Resolution independent GPU accelerated Curve & Font rendering

Rami Santina and I had the luxury and fun of implementing something hopefully useful for the desktop and mobile Java, UI and 3D community.
Without AWT dependencies and with utilizing the GPU, curve and font rendering now happens within Jogl.

Rami, the math dude behind the equations, will publish some boring papers about his findings,
which allows us to have and use this nice technique w/o patent worries.
Yes, it’s not Loop/Blinn.

Source is already pushed.

A few teaser 🙂
Continue reading “Resolution independent GPU accelerated Curve & Font rendering”

Jogamp Release Candidate 2.0 b3

It has been a long time, we know.
Lot’s of code changes and enhancements happened, even some minor
last minute API changes in favor of removing flying objects (temporary allocated ..),
ScreenMode change and more.

JogAmp Release Canditate 2.0 b3

You can try the jogl-demos page, utilizing the new promoted and signed build.
Continue reading “Jogamp Release Candidate 2.0 b3”

JogAmp/JOGL @ SIGGRAPH2010 ..

This year we will be at SIGGRAPH2010 with our own little BOF Session:

3D & Multimedia Across Platforms and Devices Using JOGL
Tuesday, 27 July | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Los Angeles Convention Center Room 507
This session discusses the features, contributions, and future of
OpenGL, OpenCL, and OpenMax across devices and OS
exposed on top of Java using the JogAmp open-source libraries.

Sven Gothel
sgothel (at)


Until then, we work hard to have at least the following platforms working stable: Continue reading “JogAmp/JOGL @ SIGGRAPH2010 ..”