Direct-BT v3.3.0-1-gc2d430c
Direct-BT - Direct Bluetooth Programming.
This project's canonical repositories is hosted on Gothel Software.
Direct-BT provides direct Bluetooth LE and BREDR programming, offering robust high-performance support for embedded & desktop with zero overhead via C++ and Java.
It supports a fully event driven workflow from adapter management and device discovery to GATT programming, using its platform agnostic HCI, L2CAP, SMP and GATT protocol implementation.
Multiple Bluetooth adapter are handled, as well as multiple concurrent connections per adapter.
Peripheral server device programming is supported as well as the central client, which is also used for Java and C++ self unit testing across two or more Bluetooth adapter.
Further, the provided repeater application allows to connect between a Bluetooth client and server to analyze their protocol.
Direct-BT has been used successfully in a medical trial, as well as in a connected medical device application.
The Jau C++ and Java support library has been extracted to encapsulate its generic use-cases.
Below you can find a few notes about *Direct-BT* Origins.
The Direct-BT project needs funding and we offer commercial support
Please contact Göthel Software (Jausoft).
You will find a detailed overview of Direct-BT (C++) and the same in the Java API.
See details on the C++ and Java API including its different C++ API level modules.
AdapterStatusListener allows listening to adapter changes and device discovery and BTGattCharListener to GATT indications and notifications.
Direct-BT is exposed via the following native libraries
Direct-BT is C++20 conform.
Some elaboration on the implementation details
The host-side of HCI, L2CAP etc is usually implemented within the OS, e.g. Linux/BlueZ Kernel. These layers communicate with the actual BT controller and the user application, acting as the middleman.
Direct-BT offers packet types and handler facilities for HCI, L2CAP, SMP, ATT-PDU and GATT (as well to Linux/BlueZ-Mngr) to communicate with these universal host-side Bluetooth layers and hence to reach-out to devices.
LE master/client mode is fully supported to work with LE BT devices.
- In both roles, a GATT Server with listener can be attached
LE slave/server mode (peripheral) is fully supported with LE BT devices:
- BTRole separation (master/slave)
- Advertising
- GATT Server with user code interaction via listener
- Slave / Server SMP Security, reusing persisting SMPKeyBin files.
- Resolvable Private Address (RPA) for remote LE master/GATT clients
SMP LE Secure Connections and LE legacy pairing is fully supported, exposing BTSecurityLevel and SMPIOCapability setup per connection and providing automatic security mode negotiation including authentication.
Provoding dbt_repeater00, a BT repeater forwading between GATT-Server and -Client, allowing protocol analysis between an external client and server.
Online unit testing with two BT adapter is provided.
BREDR support is planned and prepared for.
To support other platforms than Linux/BlueZ, we will have to
Please check the Connection Paramter for details.
Minimum language requirements
See supported platforms for details.
C++20 is the minimum requirement for releases > 3.2.4, see jaulib C++ Minimum Requirements.
Release 3.2.4 is the last version conforming to C++17, see Changes.
Please check the adapter list for more details.
Since Direct-BT is not using a 3rd party Bluetooth client library or daemon/service, they should be disabled to allow operation without any interference. To disable the BlueZ D-Bus userspace daemon bluetoothd via systemd, you may use the following commands.
Since Direct-BT requires root permissions to certain Bluetooth network device facilities, non-root user require to be granted such permissions.
For GNU/Linux, these permissions are called capabilities. The following capabilites are required
On Debian >= 11 and Ubuntu >= 20.04 we can use package libcap2-bin
, version 1:2.44-1
, which provides the binaries /sbin/setcap
and /sbin/getcap
. It depends on package libcap2
, version >= 1:2.33
. If using earlier setcap
binaries, your mileage may vary (YMMV).
In case your platform lacks support for mentioned setcap
, you may need to execute your application as root using sudo
, e.g.:
To launch your Direct-BT application as a user, you may set the required capabilities
before launch via setcap
Alternatively one can set the required capabilities
of a Direct-BT application and launch it as a user via capsh.
Notable here is that capsh needs to be invoked by root to hand over the capabilities and to pass over the cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip via –addamb=... it also needs cap_setpcap,cap_setuid,cap_setgid+ep beforehand.
The capsh method (default), setcap and root method is being utilized in
(FIXME: scripts needs to be overhauled to reflect new CMake build/dist folder)
See Examples below ...
Exposed API closely follows and references the Bluetooth Specification.
Up to date API documentation can be found:
A guide for getting started with Direct-BT on C++ and Java may follow up.
org.direct_bt.BTFactory provides a factory to instantiate the initial root org.direct_bt.BTManager, using the Direct-BT implementation.
Direct-BT C++ examples are available, demonstrating the event driven and multithreading workflow:
Direct-BT Java examples are availble, demonstrates the event driven and multithreading workflow:
(FIXME: scripts needs to be overhauled to reflect new CMake build/dist folder)
This project also uses the Jau C++ and Java Support Library as a git submodule, which has been extracted from this project to encapsulate its generic use-cases.
This project also uses the TinyCrypt as a git submodule, supporting AES128
for IRK w/ LE Resolvable Private Address (RPA) matching.
Direct-BT does not require GLib/GIO nor shall the BlueZ userspace service bluetoothd be active for best experience.
To disable the bluetoothd service using systemd:
and vscodium
integrationInstalling build dependencies for Debian >= 12 and Ubuntu >= 22:
If using optional clang toolchain, perhaps change the clang version-suffix of above clang install line to the appropriate version.
After complete clang installation, you might want to setup the latest version as your default. For Debian you can use this clang alternatives setup script.
Analog to jaulib CMake build presets ...
