2F< T, > | Simple compound denoting a ray |
Cjau::math::Ray3F< T, > | Simple compound denoting a ray |
Cjau::callocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
Cjau::callocator_sec< T, >::rebind< U > | |
Cjau::counting_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
Cjau::counting_callocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
Cjau::math::RectI< Value_type, > | Rectangle with x, y, width and height integer components |
Cjau::ringbuffer< Value_type, Size_type, use_memmove, use_memcpy, use_secmem > | Ring buffer implementation, a.k.a circular buffer, exposing lock-free get*(..) and put*(..) methods |
Cjau::ringbuffer< std::unique_ptr< const direct_bt::AttPDUMsg >, jau::nsize_t > | |
Cjau::ringbuffer< std::unique_ptr< const direct_bt::SMPPDUMsg >, jau::nsize_t > | |
Cjau::ringbuffer< std::unique_ptr< direct_bt::HCIEvent >, jau::nsize_t > | |
Cjau::ringbuffer< std::unique_ptr< direct_bt::MgmtEvent >, jau::nsize_t > | |
Cjau::ringbuffer< uint8_t, size_t > | |
►Cjau::root_environment | Base jau environment class, merely to tag all environment settings by inheritance and hence documentation |
Cdirect_bt::BTGattEnv | GATT Singleton runtime environment properties |
Cdirect_bt::HCIEnv | HCI Singleton runtime environment properties |
Cdirect_bt::L2CAPEnv | L2CAP Singleton runtime environment properties |
Cdirect_bt::MgmtEnv | Managment Singleton runtime environment properties |
Cdirect_bt::SMPEnv | SMP Singleton runtime environment properties |
Cjau::environment | Main jau environment class, supporting environment variable access and fetching elapsed time using its stored startup-time |
Cjau::os::RuntimeOSInfo | |
Cjau::sc_atomic_critical | This class provides a RAII-style Sequentially Consistent (SC) data race free (DRF) critical block |
Cdirect_bt::BTGattHandler::NativeGattCharListener::Section | |
Cjau::service_runner | Service runner, a reusable dedicated thread performing custom user services |
Cjau::jni::shared_ptr_ref< T > | A std::shared_ptr<T> storage instance to be copied from and released into a java object's long nativeInstance field |
Cjau::simple_timer | A simple timer for timeout and interval applications, using one dedicated service_runner thread per instance |
Cjau::math::util::SimpleStack< Value_type, Element_size, > | A simple stack of compounds, each consisting of element_size * T |
Cjau::sint_bytes< bytesize > | |
Cjau::sint_bytes< 4 > | |
Cjau::sint_bytes< 8 > | |
Cdirect_bt::SMPHandler | A thread safe SMP handler associated to one device via one L2CAP connection |
Cdirect_bt::SMPIdentityResolvingKey | SMP Identity Resolving Key, used for platform agnostic persistence |
Cdirect_bt::SMPKeyBin | Storage for SMP keys including required connection parameter per local adapter and remote device |
Cdirect_bt::SMPLinkKey | Local SMP Link Key, used for platform agnostic persistence, mapping to platform specific MgmtLoadLinkKeyCmd and MgmtEvtNewLinkKey |
Cdirect_bt::SMPLongTermKey | SMP Long Term Key, used for platform agnostic persistence |
►Cdirect_bt::SMPPDUMsg | Handles the Security Manager Protocol (SMP) using Protocol Data Unit (PDU) encoded messages over L2CAP channel |
►Cdirect_bt::SMPEncKeyByteStream | Tag type to group all SMP messages covering encryption keys, treated as byte stream (all of them) |
Cdirect_bt::SMPEncInfoMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.6.2 Encryption Information message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPIdentInfoMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.6.4 Identify Information message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPMasterIdentMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.6.3 Master Identification message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPairConfirmMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.5.3 Pairing Confirm message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPairDHKeyCheckMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.5.7 Pairing DHKey Check message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPairPubKeyMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.5.6 Pairing Public Key message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPairRandMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.5.4 Pairing Random message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPSignInfoMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.6.6 Signing Information message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPIdentAddrInfoMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.6.5 Identity Address Information message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPairFailedMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.5.5 Pairing Failed message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPairingMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.5.1 Pairing Request message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPPasskeyNotification | Vol 3, Part H: 3.5.8 Passkey Entry: Keypress notification messages |
