GraphUI MediaButton Grid with Grouped Controls (GLMediaPlayer)

Resolving Bug 1472, enhance GLMediaPlayer’s AV Synchronization, I produced another demo for the Graph Type Rendering and UI saga exposing multiple GLMediaPlayer utilizing FFMpeg and our JOAL/OpenAL ALAudioSink with PTS accurate System Reference Clock (SCR). You may also check our Bugzilla in regards to GraphUI or for the JOGL / Graph module as well as the easier to access wiki page of ours. Update 2024-01-22: New MediaPlayer widget and UI.

Continue reading “GraphUI MediaButton Grid with Grouped Controls (GLMediaPlayer)”

JogAmp’s JOGL FFmpeg Binding Update

As already demonstrated in the previous Graph UI blog, the FFmpeg binding has been properly update, now supporting version 4, 5 and the development trunk 6. Version 4 is currently used in Debian 11 and version 5 in Debian 12. Each implemented version uses the current non-deprecated FFmpeg code-path. Continue reading “JogAmp’s JOGL FFmpeg Binding Update”