Package gl4java.utils.textures

Class Summary
AWTTextureLoader This Class implements the universal texture-loader using the AWT's standard interface ! The number of image-types depends on the JDK version you use !
IOTextureLoader This abstract Class implements the file and url based methods "readTexture", to call the specialised implementation of the stream based "readTexture" method !
PngTextureLoader This is Class implements the PNG texture-loader while using the png-library in package "com.sixlegs.image.png" !
PPMAsciiTextureLoader This is Class implements the PPM-Ascii texture-loader !
TextureGrabber This abstract Class defines the interface for ALL texture Grabbers ! The TextureGrabber's implementations are used to save the pixels of the GL Context to a file !
TextureLoader This abstract Class defines the interface for ALL texture loaders !
TextureTool This Class implements basic functions, which are used by all TextureLoader implementations !
TGATextureLoader This is Class implements a TGA texture-loader ! At this time, this loader only supports loading files, which are saved with the TGATextureGrabber ! This means: 24 bpp, RGB, uncompressed, no-colormap, no image id-field !