Class DirectBufferCleanup


public class DirectBufferCleanup
extends java.lang.Object

Provides a cleanup mechanism for direct buffers instantiated via the JNI entry point NewDirectByteBuffer. A direct buffer can be registered with a DirectBufferCleanup. When that buffer is reclaimed by the garbage collector, the callback associated with that DirectBufferCleanup is called on the address the direct buffer was associated with.

Inner Class Summary
static interface DirectBufferCleanup.Callback
Constructor Summary
DirectBufferCleanup(DirectBufferCleanup.Callback cb)
Method Summary
 void register(gl4java.utils.Buffer buf)
          Registers the given buffer (which must be a direct buffer) for later cleanup when it is reclaimed by the garbage collector.
 void start()
          The DirectBufferCleanup contains an internal thread which is started automatically upon construction.
 void stop()
          Stops the internal thread of this DirectBufferCleanup.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DirectBufferCleanup(DirectBufferCleanup.Callback cb)
Method Detail


public void start()
The DirectBufferCleanup contains an internal thread which is started automatically upon construction. This method starts the thread again if it is manually stopped via the stop() method.


public void stop()
Stops the internal thread of this DirectBufferCleanup. Should not typically be necessary.


public void register(gl4java.utils.Buffer buf)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Registers the given buffer (which must be a direct buffer) for later cleanup when it is reclaimed by the garbage collector.