Cdirect_bt::SMPSecurityReqMsg | Vol 3, Part H: 3.6.7 Security Request message |
Cdirect_bt::SMPSignatureResolvingKey | SMP Signature Resolving Key, used for platform agnostic persistence |
►Cjau::math::util::SyncBuffer | Convenient tuple of a sync_action_t and data buffer |
Cjau::math::util::SyncMatrices4< Value_type, > | SyncBuffer interface with multiple underlying Matrix4 |
Cjau::math::util::SyncMatrix4< Value_type, > | SyncBuffer interface with a single underlying Matrix4 |
Cjau::func::target_t< R, A > | Func::target_t pure-virtual interface for jau::function |
►Cjau::func::target_t< R, A... > | |
Cjau::func::capref_target_t< R, I, A > | Func::capref_target_t implementation for functions using a reference to a captured value, identifiable as func::target_type::capref via jau::function<R(A...)>::type() |
Cjau::func::capval_target_t< R, I, A > | Func::capval_target_t implementation for functions using a copy of a captured value, identifiable as func::target_type::capval via jau::function<R(A...)>::type() |
Cjau::func::free_target_t< R, A > | Func::free_target_t implementation for free functions, identifiable as func::target_type::free via jau::function<R(A...)>::type() |
Cjau::func::lambda_target_t< R, L, A > | Func::lambda_target_t implementation for lambda closures, identifiable as func::target_type::lambda via jau::function<R(A...)>::type() |
Cjau::func::member_target_t< R, C0, C1, A > | Func::member_target_t implementation for class member functions, identifiable as func::target_type::member via jau::function<R(A...)>::type() |
Cjau::func::null_target_t< R, A > | Func::null_target_t implementation for no function |
Cjau::func::std_target_t< R, A > | Func::std_target_t implementation for std::function instances, identifiable as func::target_type::std via jau::function<R(A...)>::type() |
CTestByteStream01 | |
►CTestFileUtilBase | |
CTestFileUtil01 | |
CTestFileUtil02 | |
CTestFunction01 | |
CTestIOStream01 | |
CTestLatch01 | |
CTestMemModelSCDRF00 | Test_mm_sc_drf_00: Testing SC-DRF non-atomic global read and write within an atomic acquire/release critical block |
CTestMemModelSCDRF01 | Test_mm_sc_drf_01: Testing SC-DRF non-atomic global read and write within a locked mutex critical block |
CTestRingbuffer11 | |
CTestRingbuffer12 | |
CTestRingbuffer13 | |
CTestRingbuffer_A< Integral_type, Value_type, Size_type, exp_memmove, exp_memcpy, exp_secmem, use_memmove, use_memcpy, use_secmem > | |
CTestServiceRunner01 | |
CTestSimpleTimer01 | |
Cjau::TOctetSlice | Transient endian aware octet data slice, i.e |
►Cjau::TROOctets | Transient read only and endian aware octet data, i.e |
►Cjau::TOctets | Transient endian aware octet data, i.e |
Cjau::POctets | Persistent endian aware octet data, i.e |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Cjau::has_member_of_pointer< C, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< decltype(std::declval< C >().operator->())>::value >::type > | |
Cjau::is_cow_type< T, std::void_t< typename T::cow_container_t > > | template< class T > is_cow_type<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class is a CoW type, e.g |
Cjau::is_darray_type< T, std::void_t< typename T::darray_tag > > | template< class T > is_darray_type<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given template class is a - or has a darray type, e.g |
Cstd::is_error_code_enum< direct_bt::HCIStatusCode > | |
Cjau::type_info | Generic type information using either Runtime type information (RTTI) or Compile time type information (CTTI) |
►Cjau::type_name_cue< T > | Helper, allowing simple access and provision of a typename string representation at compile time, see jau::type_cue for usage |
Cjau::type_cue< T > | Helper, allowing simple access to compile time typename and Type traits information, see jau::type_name_cue to setup typename's string representation |
Cjau::uint128dp_t | A 128-bit packed uint8_t data array |
Cjau::uint192dp_t | A 196-bit packed uint8_t data array |
Cjau::uint256dp_t | A 256-bit packed uint8_t data array |
Cjau::uint_bytes< bytesize > | |
Cjau::uint_bytes< 4 > | |
Cjau::uint_bytes< 8 > | |
Cjau::io::url_header_sync | Synchronization for URL header completion as used by asynchronous read_url_stream() |
Cjau::os::UserInfo | User account information of the underlying OS |
►Cjau::uuid_t | |
Cjau::uuid128_t | |
Cjau::uuid16_t | |
Cjau::uuid32_t | |
Cjau::math::Vector2F< Value_type, > | 2D vector using two value_type components |
Cjau::math::Vector2F< float > | |
Cjau::math::Vector2F< T > | |
Cjau::math::Vector2I< Value_type, > | 2D vector using two integer components |
Cjau::math::Vector3F< Value_type, > | 3D vector using three value_type components |
Cjau::math::Vector3F< float > | |
Cjau::math::Vector3F< T > | |
Cjau::math::Vector4F< Value_type, > | 4D vector using four value_type components |
Cvisitor_stats | |
CTestFunction01::y_combinator_lambda< R, L, A > | |
Cjau::func::ylambda_target_t< R, L, A > | Func::ylambda_target_t is a Y combinator and deducing this implementation for lambda closures usable for recursive algorithms |