jaulib v1.3.8
Jau Support Library (C++, Java, ..)
No Matches
jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, > Class Template Reference

Basic 4x4 value_type matrix implementation using fields for intensive use-cases (host operations). More...

#include <mat4f.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >:
Collaboration diagram for jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >:

Public Types

typedef const value_typeconst_iterator
typedef const value_typeconst_pointer
typedef const value_typeconst_reference
typedef value_typeiterator
typedef value_typepointer
typedef Ray3F< value_type, std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type > > Ray3
typedef value_typereference
typedef Value_type value_type
typedef Vector3F< value_type, std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type > > Vec3
typedef Vector4F< value_type, std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type > > Vec4

Public Member Functions

constexpr Matrix4 () noexcept
 Creates a new identity matrix.
constexpr Matrix4 (const Matrix4 &o) noexcept
 Creates a new matrix copying the values of the given src matrix.
constexpr Matrix4 (const_iterator m) noexcept
 Creates a new matrix based on given value_type[4*4] column major order.
constexpr Matrix4 (std::initializer_list< value_type > m) noexcept
 Creates a new matrix based on given value_type initializer list in column major order.
constexpr iterator begin () noexcept
constexpr const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
value_type determinant () const noexcept
 Returns the determinant of this matrix.
constexpr bool equals (const Matrix4 &o, const value_type epsilon=std::numeric_limits< value_type >::epsilon()) const noexcept
constexpr value_type get (const jau::nsize_t i) const noexcept
 Returns the ith component of the given column-major order matrix, 0 <= i < 16, w/o boundary check.
constexpr iterator get (iterator dst) const noexcept
 Get this matrix into the given value_type[16] array in column major order w/o boundary check.
constexpr std::vector< value_type > & get (std::vector< value_type > &dst, size_t dst_off) const noexcept
 Get this matrix into the given FloatBuffer in column major order.
constexpr Vec4 getColumn (const jau::nsize_t column) const noexcept
 Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.
constexpr Vec3getColumn (const jau::nsize_t column, Vec3 &v_out) const noexcept
 Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.
constexpr Vec4getColumn (const jau::nsize_t column, Vec4 &v_out) const noexcept
 Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.
constexpr Vec4 getRow (const jau::nsize_t row) const noexcept
 Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.
constexpr Vec3getRow (const jau::nsize_t row, Vec3 &v_out) const noexcept
 Get the named row of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.
constexpr Vec4getRow (const jau::nsize_t row, Vec4 &v_out) const noexcept
 Get the named row of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/ boundary check.
bool invert () noexcept
 Invert this matrix.
bool invert (const Matrix4 &src) noexcept
 Invert the src matrix values into this matrix.
constexpr Matrix4load (const Matrix4 &src) noexcept
 Load the values of the given matrix src to this matrix w/o boundary check.
constexpr Matrix4load (const_iterator src) noexcept
 Load the values of the given matrix src to this matrix w/o boundary check.
constexpr Matrix4loadIdentity () noexcept
 Set this matrix to identity.
constexpr Matrix4mul (const Matrix4 &a, const Matrix4 &b) noexcept
 Multiply matrix: [this] = [a] x [b].
constexpr Matrix4mul (const Matrix4 &b) noexcept
 Multiply matrix: [this] = [this] x [b].
constexpr Vec3mulVec3 (const Vec3 &v_in, Vec3 &v_out) const noexcept
 Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix.
constexpr Vec3mulVec3 (Vec3 &v_inout) const noexcept
 Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix: v_inout = this * v_inout.
constexpr Vec4mulVec4 (const Vec4 &v_in, Vec4 &v_out) const noexcept
constexpr Vec4mulVec4 (Vec4 &v_inout) const noexcept
 operator const_pointer () const noexcept
 operator pointer () noexcept
constexpr Vec3 operator* (const Vec3 &rhs) const noexcept
 Returns new Vec3, with affine 3f-vector transformation by this 4x4 matrix: this x v_in.
constexpr Vec4 operator* (const Vec4 &rhs) const noexcept
 Returns new Vec4, with this x v_in.
constexpr Matrix4operator*= (const Matrix4 &rhs) noexcept
 Multiply matrix: [this] = [this] x [b].
constexpr Matrix4operator*= (const value_type s) noexcept
 Multiply matrix with scalar: [this] = [this] x [s].
constexpr Matrix4operator= (const Matrix4 &o) noexcept
 Copy assignment using the the values of the given src matrix.
constexpr bool operator== (const Matrix4 &rhs) const noexcept
constexpr value_type operator[] (size_t i) const noexcept
 Returns read-only ith component of the given column-major order matrix, 0 <= i < 16 w/o boundary check.
constexpr reference operator[] (size_t i) noexcept
 Returns writable reference to the ith component of this column-major order matrix, 0 <= i < 16 w/o boundary check.
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4rotate (const value_type ang_rad, const value_type x, const value_type y, const value_type z) noexcept
 Rotate this matrix about give axis and angle in radians, i.e.
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4rotate (const value_type ang_rad, const Vec3 &axis) noexcept
 Rotate this matrix about give axis and angle in radians, i.e.
constexpr Matrix4scale (const value_type s) noexcept
 Scale this matrix, i.e.
constexpr Matrix4scale (const value_type x, const value_type y, const value_type z) noexcept
 Scale this matrix, i.e.
constexpr void set (const jau::nsize_t i, const value_type v) noexcept
 Sets the ith component of this column-major order matrix with value_type v, 0 <= i < 16 w/o boundary check.
Matrix4setToFrustum (const value_type left, const value_type right, const value_type bottom, const value_type top, const value_type zNear, const value_type zFar)
 Set this matrix to frustum.
constexpr Matrix4setToLookAt (const Vec3 &eye, const Vec3 &center, const Vec3 &up) noexcept
 Set this matrix to the look-at matrix based on given parameters.
