MEPs: Transition from Democracy to Tyranny

Cristian Terhes leads a group of elected member of the European Parliament (MEP) fighting for freedom and trying to defend our rights. On 2021-11-24 they held their 3rd press conference opposing mandatory digital certificates and any mandatory and forced governmental intervention into the people’s rights and physical integrity.

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Besinnliches zur Weihnachtszeit; Christmas Reflections

Mitte 2009 fing ich an über den Abschwung unserer Freiheitlichen Rechtsstaaten zu schreiben.
Mid 2009, I started writing about the slump of our constitutional states.
You are a Terrorist
Pirates may Save YOUR Freedom (Happy 4th of July)

In January 2020, where we have reached top foreign policy corruption & destruction, imposing sanctions and funding moderate rebels, I got the bitter taste of reality that they wouldn’t stop for anything.

Here we are, almost one year later. Our world leaders have started to further demote our constitution, at least in Germany on 2020-11-18, and put most of the world in a state of emergency.
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2019-nCoV Bookmarks February – November 2020

Since around February 2020 our family has naturally followed the development of the 2019-nCoV phenomenon.
Initially we were quite intensively cautious and alarmed. After following the development with an increasing amount of data points and research & analysis from renown scientists, we are no more concerned about this virus, but about how our governments handling this matter today.
I start this chapter of my blog with my related bookmarks, collected since February 2020.
We have archived the links exposed below for our own record of historical events and they may not reflect our own opinion.

Ungefähr seit Februar 2020 hat unsere Familie die Entwicklung des 2019-nCoV Phänomen verfolgt.
Anfangs waren wir sehr vorsichtig und alarmiert. Nachdem wir die Entwicklung mit zunehmenden Daten, Forschung & Analyse von angesehenen Wissenschaftlern verfolgen, sind wir heute nicht mehr über das Virus besorgt, sondern darüber, wie unsere Regierungen mit dieser Angelegenheit umgehen.
Ich beginne dieses Kapitel meines Blogs mit meinen Bookmarks, welche ich seit Februar 2020 gesammelt habe.
Wir haben die hier gezeigten Links für unsere eigene Aufzeichnung von historischen Ereignissen gesammelt und sie reflektieren nicht zwingend unsere Meinung.

Continue reading “2019-nCoV Bookmarks February – November 2020”

Will making Noise become a Crime?

Functional cryptography, meaning something that works, is feasible for the masses and suits a purpose. Spoiler: They (not only Germany) want to remove that right from you once again.

I remember, back then I used loop-aes for my whole disk encryption. I like this clean module, because it is fully functional. It fulfills the purpose of creating perfect noise over the whole block storage media. No cryptography header or anything else which could raise a flag. Why else would one apply whole disk-encryption if not to at least attempt full deniability? Conventional wisdom dictates that a system is compromised if hardware access has been achieved. Deniable disk encryption is one last resort in these cases. Sadly the Linux kernel community didn’t include this module in its base tree and one would suspect politics were the issue at hand. Instead, we have some soft disk encryption per default, which IMHO is useless as deniability can’t be achieved. Continue reading “Will making Noise become a Crime?”