Package gl4java

Interface Summary
GLEnum The base interface for OpenGL enumerates, which provides you all the C-API style enumerates
GLFunc The base interface for OpenGL native function mapping
GLFunc14 The base interface for OpenGL native function mapping
GLRunnable This is the interface for a threaded renderer (animator thread).
GLUEnum The base interface for GLU enumerates, which provides you all the C-API style enumerates
GLUFunc The base interface for GLU native function mapping
GLUFunc14 The base interface for GLU native function mapping

Class Summary
GL4JavaReflections The function-declaration holder !
GLCapabilities Specifies a set of OpenGL capabilities that a rendering context must support, such as color depth and whether stereo is enabled.
GLContext The base manager class for the OpenGL language mapping for Java !
GLFunc14JauJNI The default implementation class for OpenGL native function mapping
GLFuncJauJNI The default implementation class for OpenGL native function mapping
GLFuncJauJNInf The default implementation class for OpenGL native function mapping
GLUFunc14JauJNI The default implementation class for GLU native function mapping
GLUFuncJauJNI The default implementation class for GLU native function mapping
GLUFuncJauJNInf The default implementation class for GLU native function mapping

Exception Summary