constexpr Matrix4setToOrtho (const value_type left, const value_type right, const value_type bottom, const value_type top, const value_type zNear, const value_type zFar) noexcept
 Set this matrix to orthogonal projection.
Matrix4setToPerspective (const FovHVHalves &fovhv, const value_type zNear, const value_type zFar)
 Set this matrix to perspective frustum projection.
Matrix4setToPerspective (const value_type fovy_rad, const value_type aspect, const value_type zNear, const value_type zFar)
 Set this matrix to perspective frustum projection.
constexpr bool setToPick (const value_type x, const value_type y, const value_type deltaX, const value_type deltaY, const Recti &viewport) noexcept
 Set this matrix to the pick matrix based on given parameters.
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4setToRotationAxis (const value_type ang_rad, const Vec3 &axis) noexcept
 Set this matrix to rotation from the given axis and angle in radians.
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4setToRotationAxis (const value_type ang_rad, value_type x, value_type y, value_type z) noexcept
 Set this matrix to rotation from the given axis and angle in radians.
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4setToRotationEuler (const value_type bankX, const value_type headingY, const value_type attitudeZ) noexcept
 Set this matrix to rotation from the given Euler rotation angles in radians.
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4setToRotationEuler (const Vec3 &angradXYZ) noexcept
 Set this matrix to rotation from the given Euler rotation angles in radians.
constexpr Matrix4setToScale (const value_type x, const value_type y, const value_type z) noexcept
 Set this matrix to scale.
constexpr Matrix4setToScale (const Vec3 &s) noexcept
 Set this matrix to scale.
constexpr Matrix4setToTranslation (const value_type x, const value_type y, const value_type z) noexcept
 Set this matrix to translation.
constexpr Matrix4setToTranslation (const Vec3 &t) noexcept
 Set this matrix to translation.
std::string toString () const noexcept
std::string toString (const std::string &rowPrefix) const noexcept
 Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix.
std::string toString (const std::string &rowPrefix, const std::string &f) const noexcept
 Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix.
constexpr Matrix4translate (const value_type x, const value_type y, const value_type z) noexcept
 Translate this matrix, i.e.
constexpr Matrix4translate (const Vec3 &t) noexcept
 Translate this matrix, i.e.
Matrix4transpose () noexcept
 Transpose this matrix.
Matrix4transpose (const Matrix4 &src) noexcept
 Transpose the given src matrix into this matrix.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool mapObjToWin (const Vec3 &obj, const Matrix4 &mMv, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &winPos) noexcept
 Map object coordinates to window coordinates.
static bool mapObjToWin (const Vec3 &obj, const Matrix4 &mPMv, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &winPos) noexcept
 Map object coordinates to window coordinates.
static bool mapViewToWin (const Vec3 &view, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &winPos) noexcept
 Map view coordinates ( Mv x object ) to window coordinates.
static bool mapWinToAny (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz, const Matrix4 &invAny, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &objPos) noexcept
 Map window coordinates to object, world or view coordinates, depending on invAny argument.
static bool mapWinToAny (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz1, const value_type winz2, const Matrix4 &invAny, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &objPos1, Vec3 &objPos2) noexcept
 Map two window coordinates to two to object, world or view coordinates, depending on invAny argument.
static bool mapWinToAnyRay (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz0, const value_type winz1, const Matrix4 &invAny, const Recti &viewport, Ray3 &ray) noexcept
 Map two window coordinates w/ shared X/Y and distinctive Z to a Ray in object, world or view coordinates, depending on invAny argument.
static bool mapWinToObj (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz, const Matrix4 &mMv, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &objPos) noexcept
 Map window coordinates to object coordinates.
static bool mapWinToObj4 (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz, const value_type clipw, const Matrix4 &invPMv, const Recti &viewport, const value_type near, const value_type far, Vec4 &objPos) noexcept
 Map window coordinates to object coordinates.
static bool mapWinToObj4 (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz, const value_type clipw, const Matrix4 &mMv, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, const value_type near, const value_type far, Vec4 &objPos) noexcept
 Map window coordinates to object coordinates.
static bool mapWinToObjRay (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz0, const value_type winz1, const Matrix4 &mMv, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, Ray3 &ray) noexcept
 Map two window coordinates w/ shared X/Y and distinctive Z to a Ray in object space.
static bool mapWinToView (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &viewPos) noexcept
 Map window coordinates to view coordinates.
static bool mapWinToViewRay (const value_type winx, const value_type winy, const value_type winz0, const value_type winz1, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, Ray3 &ray) noexcept
 Map two window coordinates w/ shared X/Y and distinctive Z to a Ray in view space.
static bool mapWorldToWin (const Vec3 &world, const Matrix4 &mV, const Matrix4 &mP, const Recti &viewport, Vec3 &winPos) noexcept
 Map world coordinates ( M x object ) to window coordinates.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr const value_type half = one/two
static constexpr const value_type inv_deviation = value_type(84) * std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon()
 Inversion Epsilon, used with equals method to determine if two inverted matrices are close enough to be considered equal.
static constexpr const value_type one = value_type(1)
static constexpr const value_type two = value_type(2)
static constexpr const value_type zero = value_type(0)