Following debug presets are defined in CMakePresets.json
All presets enable full unit testing including actual Bluetooth trials, i.e. require two adapter to pass.
Kick-off the workflow by e.g. using preset release-gcc
to configure, build, test, install and building documentation. You may skip install
and doc
by dropping it from --target
Analog to jaulib CMake hardcoded presets ...
Besides above CMakePresets.json
presets, JaulibSetup.cmake
contains hardcoded presets for undefined variables if
cmake variables are unset, orJAU_CMAKE_ENFORCE_PRESETS
cmake- or environment-variable is set to TRUE
or ON
The hardcoded presets resemble debug-clang
Kick-off the workflow to configure, build, test, install and building documentation. You may skip install
and doc
by dropping it from --target
The install target of the last command will create the include/ and lib/ directories with a copy of the headers and library objects respectively in your dist location.
Our cmake configure has a number of options, cmake-gui or ccmake can show you all the options. The interesting ones are detailed below:
See jaulib CMake variables for details.
Building with enabled testing, i.e. offline testing without any potential interaction as user is provided via the cmake build argument -DBUILD_TESTING=ON
, see above.
Building with enabled trial and testing , i.e. live testing with 2 Bluetooth adapter is provided via the cmake build argument -DBUILD_TRIAL=ON
, see above.
Both is enabled with above CMake presets.
The trial tests utilize one or more actual Bluetooth adapter, hence using the capsh launch for the required permissions as described above. Therefor, sudo will be called and a user interaction to enter the sudo password may occur.
The trial tests cover Direct-BT's Bluetooth functionality, having its master/client and slave/server peripheral facilities communicating via actual adapter, supporting regression testing of the API, its implementation and adapter.
The tests are implemented in both, C++ and Java. The C++ unit tests are also being used for valgrind memory leak and data race validation. At this point we are free of leaks and use-after-free issues.
The trial tests take around 110 seconds, since TestDBClientServer1*
performs the test twelve fold altogether:
encryption and initial key pairingENC_ONLY
encryption and reusing pre-paired keysAll tests pass reproducible using two well working adapter, e.g. Raspi 3b+ (BT4) and CSR (BT4).
1/7 legacy security (SC 0) tests using at least one not well working BT5 adapter may timeout waiting for key completion. The following issues are known and are under investigation:
Also provided is a cross-build script using chroot into a target system using QEMU User space emulation and Linux kernel binfmt_misc to run on other architectures than the host.
You may use our pi-gen branch to produce a Raspi-arm64, Raspi-armhf or PC-amd64 target image.
Will be updated
Tested Eclipse 2024-03 (4.31).
IDE integration configuration files are provided for
C/C++ LSP Support
in the Eclipse CDT LSP Category
CMake Support
, install C/C++ CMake Build Support
with ID
The Hardcoded CMake Presets will use build/default
as the default build folder with debug enabled.
Make sure to set the environment variable CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL
to a suitable high number, best to your CPU core count. This will enable parallel build with the IDE.
You can import the project to your workspace via File . Import...
and Existing Projects into Workspace
menu item.
For Eclipse one might need to adjust some setting in the .project
and .cproject
(CDT) via Eclipse settings UI, but it should just work out of the box.
Otherwise recreate the Eclipse project by
and .cproject
File . New . C/C++ Project
and Empty or Existing CMake Project
while using this project folder.IDE integration configuration files are provided for
describes the lint
behaviorFor VSCodium one might copy the example root-workspace file to the parent folder of this project (note the filename change) and adjust the path
to your filesystem.
Then you can open it via File . Open Workspace from File...
menu item.
is too slow, just remove it from the settings file.clangd
will still contain a good portion of clang-tidy
checksDirect-BT is the new implementation as provided by Gothel Software and Zafena ICT.
If you like to utilize Direct-BT in a commercial setting, please contact Gothel Software to setup a potential support contract.
If you have any issues, please go through the Troubleshooting Guide.
If the solution is not there, please search for an existing issue in our Bugzilla DB, please contact us for a new bugzilla account via email to Sven Gothel
You shall agree to Developer Certificate of Origin and Sign-off your code, using a real name and e-mail address.
Please check the Contribution document for more details.
Direct-BT development started around April 2020, initially as an alternative TinyB Java-API implementation.
The work was motivated due to strict performance, discovery- and connection timing requirements, as well as being able to handle multiple devices concurrently using a real-time event driven low-overhead architecture.
Zafena's POC-Workstation was originally implemented using TinyB and hence the D-Bus layer to the BlueZ client library.
Real time knowledge when devices are discovered and connected were not available and cloaked by the caching mechanism. Advertising package details were not exposed.
Connections attempts often took up to 10 seconds to be completed. Detailed information from the Bluetooth layer were inaccessible including detailed error states.
Fine grained control about discovery and connection parameter were not exposed by the D-Bus API and hence TinyB.
In January 2020 we tried to remedy certain aspects to meet our goals, but concluded to require direct Bluetooth control via the BlueZ/*Linux* kernel implementation.
Direct-BT was born.
We then implemented data types for
Last but not least we added
Today, Direct-BT's C++ and Java API match 1:1 and shall not contain legacy API artifacts.
Heading towards feature completion for Direct-BT, we completely removed the previously refactored TinyB.
Detailing full Bluetooth support in Direct-BT including the addition of GATT-Server support rendered TinyB an obstacle for the public API.
However, TinyB inspired us and was a great reference implementation while developing and testing Direct-BT.
We like to thank the authors of TinyB for their great work helping others and us moving forward. Thank you!
TinyB was developed by the Intel Corporation and its main authors were
TinyB was licensed under the The MIT License (MIT) and the Intel Corporation holds its copyright from the year 2016.
See Changes.