jaulib v1.3.6
Jau Support Library (C++, Java, ..)
No Matches
jau::math::util Namespace Reference


class  MatrixStack
 A Matrix stack of compounds, each consisting of 16 * T More...
class  PMVMatrix4
 PMVMatrix4 implements the basic computer graphics Matrix4 pack using projection (P), modelview (Mv) and texture (T) Matrix4 operations. More...
class  SimpleStack
 A simple stack of compounds, each consisting of element_size * T More...
class  SyncBuffer
 Convenient tuple of a sync_action_t and data buffer. More...
class  SyncMatrices4
 SyncBuffer interface with multiple underlying Matrix4. More...
class  SyncMatrix4
 SyncBuffer interface with a single underlying Matrix4. More...


typedef MatrixStack< float > Mat4fStack
 4x4 float matrix stack
typedef PMVMatrix4< float > PMVMat4f
typedef SimpleStack< float, 16 > Stack16f
 4x4 float matrix stack based on single float elements
typedef void(* sync_action_fptr) ()
 Plain function pointer type matching sync_action_t.
typedef jau::function< void()> sync_action_t
 Specific data synchronization action implemented by the data provider to update the buffer with the underlying data before usage, e.g.
typedef SyncMatrix4< float > SyncMat4f
typedef SyncMatrices4< float > SyncMats4f


template<typename Value_type, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< Value_type >, bool > = true>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PMVMatrix4< Value_type > &v) noexcept