Detailed Description

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
class jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >

Basic 4x4 value_type matrix implementation using fields for intensive use-cases (host operations).

Implementation covers FloatUtil matrix functionality, exposed in an object oriented manner.

Unlike PMVmat4f, this class only represents one single matrix.

For array operations the layout is expected in column-major order matching OpenGL's implementation, illustration:

 Row-Major                       Column-Major (OpenGL):

     |  0   1   2  tx |
     |                |
     |  4   5   6  ty |
 M = |                |
     |  8   9  10  tz |
     |                |
     | 12  13  14  15 |

        R   C                      R   C
      m[0*4+3] = tx;             m[0+4*3] = tx;
      m[1*4+3] = ty;             m[1+4*3] = ty;
      m[2*4+3] = tz;             m[2+4*3] = tz;

       RC (std subscript order)   RC (std subscript order)
      m03 = tx;                  m03 = tx;
      m13 = ty;                  m13 = ty;
      m23 = tz;                  m23 = tz;

Implementation utilizes unrolling of small vertices and matrices wherever possible while trying to access memory in a linear fashion for performance reasons, see:

Definition at line 101 of file mat4f.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ value_type

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef Value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::value_type

Definition at line 103 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ pointer

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef value_type* jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::pointer

Definition at line 104 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ const_pointer

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef const value_type* jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::const_pointer

Definition at line 105 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ reference

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef value_type& jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::reference

Definition at line 106 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ const_reference

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef const value_type& jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::const_reference

Definition at line 107 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ iterator

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef value_type* jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::iterator

Definition at line 108 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ const_iterator

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef const value_type* jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::const_iterator

Definition at line 109 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ Vec3

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef Vector3F<value_type, std::is_floating_point_v<Value_type> > jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::Vec3

Definition at line 111 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ Vec4

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef Vector4F<value_type, std::is_floating_point_v<Value_type> > jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::Vec4

Definition at line 112 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ Ray3

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
typedef Ray3F<value_type, std::is_floating_point_v<Value_type> > jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::Ray3

Definition at line 113 of file mat4f.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Matrix4() [1/4]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::Matrix4 ( )

Creates a new identity matrix.

