And probably the last of the Graph Type Rendering and UI Saga, just for today 😉 Since I started to love Type Rendering, I need to show more than just processing text into a static Graph Region. The Type Animation use case was born, having Glyphs cached on the GPU and fiddling with their modelview matrix. Something unique regarding performance and it is the core principle of the whole little GraphUI + Graph Resolution Independent Curve Rendering itself. Continue reading “GraphUI – Type Animation at your Fingertips”
Day: March 22, 2023
GraphUI – Easy to Use for your Desktop & Embedded Systems
Part of the Graph Type Rendering and UI Saga. After a few reviews & iterations cleaning up technical issues like bugs & performance, I couldn’t stop w/o simplifying the API itself. So here I will just describe the most simple UISeneDemo00 and will details others in upcoming blog entries including a rebuild API doc using Doxygen. Continue reading “GraphUI – Easy to Use for your Desktop & Embedded Systems”
GraphUI Enhanced Shape Interaction & MediaButton
Today I will add a few blog posts regarding updates in the Graph Type Rendering and UI Saga. This first one covers enhancements with user interaction. Earlier we used a scroll-wheel to translate the Shape in the Scene on its Z-axis. Now we can use a build-in 1-pointer drag-zoom, actually scaling the Shape.
Additionally, GLMediaPlayer has been enhanced to deliver a test-screen (texture image) until the stream delivers the first video packets. This allows using it at any state and removes earlier complications to code its status, i.e. whether the stream is available or not. This is used within GraphUI’s MediaButton, see video below. Continue reading “GraphUI Enhanced Shape Interaction & MediaButton”