JogAmp iOS Arm64 Port: First Visuals …

My favorite tagline from Niels Bohr, which I also have chosen for our Jenkins build & test server?

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.

The OpenJDK build and GlueGen iOS bring-up had its own little challenges, now I walked through another bunch of Apple API wonders as provided by iOS. It surely is not my personal platform of choice by any means, but providing a true platform agnostic solution one cannot choose 😉

So after countless of further iOS obstacles, I finally got a first visual just now: Continue reading “JogAmp iOS Arm64 Port: First Visuals …”

Brain Freeze or how the US tries to marry Shia Iran with Sunni Wahhabi Terrorists

Sadly neither Israel nor the US gave up on their war mongering. No, they intensified their narrative by blaming Iran to have attacked Japanese related oil ships while Japan’s Abe was visiting Iran’s Khamenei. You may find some images the US provides, claiming it proves Iran’s involvement – using manually attached mines. Noticeable the ship damage is above sea level.

Fast forwarding just a few days, today the US made Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein proud and Kafka probably couldn’t cry any louder being brain frozen while listening to the latest spin of an excuse to start a war with Iran. The NY times couldn’t wait to write about today’s US House party, spinning a Hook Continue reading “Brain Freeze or how the US tries to marry Shia Iran with Sunni Wahhabi Terrorists”