Definition at line 143 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ Matrix4() [2/4]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::Matrix4 ( const_iterator m)

Creates a new matrix based on given value_type[4*4] column major order.

m4x4 matrix in column-major order

Definition at line 154 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ Matrix4() [3/4]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::Matrix4 ( std::initializer_list< value_type > m)

Creates a new matrix based on given value_type initializer list in column major order.

msource initializer list value_type data to be copied into this new instance, implied size must be >= 16

Definition at line 165 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ Matrix4() [4/4]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::Matrix4 ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & o)

Creates a new matrix copying the values of the given src matrix.

Definition at line 174 of file mat4f.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator= ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & o)

Copy assignment using the the values of the given src matrix.

Definition at line 181 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ equals()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::equals ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & o,
const value_type epsilon = std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon() ) const

Definition at line 183 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator== ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & rhs) const

Definition at line 205 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
reference jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator[] ( size_t i)

Returns writable reference to the ith component of this column-major order matrix, 0 <= i < 16 w/o boundary check.

Definition at line 214 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ set()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
void jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::set ( const jau::nsize_t i,
const value_type v )

Sets the ith component of this column-major order matrix with value_type v, 0 <= i < 16 w/o boundary check.

Definition at line 220 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ operator pointer()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator pointer ( )

Definition at line 225 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ begin()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
iterator jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::begin ( )

Definition at line 226 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadIdentity()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::loadIdentity ( )

Set this matrix to identity.

Translation matrix (Column Order):
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 239 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::load ( const_iterator src)

Load the values of the given matrix src to this matrix w/o boundary check.

src4x4 matrix value_type[16] in column-major order
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 253 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::load ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & src)

Load the values of the given matrix src to this matrix w/o boundary check.

srcthe source values
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 278 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator[] ( size_t i) const

Returns read-only ith component of the given column-major order matrix, 0 <= i < 16 w/o boundary check.

Definition at line 289 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ get() [1/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::get ( const jau::nsize_t i) const

Returns the ith component of the given column-major order matrix, 0 <= i < 16, w/o boundary check.

Definition at line 295 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator const_pointer()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator const_pointer ( ) const

Definition at line 300 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ cbegin()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
const_iterator jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::cbegin ( ) const

Definition at line 301 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getColumn() [1/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::getColumn ( const jau::nsize_t column,
Vec4 & v_out ) const

Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.

columnnamed column to copy
v_outthe column-vector storage
given result vector v_out for chaining

Definition at line 309 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getColumn() [2/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec4 jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::getColumn ( const jau::nsize_t column) const

Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.

columnnamed column to copy
result vector holding the requested column

Definition at line 322 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ getColumn() [3/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec3 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::getColumn ( const jau::nsize_t column,
Vec3 & v_out ) const

Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.

columnnamed column to copy
v_outthe column-vector storage
given result vector v_out for chaining

Definition at line 336 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ getRow() [1/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::getRow ( const jau::nsize_t row,
Vec4 & v_out ) const

Get the named row of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/ boundary check.

rownamed row to copy
v_outthe row-vector storage
given result vector v_out for chaining

Definition at line 348 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ getRow() [2/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec4 jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::getRow ( const jau::nsize_t row) const

Get the named column of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.

rownamed row to copy
result vector holding the requested row

Definition at line 360 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ getRow() [3/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec3 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::getRow ( const jau::nsize_t row,
Vec3 & v_out ) const

Get the named row of the given column-major matrix to v_out w/o boundary check.

rownamed row to copy
v_outthe row-vector assert( i < 16 )e
given result vector v_out for chaining

Definition at line 374 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ get() [2/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
iterator jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::get ( iterator dst) const

Get this matrix into the given value_type[16] array in column major order w/o boundary check.

dstvalue_type[16] array storage in column major order
dst for chaining

Definition at line 388 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ get() [3/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
std::vector< value_type > & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::get ( std::vector< value_type > & dst,
size_t dst_off ) const

Get this matrix into the given FloatBuffer in column major order.

dst4x4 matrix std::vector in column-major order starting at dst_off
dst_offoffset for matrix dst
dst for chaining

Definition at line 416 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ determinant()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::determinant ( ) const

Returns the determinant of this matrix.

the matrix determinant

Definition at line 430 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ transpose() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::transpose ( )

Transpose this matrix.

this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 444 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ transpose() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::transpose ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & src)

Transpose the given src matrix into this matrix.

srcsource 4x4 matrix
this matrix (result) for chaining

Definition at line 480 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ invert() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::invert ( )

Invert this matrix.

