After shamelessly almost agitating to check whether our work on the JogAmp project can be sustainable, trying to arouse interest and unprofessionally dropping a call on the project’s website itself, I also enabled the github sponsorship program. Direct-BT and other projects can be funded as well. Who knows, maybe this route to more visibility helps and if not, hopefully it also won’t hurt much either 🙂
Depending on the funding direction given, we would like to further JogAmp as laid out in our Wiki page.
Our favorite sub-project would be Graph UI, an ultimately fast GPU based curve rendering engine suitable for all devices and applications.
Besides mentioned JogAmp goals, another interesting project could be to port Direct-BT to different platforms like FreeBSD, Windows, Android, ..
However, goals might differ, hence we will consider the direction given.
In case this open funding model doesn’t work, we also look out for other contracting work which may also help supporting this vision. If you can help, please contact me (sgothel at jausoft dot com).