false if this matrix is singular and inversion not possible, otherwise true

Definition at line 510 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ invert() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::invert ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & src)

Invert the src matrix values into this matrix.

srcthe source matrix, which values are to be inverted
false if src matrix is singular and inversion not possible, otherwise true

Definition at line 591 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator*= ( const value_type s)

Multiply matrix with scalar: [this] = [this] x [s].

sa scalar
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 699 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mul() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mul ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & b)

Multiply matrix: [this] = [this] x [b].

b4x4 matrix
this matrix for chaining
See also
#mul(mat4f, mat4f)

Definition at line 713 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator*= ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & rhs)

Multiply matrix: [this] = [this] x [b].

b4x4 matrix
this matrix for chaining
See also
#mul(mat4f, mat4f)

Definition at line 758 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mul() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mul ( const Matrix4< Value_type, > & a,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & b )

Multiply matrix: [this] = [a] x [b].

a4x4 matrix, can't be this matrix
b4x4 matrix, can't be this matrix
this matrix for chaining
See also

Definition at line 769 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mulVec4() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mulVec4 ( const Vec4 & v_in,
Vec4 & v_out ) const
v_in4-component column-vector, can be v_out for in-place transformation
v_outthis x v_in
v_out for chaining

Definition at line 802 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec4 jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator* ( const Vec4 & rhs) const

Returns new Vec4, with this x v_in.

v_in4-component column-vector

Definition at line 816 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mulVec4() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mulVec4 ( Vec4 & v_inout) const
v_inout4-component column-vector input and output, i.e. in-place transformation
v_inout for chaining

Definition at line 829 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mulVec3() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec3 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mulVec3 ( const Vec3 & v_in,
Vec3 & v_out ) const

Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix.

4x4 matrix multiplication with 3-component vector, using 1 for for v_in.w and dropping v_out.w, which shall be 1.

v_in3-component column-vector vec3f, can be v_out for in-place transformation
v_outm_in x v_in, 3-component column-vector vec3f
v_out for chaining

Definition at line 850 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec3 jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::operator* ( const Vec3 & rhs) const

Returns new Vec3, with affine 3f-vector transformation by this 4x4 matrix: this x v_in.

4x4 matrix multiplication with 3-component vector, using 1 for for v_in.w and dropping v_out.w, which shall be 1.

v_in3-component column-vector vec3f

Definition at line 867 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mulVec3() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Vec3 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mulVec3 ( Vec3 & v_inout) const

Affine 3f-vector transformation by 4x4 matrix: v_inout = this * v_inout.

4x4 matrix multiplication with 3-component vector, using 1 for for v_inout.w and dropping v_inout.w, which shall be 1.

v_inout3-component column-vector vec3f input and output, i.e. in-place transformation
v_inout for chaining

Definition at line 885 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ setToTranslation() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToTranslation ( const value_type x,
const value_type y,
const value_type z )

Set this matrix to translation.

Translation matrix (Column Order):
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
x y z 1
xx-axis translate
yy-axis translate
zz-axis translate
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 912 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToTranslation() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToTranslation ( const Vec3 & t)

Set this matrix to translation.

Translation matrix (Column Order):
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
x y z 1
ttranslate vec3f
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 936 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ setToScale() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToScale ( const value_type x,
const value_type y,
const value_type z )

Set this matrix to scale.

Scale matrix (Any Order):
x 0 0 0
0 y 0 0
0 0 z 0
0 0 0 1
xx-axis scale
yy-axis scale
zz-axis scale
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 954 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToScale() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToScale ( const Vec3 & s)

Set this matrix to scale.

Scale matrix (Any Order):
x 0 0 0
0 y 0 0
0 0 z 0
0 0 0 1
sscale vec3f
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 978 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ setToRotationAxis() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToRotationAxis ( const value_type ang_rad,
value_type x,
value_type y,
value_type z )

Set this matrix to rotation from the given axis and angle in radians.

 Rotation matrix (Column Order):
 xx(1-c)+c  xy(1-c)+zs xz(1-c)-ys 0
 xy(1-c)-zs yy(1-c)+c  yz(1-c)+xs 0
 xz(1-c)+ys yz(1-c)-xs zz(1-c)+c  0
 0          0          0          1
See also
Matrix-FAQ Q38
ang_radangle in radians
xx of rotation axis
yy of rotation axis
zz of rotation axis
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 998 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToRotationAxis() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToRotationAxis ( const value_type ang_rad,
const Vec3 & axis )

Set this matrix to rotation from the given axis and angle in radians.

 Rotation matrix (Column Order):
 xx(1-c)+c  xy(1-c)+zs xz(1-c)-ys 0
 xy(1-c)-zs yy(1-c)+c  yz(1-c)+xs 0
 xz(1-c)+ys yz(1-c)-xs zz(1-c)+c  0
 0          0          0          1
See also
Matrix-FAQ Q38
ang_radangle in radians
axisrotation axis
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1049 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ setToRotationEuler() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToRotationEuler ( const value_type bankX,
const value_type headingY,
const value_type attitudeZ )

Set this matrix to rotation from the given Euler rotation angles in radians.

The rotations are applied in the given order:

  • y - heading
  • z - attitude
  • x - bank
bankXthe Euler pitch angle in radians. (rotation about the X axis)
headingYthe Euler yaw angle in radians. (rotation about the Y axis)
attitudeZthe Euler roll angle in radians. (rotation about the Z axis)
this matrix for chaining

Implementation does not use Quaternion and hence is exposed to Gimbal-Lock, consider using Quaternion::toMatrix().

See also
Matrix-FAQ Q36

Definition at line 1076 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToRotationEuler() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToRotationEuler ( const Vec3 & angradXYZ)

Set this matrix to rotation from the given Euler rotation angles in radians.

The rotations are applied in the given order:

  • y - heading
  • z - attitude
  • x - bank
angradXYZeuler angle vector in radians holding x-bank, y-heading and z-attitude
this quaternion for chaining.

Implementation does not use Quaternion and hence is exposed to Gimbal-Lock, consider using Quaternion::toMatrix().

See also
Matrix-FAQ Q36

Definition at line 1129 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ setToOrtho()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToOrtho ( const value_type left,
const value_type right,
const value_type bottom,
const value_type top,
const value_type zNear,
const value_type zFar )

Set this matrix to orthogonal projection.

Ortho matrix (Column Order):
2/dx  0     0    0
0     2/dy  0    0
0     0     2/dz 0
tx    ty    tz   1
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1150 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToFrustum()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToFrustum ( const value_type left,
const value_type right,
const value_type bottom,
const value_type top,
const value_type zNear,
const value_type zFar )

Set this matrix to frustum.

Frustum matrix (Column Order):
2*zNear/dx   0          0   0
0            2*zNear/dy 0   0
A            B          C  -1
0            0          D   0
this matrix for chaining
IllegalArgumentExceptionif zNear <= 0 or zFar <= zNear or left == right, or bottom == top.

Definition at line 1198 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToPerspective() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToPerspective ( const value_type fovy_rad,
const value_type aspect,
const value_type zNear,
const value_type zFar )

Set this matrix to perspective frustum projection.

fovy_radangle in radians
aspectaspect ratio width / height
this matrix for chaining
IllegalArgumentExceptionif zNear <= 0 or zFar <= zNear
See also
setToFrustum(value_type, value_type, value_type, value_type, value_type, value_type)

Definition at line 1247 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToPerspective() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToPerspective ( const FovHVHalves & fovhv,
const value_type zNear,
const value_type zFar )

Set this matrix to perspective frustum projection.

fovhvFovHVHalves field of view in both directions, may not be centered, either in radians or tangent
this matrix for chaining
IllegalArgumentExceptionif zNear <= 0 or zFar <= zNear
See also
setToFrustum(value_type, value_type, value_type, value_type, value_type, value_type)
Frustum#updateByFovDesc(mat4f, com.jogamp.math.geom.Frustum.FovDesc)

Definition at line 1266 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ setToLookAt()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToLookAt ( const Vec3 & eye,
const Vec3 & center,
const Vec3 & up )

Set this matrix to the look-at matrix based on given parameters.

Consist out of two matrix multiplications:

  R = L x T,
  with L for look-at matrix and
       T for eye translation.

  Result R can be utilized for projection or modelview multiplication, i.e.
         M = M x R,
         with M being the projection or modelview matrix.
eye3 component eye vector
center3 component center vector
up3 component up vector
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1294 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setToPick()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::setToPick ( const value_type x,
const value_type y,
const value_type deltaX,
const value_type deltaY,
const Recti & viewport )

Set this matrix to the pick matrix based on given parameters.

Traditional gluPickMatrix implementation.

Consist out of two matrix multiplications:

  R = T x S,
  with T for viewport translation matrix and
       S for viewport scale matrix.

  Result R can be utilized for projection multiplication, i.e.
         P = P x R,
         with P being the projection matrix.

To effectively use the generated pick matrix for picking, call setToPick(..) and multiply a custom perspective matrix by this pick matrix. Then you may load the result onto the perspective matrix stack.

xthe center x-component of a picking region in window coordinates
ythe center y-component of a picking region in window coordinates
deltaXthe width of the picking region in window coordinates.
deltaYthe height of the picking region in window coordinates.
viewportRect4i viewport
true if successful or false if either delta value is <= zero.

Definition at line 1358 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ rotate() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::rotate ( const value_type ang_rad,
const value_type x,
const value_type y,
const value_type z )

Rotate this matrix about give axis and angle in radians, i.e.

multiply by axis-rotation matrix.

See also
Matrix-FAQ Q38
angradangle in radians
xx of rotation axis
yy of rotation axis
zz of rotation axis
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1386 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ rotate() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
constexpr_cxx26 Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::rotate ( const value_type ang_rad,
const Vec3 & axis )

Rotate this matrix about give axis and angle in radians, i.e.

multiply by axis-rotation matrix.

See also
Matrix-FAQ Q38
angradangle in radians
axisrotation axis
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1398 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ translate() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::translate ( const value_type x,
const value_type y,
const value_type z )

Translate this matrix, i.e.

multiply by translation matrix.

xx translation
yy translation
zz translation
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1410 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ translate() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::translate ( const Vec3 & t)

Translate this matrix, i.e.

multiply by translation matrix.

ttranslation vec3f
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1420 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ scale() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::scale ( const value_type x,
const value_type y,
const value_type z )

Scale this matrix, i.e.

multiply by scale matrix.

xx scale
yy scale
zz scale
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1432 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ scale() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
Matrix4 & jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::scale ( const value_type s)

Scale this matrix, i.e.

multiply by scale matrix.

sscale for x-, y- and z-axis
this matrix for chaining

Definition at line 1442 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapObjToWin() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapObjToWin ( const Vec3 & obj,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mPMv,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & winPos )

Map object coordinates to window coordinates.

Traditional gluProject implementation.

objobject position, 3 component vector
mPMv[projection] x [modelview] matrix, i.e. P x Mv
viewportRect4i viewport
winPos3 component window coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (z is 1)

Definition at line 1462 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapObjToWin() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapObjToWin ( const Vec3 & obj,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mMv,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & winPos )

Map object coordinates to window coordinates.

Traditional gluProject implementation.

objobject position, 3 component vector
mMvmodelview matrix
mPprojection matrix
viewportRect4i viewport
winPos3 component window coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (z is 1)

Definition at line 1482 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWorldToWin()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWorldToWin ( const Vec3 & world,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mV,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & winPos )

Map world coordinates ( M x object ) to window coordinates.

worldworld position, 3 component vector
mVview matrix
mPprojection matrix
viewportRect4i viewport
winPos3 component window coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (z is 1)

Definition at line 1499 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapViewToWin()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapViewToWin ( const Vec3 & view,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & winPos )

Map view coordinates ( Mv x object ) to window coordinates.

viewview position, 3 component vector
mPprojection matrix
viewportRect4i viewport
winPos3 component window coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (z is 1)

Definition at line 1515 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWinToObj()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToObj ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mMv,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & objPos )

Map window coordinates to object coordinates.

Traditional gluUnProject implementation.

mMv4x4 modelview matrix
mP4x4 projection matrix
viewportRect4i viewport
objPos3 component object coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)

Definition at line 1558 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWinToView()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToView ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & viewPos )

Map window coordinates to view coordinates.

mP4x4 projection matrix
viewportRect4i viewport
viewPos3 component view coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)

Definition at line 1583 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWinToAny() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToAny ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & invAny,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & objPos )

Map window coordinates to object, world or view coordinates, depending on invAny argument.

Traditional gluUnProject implementation.

invAny maybe set as follows for

  • to object: inverse(P x Mv) = ‘([projection] x [modelview])’
  • to world: inverse(P x V) =([projection] x [view])'
  • to view: inverse(P) =[projection]'`
invAnyinverse matrix, either Inv(P x Mv) to object, Inv(P x V) to world or Inv(P) ‘[projection]’` to view
viewportRect4i viewport
objPos3 component object coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (can't invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)

Definition at line 1615 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mapWinToAny() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToAny ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz1,
const value_type winz2,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & invAny,
const Recti & viewport,
Vec3 & objPos1,
Vec3 & objPos2 )

Map two window coordinates to two to object, world or view coordinates, depending on invAny argument.

Both coordinates are distinguished by their z component.

Traditional gluUnProject implementation.

invAny maybe set as follows for

  • to object: inverse(P x Mv) = ‘([projection] x [modelview])’
  • to world: inverse(P x V) =([projection] x [view])'
  • to view: inverse(P) =[projection]'`
invAnyinverse matrix, either Inv(P x Mv) to object, Inv(P x V) to world or Inv(P) ‘[projection]’` to view
viewportRect4i viewport vector
objPos13 component object coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (can't invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)

Definition at line 1661 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWinToObj4() [1/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToObj4 ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz,
const value_type clipw,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mMv,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
const value_type near,
const value_type far,
Vec4 & objPos )

Map window coordinates to object coordinates.

Traditional gluUnProject4 implementation.

mMv4x4 modelview matrix
mP4x4 projection matrix
viewportRect4i viewport vector
obj_pos4 component object coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (failed to invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)

Definition at line 1716 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mapWinToObj4() [2/2]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToObj4 ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz,
const value_type clipw,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & invPMv,
const Recti & viewport,
const value_type near,
const value_type far,
Vec4 & objPos )

Map window coordinates to object coordinates.

Traditional gluUnProject4 implementation.

invPMvinverse [projection] x [modelview] matrix, i.e. Inv(P x Mv), if null method returns false
viewportRect4i viewport vector
obj_pos4 component object coordinate, the result
true if successful, otherwise false (null invert matrix, or becomes infinity due to zero z)

Definition at line 1749 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWinToObjRay()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToObjRay ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz0,
const value_type winz1,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mMv,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
Ray3 & ray )

Map two window coordinates w/ shared X/Y and distinctive Z to a Ray in object space.

The resulting Ray maybe used for picking using a AABBox#getRayIntersection(vec3f, Ray, value_type, boolean) of a shape also in object space.

Notes for picking winz0 and winz1:

Definition at line 1794 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWinToViewRay()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToViewRay ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz0,
const value_type winz1,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & mP,
const Recti & viewport,
Ray3 & ray )

Map two window coordinates w/ shared X/Y and distinctive Z to a Ray in view space.

The resulting Ray maybe used for picking using a AABBox#getRayIntersection(vec3f, Ray, value_type, boolean) of a shape also in view space.

Notes for picking winz0 and winz1:

Definition at line 1830 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ mapWinToAnyRay()

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
static bool jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::mapWinToAnyRay ( const value_type winx,
const value_type winy,
const value_type winz0,
const value_type winz1,
const Matrix4< Value_type, > & invAny,
const Recti & viewport,
Ray3 & ray )

Map two window coordinates w/ shared X/Y and distinctive Z to a Ray in object, world or view coordinates, depending on invAny argument.

The resulting Ray maybe used for picking using a AABBox#getRayIntersection(vec3f, Ray, value_type, boolean) of a shape also in object, world or view space, see invAny.

invAny maybe set as follows for

  • to object: inverse(P x Mv) = ‘([projection] x [modelview])’
  • to world: inverse(P x V) =([projection] x [view])'
  • to view: inverse(P) =[projection]'`

Notes for picking winz0 and winz1:

Definition at line 1870 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ toString() [1/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
std::string jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::toString ( const std::string & rowPrefix,
const std::string & f ) const

Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix.

rowPrefixprefix for each row
fformat string for each value_type element, e.g. "%10.5f"

Definition at line 1888 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toString() [2/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
std::string jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::toString ( const std::string & rowPrefix) const

Returns a formatted string representation of this matrix.

rowPrefixprefix for each row

Definition at line 1899 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toString() [3/3]

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
std::string jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::toString ( ) const

Definition at line 1901 of file mat4f.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ zero

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
const value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::zero = value_type(0)

Definition at line 115 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ one

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
const value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::one = value_type(1)

Definition at line 116 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ two

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
const value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::two = value_type(2)

Definition at line 117 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ half

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
const value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::half = one/two

Definition at line 118 of file mat4f.hpp.

◆ inv_deviation

template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
const value_type jau::math::Matrix4< Value_type, >::inv_deviation = value_type(84) * std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon()

Inversion Epsilon, used with equals method to determine if two inverted matrices are close enough to be considered equal.

Using {@value}, which is ~84 times std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon().

Definition at line 126 of file mat4f.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: